Parish Notices Sunday 1st December 2013

The Rector writes ‘For the last two Sundays we had retiring collections for the Philippines.  We collected an amazing 1010 euro and I posted a cheque to Bishops’ Appeal on Monday afternoon. Thank you for such a generous response,  it was a remarkable amount of money from a small community and it shows a level of care for others that is inspiring.  Outreach is so important for communities like ours, we need to give as we receive and there are so many in need locally.  After conversations with local charities, I will set up 3 boxes at the back of each of our churches where we can put in things like dried and tinned goods for Cork Penny Dinners;  Scarves, Hats, Socks, shoes, Sleeping Bags etc for Cork Simon Community and Toiletries, Cosmetics for Cork Women’s Refuge.  I will write a list of items that are badly needed by these charities on each box and perhaps you can look at home to see what you have to share or pop an extra tin of something into your weekly shopping and pass it on.  I will deliver the boxes to these charities each time they fill up.  So often we want to help but don’t know how to, I hope this will give us the opportunity to reach out as Christ to our local community.’

TEA and COFFEE will be available after the 11am Service in the Parish Hall.

CONFIRMATIONS 2014- If you would like to be confirmed in 2014, could you please let the Rector know as she is planning to begin the preparation classes sometime towards the end of January/beginning of February.

CARRIGALINE CHRISTMAS FAYRE is still on and its not too late to snap up a bargain down in the GAA Hall, Crosshaven Road until 5.30pm.

Sunday School party- 8 December, drop off  at 10.45 in St Mary’s School and collect after the service. Cost 2euro/child, max 5euro per family. (Junior Infants – 6th Class; any younger ones would need to be accompanied by a parent).

THE REVD TONY- We will have a sending off for him as part of the  Advent Evensong at 7pm next Sunday in St John’s Monkstown when we will have the chance to thank him for the work done over the last year in our parish

Wednesdays in Advent during Advent , our 10.30am Wednesday Eucharist  Service will be in the language of Form 1 (traditional language).  All are welcome to this midweek Service in St Mary’s Church Carrigaline.

BISHOP OF MEATH & KILDARE-  By the time we are reading this Linksheet, the Right Reverend Pat Storey will have been consecrated in Christ Church Cathedral  as Ireland’s first woman Bishop. We wish her and her diocese all of God’s blessings for their journey together.

Dog Show. Saturday 7th December at 1pm in St Mary’s School Grounds,  Carrigaline. €5 per dog for entry into one class, €3 for a second class, €2 for a third class. All welcome. Proceeds in aid of Parish Funds. Please contact Adrian Bateman for further details on 086-8300379.

MOTHERS’ UNION-Christmas Lunch, Thursday 12th  December at 12.30 at Monkstown Golf Club. Please contact either Hilary Dring or Jocelyn Pierce if you would like to join us. Everyone is welcome, MU member or not. If anyone would still like to contribute to the Mothers’ Union Overseas Fund please bring it with you to the lunch.

Monday, 16th December from 3-5pm there will be Carol Singing and Christmas Afternoon Tea. If there are any elderly people who would like to come and need a lift please get in touch. Invite your friends – it would be lovely to have as many at both events as possible.

CDYC- The Christmas Bash ‘Black & White’  Dinner, Swing Dancing & DJ. 8pm Saturday 7th December in the Trident Hotel, Kinsale. Age 16-35 (ID required if 18 or over) Unwaged 25 euro, Waged 35 euro. for more info Carolyn 085-1299202 Tracy 087-2532930 or Judy 087-4184359.

LORD MAYOR’S CHRISTMAS CONCERT 2013-The Lord Mayor’s Christmas Concert 2013 in aid of Local Cork Charities, takes place on Saturday 7th December 2013 at 8.00 p.m. in the Concert Hall, City Hall.

This year’s concert includes Ms. Majella Cullagh, Soprano, Mr. Dan Twomey, Tenor, The Band of 1 Southern Brigade, Carrigaline Singers, Mr. Charlie McAllister, Over 60’s Singing Completion Winner and Ms. Michelle O’Brien, Mezzo Soprano with Mr. Kevin Goggin as Master of Ceremonies. Tickets are on sale in Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork at €30, €20 and €10.

RTE SERIES-The upcoming series of What in the World?  which starts on RTÉ One Television on Monday 2 December at 11.15 pm has been recommended as an excellent hard-hitting documentary on Human Rights issues. Good Advent viewing!

RAINBOW PROGRAMME FOR 2014- a 12 week Rainbows Programme will be running for children in Spring 2014.  It is a peer-support programme to assist children and young people who have experienced loss in their lives through divorce or separation in their family.  It is for children aged 9-12 years old and the programme runs for one hour every week in the Carrigaline Family Support Centre.  No cost.  They will also be running 2 Parenting Plus courses for parents in March 2014.  They will run the adolescent’s (11-16 years) and children’s (0-6 years) programmes. These are 8 week courses and will take place in the Carrigaline Community School. To find out more information or to reserve a place on either of these programmes please call  4919299.




Dec 1st          School Christmas Craft Fayre GAA Club

Dec 1st          Advent Sunday : Year A begins, Posada begins

Dec 4th          Monkstown Home Group 8pm Kay Treacy’s home.

Dec 7th       Intercessions Workshop, St Mary’s Church 10am-midday

Dec 7th Dog Show. 1pm in St Mary’s School Grounds.

Dec 8th Sunday School Party during service in St Mary’s School Hall.

Dec 8th Advent Evensong 7pm St John’s Church

(including a send-off for the Revd Tony Murphy)

Dec 12th       Mothers’ Union Christmas Lunch12.30pm Monkstown Golf Club

Dec 16th MU Carol Singing & Afternoon Tea 3-5pm Parish Hall.

Dec 20th Carrigaline Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

Dec 22nd Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church

Dec 24th Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church



Random Notes LXXV


Illustrated above is a most attractive view of the Church at Carrigaline. Taken from the east, it is one of the, to date, three known postcards of the Church and dates almost certainly from the early years of the last century, although a photographic print of the same view is known, bearing the date 1921.

It is not known whether the card was produced commercially or for private use, but since there is more than one of this card in existence, it is thought probable that it was produced for sale, albeit almost certainly in a somewhat limited way. The identity of the photographer of this delightful rural view of the Church in its original setting, is alas, unknown.










































Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on December 2, 2013

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