Parish Notices Sunday 20th January 2013

The Rector writes   “Welcome to Fr. Sean O’Sullivan to our service in St John’s Monkstown and Welcome to Canon Bertie O’Mahony to our service in St Mary’s Carrigaline. We are delighted to have them to preach to us providing a tangible witness to our common Christian commitment.  At this stage, Tony and I will have either been wonderfully erudite or not at the Masses last night in Monkstown and Carrigaline, we’ll let you know later!  The theme for this year’s Week of Christian Unity is ‘What does the Lord require of you?’ which comes from the Prophet Micah and is one of my favourite texts in the Bible.  In this coming year,  I hope that we, in the Carrigaline Union, will attempt to become an  ‘Eco Congregation’ and I will provide more details of what this might involve in later Linksheets.  I feel that it is a logical follow-on from our becoming a Fair Trade Parish in 2012 .    The issues of Justice and Peace can’t be separated from our duty to preserve the earth from ecological disaster. As Christians, we must try to preserve the integrity of Creation.   He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?  Micah 6:8”


New reading rotas for both Parishes and flower & tea and coffee rotas for St Mary’s available in your email inbox and at the back of the church. If anyone would like to go on one of these rotas then please contact Christine in the office.

SUNDAY SCHOOL resumes this morning! We welcome children from age 4 in Sunday School, and we now also encourage children from age 3 to join with the older children as long as one of the parents can accompany them. In this way, they will get used to Sunday School in an informal way and be completely ready to go ‘solo’ from age 4. Thank you to the dedicated Sunday School teachers for all the effort they put into helping our children learn about God. It is very much appreciated by us all.

TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP and MONDAY CLUB meet tomorrow Monday 21st January in the parish hall. Toddlers group from 10am-midday and Monday club from 3-5pm.

MIDWEEK COMMUNION SERVICE 10.30am every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church. The first Wednesday of each month will have special prayers for the work of the Mothers’ Union followed by refreshments after the Service. All Welcome.

JUNIOR CHOIR meets in St Mary’s Church from 6.30 to 7.15pm each Thursday night. All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.

Mother’s Union- Come and join us at 8 pm on Thursday, 24th January at St. Mary’s Church Hall, Carrigaline for a discussion on Safer Internet and Screen Time. Desserts, tea and coffee and an opportunity to chat about our own and our children’s screen time and use of the Internet. All welcome.

C.A.M.E.O. (Come And Meet Each Other) Club meets on the last Friday of each month in the Monkstown Bay Sailing Clubhouse (near the Bosun) in Monkstown. Everyone is welcome to drop in for a coffee, home baking and a chat. New comers to the area, senior citizens and those who live alone are particularly welcome. We meet on Friday 25th January. Time: 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

The Theological Book Circle The current  book  is ‘Christianity with Attitude’ by Giles Fraser (Canterbury Press Norwich 2007 ISBN 978-1-85311-782-4) and we will meet at 8pm in the Rectory on Thursday 31st January to discuss. All welcome.

World Day of Prayer-Friday 1st March. We would love to have more people involved in preparing this Service. Please talk to Hilary Dring or Elaine.

Diocesan Magazine Subscriptions for 2013 are now due. Please give payment of €20 to Wardens or Rowland Newenham.

EASTER VESTRY-this annual meeting, which is open to all parishioners, will take place in the St Mary’s Church Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 11th April. If you would like to have a vote at this meeting, you will need to register as a vestry          person. Please see the Rector or the Church Wardens for the relevant forms. All are welcome to attend the meeting but only registered vestry persons may vote or be voted into office.

A walking group meets on a Monday morning at 11am in the car park opposite the Bosun in Monkstown. It is open to everyone and for all levels of fitness. The emphasis is on fun and friendship. Further details by contacting Sandra Mc Loughlin on 087 1315393 or

Parking in Carrigaline. Please be careful not to block the entrance to the Church when you are parking outside St Mary’s Church. If parking is tight on Church Road, please do come around to the Rectory and park as there is plenty of room in the Rectory garden.

MEN’s Shed  All men are welcome to go along and find out more about the companionship and skills training available in the Mens’ Shed Kilnagleary on the Minane Bridge Road.  See leaflets at the back of the churches for more details.

S.O.S. Concert in aid of R.N.L.I. Friday, January 25th in Ballinadee Catholic Church at 8 p.m. January 25th is S.O.S. Day, a special day set aside for fundraising for the R.N.L.I. S.O.S. Sing Our Songs-Taking part are Spiro and Glaslinn Ladies’ Choir, vocalists Dan Twomey of R.T.E. fame, Orla Fogarty, Roos Demol, Mairead McCarthy, Bernie Harrington, Aine O’Gorman, Deborah Murphy and others…  Donations kindly accepted. No set charge. Give what you can.

The Owenabue Garden Club, Carrigaline will hold their AGM in St Mary’s School on Monday 28 January at 7pm, after which, at approx 8.30pm, Noel Power will give a talk on “Flowers to attract bees to your garden”. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to  086-8091627.


Each Wednesday at 7.30pm during Lent, we will have a short Service in St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline followed by a Bible Study. This year we will be using a Study Course which was developed by the Church of Ireland,  on the theme of Economic Justice. All are welcome to attend.

The dates are as follows:

Wed 13th February (Ash Wednesday) 7.30 Eucharist, followed by Bible Study in the Church.

Wed 20th February 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by a talk in the Hall given by Dr Alicia St Leger, courtesy of the Mothers’ Union.

Wed 27th February 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.

Wed  6th March 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.

Wed 13th March 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.

Wed 20th March 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.


Jan 21st           Toddlers Plus One 10am in St Mary’s Church hall.   Monday Club 3pm in Church Hall.

Jan 24th           Junior Choir at 6.30pm in St Mary’s Church.

Jan 24th         MU Cyber Fun meeting in St Mary’s Church Hall 8pm .

Jan 25th         C.A.M.E.O. group meet 10.30am Sailing Club Monkstown.

Jan 27th         The Revd Canon Richard Bartlett, diocese of London and member of the Board of USPG speaking in both churches.

Jan 30th         Monkstown Home Group. 8pm.Liz Hanna’s home.

Jan 31st         Theological Book Circle 8pm The Rectory.

Feb 9th           Saturday Service 7pm in St Mary’s.

Feb 10th        Songs of Praise Evensong. 7pm St John’s.

Feb 13th        Ash Wednesday 10.30am and 7.30pm Services.

Feb 17th         Kate Cargin, EAPPI recently returned from the Holy Land speaking in both churches.

Mar 1st           World Day of Prayer. Claire Jackson speaking 8pm St Mary’s.

Mar 16th       Eucharist Service “as Gaeilge”

Mar 31st        Easter Sunday Dawn Service, Monkstown.

Apr 11th        Annual Vestry Meeting 7pm St Mary’s Church Hall.

Apr 25th         Theological Book Circle 8pm The Rectory.

Apr 27th         MU Brunch in Rectory.

May 17th        Flower Festival Opening Service, 7pm St Mary’s Church.

May 19th        Closing Service, 7pm  Bishop Michael Burrows preaching.

June 1st          Parish Fête in St Mary’s School, Carrigaline.



If you are planning on being confirmed this coming autumn, please put Saturday 9th March in your diary for the ‘Confirmation Morning with the Bishop.’  This is an event which everyone wishing to be confirmed in 2013 must attend.  Please let the Rector know if you wish to be confirmed this year as she is putting the class plan together. She will let everyone know the actual date for this year’s Confirmations as soon as the Bishop decides on one.

Random Notes  No. XXXXV  

The Swell manual (keyboard) on an organ is a set of stops, the pipes of which are placed in a large box. This box is provided with shutters, which are movable by means of a pedal. The opening of these shutters provides a “swelling effect” to the sound produced. (as pictured)


The Great manual is a set of stops providing a “great” or grand effect.

The Choir manual derives its name from its use in accompanying the choir in their exclusive part of services.

Most parish church organs have two manuals, a swell and a great as well as a pedal board. The organ in St Mary’s has precisely this arrangement. This “Peter Conacher” organ originated in Carrickmacross Convent and is presented in a fine mahogany case. However, the “Forster & Andrews” organ in St John’s has a great and a choir manual, as well as pedal board. The reasons for having a great and a choir instead of a great and swell has been lost to the annals of time. It is clear though that the choir manual was added to the organ sometime after the swell and pedal board were installed in 1872. Perhaps the powers-that-be at the time believed the swell manual produced enough “greatness” already?!

The organ is a wonderfully enjoyable instrument to play and allows the musician to produce a myriad of musical sounds and effects. In Carrigaline Union we are blessed with having two very fine pieces of craftsmanship. I’m sure they will both outlive us all!!




Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on January 21, 2013

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