Parish Notices Sunday 1st March 2020

The Rector writes ‘ As happens at this time every year, the Vestry Persons Register will be ‘opened up’ for any additions, deletions  or amendments tomorrow night at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall. You may have seen the posters about this meeting which have been displayed for the last three weeks? If you’d like to register, the Church Wardens have forms at the back of the church which you can fill in  (if you don’t know whether or not you are registered, just check with me) Tomorrow night, the register will be updated and those registered may vote at the Easter Vestry on 21st April. This way, you get to choose who is on the Select Vestry, Diocesan Synod and Nomination board (if a new rector is needed).  Do use your voice to shape your parish.’

Parish Lenten Study 2020. Given the crisis of climate change facing the world, this year we will be using the Bible Association of the Church of Ireland’s (BACI) 5 week course written by the noted scripture scholar Margaret Daly–Denton on the theme of ‘Caring for Creation’. Each Wednesday of Lent beginning 4th March. 8pm in the Parish Hall (preceded by 7:30pm Evening Prayer in St Mary’s Church  )

Women’s’ World Day of Prayer Saturday 7th March at 10am in Our Lady & St John’s Parish Centre in Carrigaline. We will be linking around the world with the women of Zimbabwe. Refreshments will be served afterwards. All welcome.

Diocesan Pin-The ‘new’ Diocesan logo, as a Diocesan pin, is now available at the back of both churches.Beautifully designed and presented each pin costs just €4   All proceeds to the Bishop of Cork’s Pastoral Care Fund.

IPAD Class for 6 weeks starting Wednesday 11th March for 6 weeks 2 to 4pm.  Courses are in the FETC Centre in Heron’s Wood, Carrigaline.  Classes are free of charge, please ring 086-8238757 for further  information or to register for course.

Come and Sing St Fin Barre’s Cathedral will be hosting a Come and Sing Stainer’s Crucifixion on Saturday 28th March. Singers from across the diocese are encouraged to support this event and all abilities are most welcome!  There will be a rehearsal at 2pm and the performance itself is at 6pm. There will be a charge of €10 to cover costs. Please let Peter Stobart know if you are planning on attending:

2nd March     Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall

                      Review of Vestry Register 7:30pm Parish Hall

4th March     Holy Communion 10:30am & 7:30pm St.Mary’s

                    Evening Prayer 7:30pm St Mary’s

8pm Lenten Bible Study in the Parish Hall

5th March  Women of the Bible Study. 7:45pm. Parish Hall

  Select Vestry 8pm Rectory

7th March    Women’s World Day of Prayer. 10am Our Lady & St John’s Parish Centre

12th March Friendship Club 11am Rectory

29th March   No morning services in Monkstown/Carrigaline, 11:30am Installation of the Rector as Canon in St Factna’s Cathedral in Rosscarbery.

 7pm Service of Wholeness & Healing St John’s

21st April      Easter Vestry (annual general meeting of Parish) 7:30pm Parish Hall

Music Notes

The hymn ‘Lead us Heavenly Father’ was written by James Edmeston in 1821 with the subtitle ‘Written for the Children of the London Orphan Asylum’. Edmeston was very concerned with the welfare of orphaned children and some of the text, such as ‘guard us, guide us, feed us’, would seem to reflect that interest. Charles Dickens wrote ‘Oliver Twist’ in 1837-38 about the lives of Londons orphans and his descriptions demonstrate that Edmestons concerns were well-founded.

 Random Notes  no. CCCXXXIII

As the user of a fair few electronic gadgets,

one thing that concerns me is the source of some of the materials used to make those gadgets.  In particular, most modern rechargeable devices use lithium-ion batteries. A vital ingredient in any such battery is industrial cobalt. Most of the world’s cobalt comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where it is mined, in conditions of absolute misery, by 35,000 children.  Some of these children are as young as six.  Though cobalt has tripled in price in recent years, these children see no benefit or improvement in their conditions. Instead, they labour in a toxic environment, which eventually kills them, to power our mobile phones, laptops, tablets and electric cars.

Are there Fairtrade alternatives? For smartphones, yes there is.

The Fairphone is an Android smartphone which is manufactured only from ethically – sourced materials, including Fairtrade gold. It is also fully repairable and  upgradeable. Repairs can be done by anyone with some DIY skills and the  only tool needed is a small screwdriver. The phone has an easily replaceable battery as well, so you can carry a spare if you are away from a charger.    The Fairphone is designed to last several years and each handset is backed by parts and support for at least 5 years. At €450 it is not particularly cheap, nor is it very high performance. But it is designed to give reliable service and be easily maintainable over a lifetime much longer than that of a normal smartphone. Most importantly, Fairphone is able to demonstrate that every part of its supply chain is ethical, with suppliers getting a fair price for their goods, all the way back to where the original raw materials are mined out of the ground.

This will not solve the problems in the Democratic Republic of Congo, nor will it put much of a dent in the trillion-dollar battery industry. But it is a start. And the other good news is that future battery technologies will not be reliant on cobalt.

For more information see


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on March 2, 2020

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