Parish Notices Sunday 21st July 2019
The Rector writes ‘Our Summer Holiday Club begins tomorrow and I think we have about 35/40 children and 15 teens and 10 adults involved this year. A great effort by many people. It is lovely that Revd Isobel and I run it together as it’s great to see the teens and children making friendships across parish boundaries in such a fun-filled way. This year’s theme is an Adventure Cruise and the children will hear from the New Testament all about the ‘High C’s’, and meet people along the way whose lives changed course when they met Jesus. They will discover their stories through the high ‘C’s of Choice, Courage, Call, Change & Commitment and find out how we too can get on board with Jesus. If you like baking and feel so inclined, please bake during the week! You can just drop it into me at the School any morning around 10am where it’ll be gratefully received by voracious teens (and adults!) or indeed just drop it into the Rectory where I promise to deliver it the next day still in one piece!’

Please note the Parish office is closed until Wednesday 31st July.
During August it will only be open on Wednesday and Friday mornings between 9:15 & 12:15.

We’d like to thank everyone who supported the Irish Cancer Society at our fundraiser last Saturday, those who baked, washed up, chatted to people and those who couldn’t come but still supported, what a beautiful day we had with so many people dropping in all through the day, it was full of chat, sunshine, and of course yummy things too!!
The final figure is €1560.00.
Thank you all so much. Trevor and Millie Kingston
Littlies + One

Thank you to Anne Ward and Joyce Loney who are retiring from helping at our Littlies + One toddler group which happens each Monday from 10am to 12 noon. We appreciate all they have done. Thank you also to Elaine, Tracey and Hilary who continue to help. If you are free once a month on a Monday morning one or two new volunteers would be appreciated to set up and make a few cuppas! Please talk to one of us. Finally there will be no Littlies + One in August. Back again 2nd September.

22nd July Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
Holiday Club 10-1pm St Mary’s School
24th July Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
29th July—24th August Rector on vacation,
Douglas Clergy covering pastoral emergencies
August No Littlies + 1
15th Sept No morning services in St John’s & St Mary’s as we will be attending the 11:15 Service in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral
5th Oct Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall
13th Nov Faith in Action Information Evening 7:30pm Parish Hall