Parish Notices Sunday 1st March 2015

The Rector Writes ‘Spring has begun in earnest now and everywhere there are snowdrops and daffodils popping up. In the Rectory garden, the birds seems to be taking over. On my day off last week I spent a couple of hours just sitting and looking out the window at the bird feeders. I was amazed at the sheer variety of birds. I noted down sparrows, starlings, robins, dunnocks, willowtits, bluetits, coaltits, greenfinches, bullfinches, goldfinches, blackbirds, collared doves, pigeons and crows and rabbits hopping around on the grass.  What a lovely time of year it is and how lucky we are to live in a such a country where life can be so tranquil.  When we see what is happening in Syria, Iraq, Gaza or the Ukraine, the difference is striking and it is all the more important to hold them in our prayers and to remember to appreciate every detail of our own mundane but peaceful lives. 

Monkstown Chamber Choir  will sing Choral Evensong with a Celtic theme in St John’s Church on Sunday 8th March at 7pm, Being close to St Patrick’s Day, we will sing as a congregational hymn “St Patrick’s Breastplate” by Charles Villers Stanford. The anthem will be “The Deer’s Cry” by Shaun Davey. These two contrasting pieces of old and modern Irish music are worth coming to listen to, if not to enjoy the beauty that is the ancient Anglican tradition of Choral Evensong, which is upheld in your local church!

We are still  running the Scrap Metal Collection to raise funds for the Parish.  So have a clear out of your shed, garage and attic! If you require your scrap metal to be collected then we can arrange to collect it from your home or business.   For information on where to drop off or if you need it collected Call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000.A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website

FAMILY BINGO NIGHT, St. Mary’s NS, Waterpark on Friday 13th March at 7pm. Doors open 6.30pm. Raffle & Refreshments. This is a fundraiser for School funds and is being organised by the teachers. All Welcome. Enquiries to 021-4371995.

Templebreedy Parish Fundraising Lunch  3-course lunch at Carrigaline Court Hotel, Friday 20th March, 12 noon for 12.30 p.m.  Tickets €35 from the Templebreedy Parish Office, tel.: 021 4831236.  Everyone welcome.

The Coeliac Society of Ireland, Cork support Group, are holding a meeting on Tuesday 3rd March in SMA Centre Wilton at 8pm. There will be a catch up and cooking demo. All Welcome, €4 entrance fee, refreshments will be provided. A resident Dietician will be there for those who want to talk to her.

Whist drive– in aid of baby Noah Drake-Brennan. St Mary’s School Waterpark. Saturday 21 March at 8.30pm.  Admission €5. Raffle, Prizes Galore. Donations gratefully received. Contact Henry Forbes 087-2035000. See more information on


                   NEXT   WEEK

March 2nd Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3 – 5pm Parish Hall

March 4th Eucharist Service 10.30am

                  Evening prayer 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

Lenten Study 8pm Parish Hall

March 6th World Day of Prayer

9.15am Special Assembly at St Mary’s School

8pm Service at St Mary’s Church



March 11th Evening Prayer 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

                        Lenten Study 8pm Parish Hall

March 12th Friendship Club 11am Rectory

March 16th St Patrick’s Eve Service as Gaeilge 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

March 17th St Patrick’s Day Eucharist Service 10.30am  St Mary’s Church

March 25th Midweek Eucharist incorporating MU Lady Day prayers 10.30am  St Mary’s Church

followed by coffee  in the Rectory.

April 12th Kilternan Church Choir singing at United Service 11am St Mary’s Church

April 16th Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall

April 19th  Confirmation Service 11am  St John’s Church

May 30th   Summer Fete


Random Notes CXXXI

Preserved at Mount Rivers amongst a small assemblage of papers relating to the Church and Parish of Carrigaline, are a collection of transcriptions taken by Peter William Ogilvie Stoney of Currabinny from articles in the Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross Diocesan Magazine. These notes throw a most interesting light on events then happening, as the following extracts of over fifty years ago relating to the appointment and institution of the Revd. Leslie John Woodroffe Colthurst well illustrate.

November, 1962,   ‘We were delighted to learn that our new Rector is to be the Revd. L.J.W. Colthurst, and we look forward to welcoming him, Mrs. Colthurst, John, Peter and Jennifer when they take up residence in the Rectory. The institution service will take place in Carrigaline Church on Thursday, 22nd November, at 8.0 p.m.

December, 1962   ‘By the time these notes are published,  the Revd. L.J.W. Colthurst will have been instituted to this union. There were two very pleasant gatherings in the Union to say farewell to Canon and Mrs Gordon; the first in Killanully, when Col. Alley made a presentation of a cheque on behalf of that Parish, the second in Carrigaline, after the Harvest Festival, when Mr. T.G.F. Stoney, on behalf of Carrigaline and Ballinaboy, presented Canon and Mrs. Gordon with a tape recorder and cheque, and also small gifts for Rosalind and Elaine.’

January, 1963,   ‘A congregation of two hundred and seventy four, including twenty-two Clergy from the United Diocese filled Carrigaline Church for the institution service on the 22nd November. It was a most memorable service, and we are most grateful to all who helped to make it so. At a reception held after the service in the Crystal Ballroom, the new Rector and his family were welcomed by three of the Churchwardens, Mr. Stoney, Mr. Bogan, and Mr. Evanson, representing the three Churches in the Union. To the ladies and all concerned in providing an excellent tea, we again express our very best thanks.



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