Parish Notices Sunday 20th March 2016
The Rector writes ‘Today is Palm Sunday and Holy Week begins….the most important week in our Church Calendar.
It provides us with an opportunity to think about and reimagine the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord… to take part in the journey of Holy Week. As I have mentioned before, my task as a Priest here is often put like this ‘Gather the people, Tell the Stories, Break the Bread’ and Holy Week is the most magnetic of times to do just that. Monday to Wednesday there will be a morning Eucharist Service in St Mary’s and an Evening Prayer Service in St John’s. On Maundy Thursday we will join together for a Seder Passover Meal in the Parish Hall immediately followed by the Eucharist in St Mary’s. On Good Friday there is Morning Prayer in St John’s, our Children’s Easter Club in the Parish Hall and in the evening the Play ’No name in the Street’ will be performed in St Mary’s.
On Saturday the Byre will be lit up for the atmospheric Vigil Service and then finally we sing our Alleluias on Sunday at Dawn in Monkstown and again at our normal Sunday times in both Churches. Come and join us for some (or indeed all !!) of these special services and listen again to ‘The Story’ in this week of weeks.’
CHILDREN’S EASTER CLUB will be held in the Parish Hall Carrigaline from 11am to 1pm on Good Friday 25th March. Please contact Hilary Dring for further details.
GOOD FRIDAY PLAY-Under the direction of Mary Murphy, a group of parishioners have been working very very hard over the last two months rehearsing a wonderful Easter Play called ‘No Name in the Street’ . The events in the play run parallel to the events of Holy Week. The play will be performed at 7.30pm on Good Friday in St Mary’s Church. All are welcome, but it may be too much for the little ones… come early for a good seat.
EASTER EGG COLLECTION box is at the back of St Mary’s Church. This is again for the Cuanlee Women’s Refuge in Cork. The eggs will be delivered to the children after the service on Easter Sunday. Last year the children in the Refuge were absolutely delighted with their special Egg delivery.
Help is needed to decorate St Mary’s Church for Easter. Decorating will be at 10.30 am on Easter Saturday . Any donations of flowers would also be appreciated.
TABLE QUIZ for Parish Funds. Friday 22 April at 8pm in Canon McCrea Hall. €10pp or €40 per table of 4. Children €5.
Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will hold their annual Spring show in St Mary’s School on Monday 21 March at 8 pm, There will be a “Spring Fantasy” floral demonstration by Breda Keohane. Visitors welcome. Any enquiries to 0863222615.
Grief and Loss Support Programme. Starting Monday 4th April and running until Monday 23rd May from 8-10pm. Meeting in Our Lady and St John Parish Centre Carrigaline. Further information and registration contact Ber on 4371109.
Carrigaline Family Support Centre need Volunteer Drivers for their Community Bus. If you have a D or D1 licence and some free time please ring 4919299 or email
6th Apr Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
14th Apr Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall
18th Apr Mother’s Union. 8pm St Mary’s Church Hall
22nd Apr Table Quiz. 8pm Canon McCrea Hall
1st May Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s Church
15th May Dawn Chorus 5am Currabinny Woods Carpark
20th May Family Beetle Drive 7.30pm. Canon McCrea Hall
28th May Parish Féte 10am till 2pm St Mary’s School