Parish Notices Sunday 19th May 2019

The Rector writes ‘As you read this, I hope that I have managed to survive at this year’s General Synod up in Derry. I’m at this minute looking at Googlemaps to see the distance from Cork to Derry and it’s shocking!  I don’t think they could have planned it to be any further away from us in Cork! It’s 538.7 km to be exact… I didn’t know you could even travel that far in Ireland!

Next Saturday is of course our Annual Parish Fete and I am really looking forward to being on the Bric-a-Brac Stall again. This year I am hoping to sell more than I buy.  Do come along to St Mary’s School on 25th and spend lots of money on cakes and books and raffle tickets and all sorts of things. Thank you as always to Eddie Pierce & his team for organising what is our biggest Fundraising event in the year.

Mothers’ Union Commissioning Service.

7:30pm on Thursday 30th May in St Mary’s Church. Hilary Dring will be commissioned as Mothers’ Union Diocesan President. The Rt Revd Dr Paul Colton, Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross will be preaching. We will also be celebrating that Carrigaline and Monkstown Mothers’ Union is 90 years old. There will be a supper in  St. Mary’s School afterwards and all contributions (sandwiches etc.) welcome! Please come along and support Hilary and celebrate Mother’s Union in our Parish.

Time to think about what is lying around in the Attic or the Garage!   Only one more week until 25th May and our Parish Féte in St Mary’s School. Boxes are available to take away and fill up with all of your unwanted treasures…. Boxes and Raffle Tickets can be dropped off in the school between 5&730pm on Friday 24th or to the parish office during opening hours.

Cakes, tray bakes and buns wanted for fete. Bring on Saturday 25th or on Friday 24th to school hall from 6.30pm.

Saplings Home Group are meeting at the Poole’s house, on Wednesday 22nd May @ 8pm, to continue our study of the book of Esther. Looking forward to seeing you.  087 2649523.

‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Prayer Initiative from the Church of England invites us to commit to public and communal prayer during the 10 days between Ascension and Pentecost. St Mary’s Church will be open at 12 noon each day for prayer, from 30th May until 9th June. Please do come & join in.

ANNUAL PLANT & PRODUCE SALE  in aid of Ethiopian Self Help Projects at Neptune Lodge Glenbrook, 100 metres from the Cross River Ferry. Saturday 8th June 11am-130pm. Admission €4

20th May       Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall

                         Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

21st May        Rector’s talk on ‘Ecumenism in Ecology’ 7:30pm,                                      Sacred Heart Church, Monkstown.

22nd May         Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

                            Saplings Home Group 8pm Poole’s home.

25th May  Parish Fete 10-2pm St Mary’s School & Grounds

         Youth BBQ 7-9pm St Mary’s Churchyard

30th May till 9th June.  Thy Kingdom Come –Prayer each day at 12 noon in St Mary’s Church

30th May     Commissioning of Hilary Dring as MU Diocesan President 7:30pm St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline.

22nd – 26th July     THE ADVENTURE CRUISE Holiday Club 10-1pm St Mary’s School. Forms now available from Parish Office

Random Notes CCLXIX

Transcribed beneath are a further small collection of interesting entries extracted from the book of minutes of meetings of the Select Vestry, from a twelve year period from 1888 to 1900.

1888, Easter Monday, 2nd. April, ‘Resolutions passed,

(1)  “That application be made to defaulting stable holders for rent of same during past year.”

(2)   “ That the attention of the Sexton be called to the growth of nettles in the graveyard and that if he fails to keep them cut that a man be engaged to cut them, expenses to be deducted from sexton’s salary.”

(3)    “That the best thanks of the Vestry be extended to Miss O’Grady, acting treasurer and Mr. Geo. Ferguson, treasurer for the trouble they have taken in collecting the sustentation fund during the past year.”

1891, November 4th, ‘Proposed by Mr. R.H. Hayes & seconded by Mr. D.H. Young

“That the fireplace, connected with the old furnace beneath the Eastern end of the Church be immediately built up.”   Passed

Proposed by Mr. Roberts & seconded by Mr. Hayes

“That the roof of the sexton’s house, & also the roof of the stables, be pointed in cement & tarred, that gutters of same be repaired & that 4 ½ in. shoots be put up around roof of sexton’s house.”   Passed

Proposed by Mr. Roberts & seconded by Mr. Hayes

“That the stone in centre of the Church be staunched with yellow clay, pending more permanent alterations.”   Passed

Proposed by Mr. Hayes & seconded by Mr. Roberts

“That the insurance on the Church (being only £1.100), be doubled.”

Proposed by Mr. Hayes & seconded by Mr. Young

“That the seat near the stove in the wall, usually occupied by the R.I. Constabulary be removed at once, as the heat from the stove had already split two of its panels.”   Passed’

1900, January 4th, ‘An account was presented by the Sexton for repairs done by him to his house with a request that the vestry would discharge the amount. Refused for want of funds.’

1900, April 16th, ‘Resolved that the amount of rates paid by the sexton for his house be refunded on his production of the rate receipt’

Resolved that Mr. Young be asked to have School House wall yellow washed, and the Major Newenham and Revd. S.H.P. Harman should see to the repairs of the wall near Church gate.’

‘Proposed & passed that the pew near Prayer Desk be allocated to Mr. Davis, Hilltown.’                                                                                                                            K.L.R.

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on May 20, 2019

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