Parish Notices Sunday 1st September 2013
The Rector writes- We wish all the children of our parish well as they begin a new school year. We particularly think of those children starting school for the first time, those who are moving on to Secondary school or those who are about to begin a new phase of their lives in University. God be with you all !
Rev Elaine and the members of the Select Vestry are hosting a Barbecue in the Rectory Garden at 7.30pm on Friday 6th September. During the year in the Parish, we tend to organise lots of things which include our young people so this time we felt that perhaps we should have an adults only event. A donation of 5 euro from each adult to cover the costs of buying the meat and the wine would be much appreciated.
It would also be great if everyone could bring either a salad or a dessert. It will be a great opportunity to chat together and to have a look around the newly renovated Rectory garden.
Please RSVP to the Parish Office by Tuesday so we have an idea of how much meat to purchase. And do indicate whether you will be bringing a salad or dessert.
St. Mary’s indoor bowls club re-opens on Tuesday 3rd September at 7.45pm in St Mary’s School Hall. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin at 087 6100717 or Henry Forbes 087 2035000.
ORDINATION SERVICE The Revd David White will be ordained Priest in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral at 11am on Saturday 14th September. He will be Curate-Assistant in the Bandon Union of Parishes. All are welcome to come to the Ordination Service. We warmly welcome David to the diocese.
Confirmation Service will take place at 11am on Sunday 15th September in St John’s Church Monkstown. As parking in the churchyard is limited, please do park either down the hill , in the car park beside the Monk Inn or the car park at the Seawall and walk up to the church so as to leave the closest parking for those who find it difficult to walk. Thank you.
Carrigaline family Support Initiative are running a 12 week Rainbows Workshop for children who have experienced loss through Divorce or Separation. This is for children aged 9 to 12 years. Thursdays 3pm-4pm beginning on Sept 19th. Venue Carrigaline Family Support Centre, Wylie House. They are Also running a Parent Plus Workshop for Adolescents . This is an 8 week course and will run from 21st Oct to 16th Dec 7.30-9.30pm. Venue Carrigaline Community School Fee €30inc Manual. Contact Rosie or Wendy @ 4919299.
THE SOCIAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION PROJECT this September is offering nine short courses in areas of Health and Wellbeing, most at No Charge. Amongst others, topics include Managing Stress, Effective Communication for Better Relationships and Grief, Loss and Change. For info call 021-4666180 and speak with Geraldine or Liam.
Sept 2nd Toddlers plus one Group 10am St Mary’s Parish Hall
Sept 6th Parish Barbecue 7.30pm in the Rectory.
Sept 8th Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Monkstown
Sept 15th Parish Confirmation Service St John’s 11am
Sept 29th United Service : Blessing of Animals St Mary’s 11am
United Healing Service St John’s 7pm
Oct 12th Parish Supper in Canon McCrea Hall. 7.30pm
Oct 13th St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 11am
The Revd Trevor Lester preaching.
St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Evensong 7pm
The Revd John Ardis preaching
Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night, 6pm St Mary’s Parish Hall
Nov 16th Parish Quiet Day. Details nearer the time.
Nov 24th Annual Gift Day in the Rectory.
Dec 20th Carrigaline Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church
Dec 22nd Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church
Random Notes LXIII
In the Carrigaline Parish Vestry Minute Book are a number of most interesting entries relating to the re-ordering of the Church, then referred to rather euphemistically as ‘improvements’, undertaken in the early years of the 1890’s, during the short lived incumbency, and evidently at the instigation of, the Revd. Edward Gibbings (1859–1924), Rector from 1890 to 1995.
Partial transcriptions of some of these entries are herewith given:
1892, August 8th, ‘The Minutes of last Meeting having been read & signed, The Chairman brought before the Vestry, the subject of the improvement of the interior of the Church. After some discussion the following was proposed by Mr. R.H. Hayes and seconded by Mr. Wm. Smyth & passed unanimously – That Mr. W.H. Hill be employed to give estimate and plan for the re-seating of Parish Church, removing Pulpit & desks, opening of a window at south side of Church and improving the chancel rails.’
1892, September 26th, ‘The plan of the interior of Church as drawn by Mr. W.H. Hill, Architect, including reconstruction of seats, opening one window at South East side of Church, and altering the position of the Pulpit, having been examined and considered, It was proposed by Mr. Roberts & seconded by Mr. R.H. Hayes, that the said plan be adopted, that an oak paneling be placed at the rere of the Communion Table & that the new seats be lined underneath, but that no change be made in the present Communion Rails or Vestry Door. Passed unanimously’.
1893, January 18th, ‘The Chairman laid before the Vestry, Mr. W.H. Hill’s plan for re-seating & otherwise improving the interior of the Church. It was proposed by Wm. Smyth, 2ened by M.H.J. Roberts & passed, That the Select Vestry approve of Mr. Hill’s plan, and that he be requested to advertise for tenders for the carrying out of the work. A sub-committee consisting of M.H.J. Roberts, D.H. Young & Rev. E. Gibbings was appointed to decide on a good pattern of seat.’
1893, April 3rd, ‘The estimates received by Mr. W.H. Hill, Architect, were then brought before the Vestry. These estimates were furnished for the alterations in the Church as proposed at the meeting of the Select Vestry on 26th September, 1892. having carefully considered the varios tenders, It was proposed by Mr. R.H. Hayes, seconded by Mr. M.H.J. Roberts & passed unanimously . “That the estimate of Messrs Deaves, Bros. be accepted at £142.0.0 on condition that the whitening of the ceiling of the Church be included and a stenciling border be painted around Dado of Church.”