Parish Notices Sunday 21st October 2012
The Rector writes- ‘As part of each Sunday’s liturgies, we have a time of Intercessory Prayer. In our Prayer Book, this part of the service is called ‘The Prayers of the People’. In his own ministry, Jesus spoke about the importance of intercession on many occasions, he always encouraged his disciples to pray for others. Yet we often neglect this part of our liturgy, content to leave it to the ‘Professionals’ like the priest or the lay reader, to say what should be the prayers of the PEOPLE. I would like to encourage as many of you as feel drawn to this kind of ministry to offer your services. I have lots of resource books to help with the writing of these prayers and I am very happy to sit with you when you are preparing them until you feel comfortable doing them on your own. I promise you that you won’t just get stuck some Sunday! The opportunity to intercede on behalf of the whole world is both an enormous privilege and a real responsibility and if you feel that you would like to join the small group of people in our parish who already do prepare these prayers, please come and talk to me.’
TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP continues on Monday, October 22nd. This group of Toddlers plus ‘one’ (Mum/Dad/Minder) will meet each other in St Mary’s Church Hall from 10am ‘till 12 for playtime and chats with perhaps a cup of tea thrown in. Contact the rector for details or just turn up!
MONDAY CLUB GROUP also continues on Monday, October 22nd. Adults who are free from 3pm to 5pm on Mondays are invited to St Mary’s Church hall for a cup of tea/coffee. While these meetings won’t be structured as such, we hope to gain a little knowledge from each other as we chat. Contact the rector for details.
MIDWEEK COMMUNION SERVICE 10.30am every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church. The first Wednesday of each month will have special prayers for the work of the Mothers’ Union followed by refreshments after the Service. All Welcome.
ST JOHNS HOME GROUP meets at fortnightly intervals. The group is using the Crossway Bible Guide “Discovering Luke’s Gospel” by Simon Jones (1999), Leicester and is available to purchase at €6. The next meeting takes place on Wednesday 24th October at 8pm in Lesley Roberts home, Mount Rivers, Carrigaline. Tel 4372048. Note change of day!
JUNIOR CHOIR meets in St Mary’s Church from 6.30 to 7.15pm each Thursday night. All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.
CHARITY RETURNS-If you make regular donations to the Parish and have not already returned your Charity Return form (received during the summer) please do so to Helen Arnopp. If you require another form please contact Christine in the office.
YOUTH –Meeting in the parish hall on Friday 19th October when we look forward to welcoming young people from Bandon. If you are in Secondary school feel free to come down (8 – 10pm) on that night.
THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE Philip Yancey’s book ’’What’s so amazing about Grace?’ was chosen for our next gathering which will be in the Rectory on November 14th at 8pm. If you are buying this book, please think about shopping locally… The Carrigaline Bookstore offers 5% discount to the Book Circle.
If anyone has small toys for the church toy bags could they kindly leave them to the parish office during working hours or simply leave them in the church porch on Sundays and they will be sorted and added to the bags. Thank you!
LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS We congratulate the six new Lay Pastoral Assistants who have completed their training and are to be commissioned at a Diocesan Service in Saint Fin Barre’s Cathedral, at Evensong on Sunday 21st October at 7 p.m. The new Lay Pastoral Assistants are: Sidney Bradfield, Pat Culleton, Marjorie Garland, Sylvia Helen, Jennifer Kingston and Agnes Wilson.
Mothers ‘Union Conference – Your Gifts? Discover & Celebrate – A conference for women of all ages, 16th -18th November 2012 in the Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery, Co. Cork. (Saturday attendance only also possible) Book by the 29th of October. Guest Speaker: Rev. Liz McElhinney. For booking forms contact: Hilary Dring 0863680513 or Jennifer Kingston 0863236641 or email:
Mad About Science have been busy preparing the perfect concoction of yuckiness, scariness and a little bit of science. Have your little darlings learn the science behind how to make pumpkins explode, produce spooky sounds and conjure up glow in the dark slime. Venues: Carrigaline – Sat, 27thOctober, 10am-1pm. Douglas – Tue, 30th October, 10am-1pm. Glanmire -Wed, 31st October, 10am-1pm. Cost: €20 per child (10% discount for siblings) For more info phone (086) 0830898 or check out
EAPPI Don’t forget to pray for Kate Cargin as she experiences day to day life as an Ecumenical Accompanier in the West Bank. You can find out more about Kate in Palestine by going to her blog site at We will get a chance to meet her in person when she comes to speak to us at our services on February 17th 2013.
The Owenabue Garden Club, Carrigaline will host their Decorative Show in C of I hall (entrance beside main entrance to Community School) on Monday 22nd October at 8 pm. Demonstrator will be Sheila Gilbert on “Seasonal Events”. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 0868091627.
If anyone has small toys for the church toy bags could they kindly leave them to the parish office during working hours or simply leave them in the church porch on Sundays and they will be sorted and added to the bags. Thank you!
CONCERT-Poet Mark Roper and composer and organist of Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford, Eric Sweeney, will combine for a lunch time concert which will take place at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 3rd in St Peter’s Church, Bandon. The concert is part of a series which the poet and composer are giving throughout Ireland. Mark will give some solo readings from his recent collection and Eric will play some of his compositions as well as a series of improvisations to Mark’s poetry: €10. In aid of Bandon Engage Arts Festival.
A walking group is hoped to be set up in Monkstown. It will be open to everyone and for all levels of fitness. The emphasis is on fun and friendship. Those interested can contact Sandra Mc Loughlin on 087 1315393 or Days and times are yet to be set but most likely will be on Monday mornings with the possibility of walking on Wednesdays also.
Allotments For Rent-Join Carrigaline Allotment Group at Thompson’s Farm, Aghamartha, (near Carrigaline, on the Fountainstown Road). Grow your own veg and fruit, enjoy the exercise, half and full plots available. Call or text 087 7090899 to arrange a viewing.
Oct 22nd Toddlers Plus One 10am in St Mary’s Church hall Monday Club 3pm in Church Hall.
Oct 24th St John’s Home Group at 8pm.
Oct 25th Junior Choir at 6.30pm in St Mary’s Church.
Nov 10th Saturday Evening Service 7pm in St Mary’s followed with refreshments.
Nov 11th Remembrance Sunday Services & Remembrance Choral Evensong
Nov 14th Theological Book Circle. 8pm in the Rectory.
Nov 25th Gift Day in the Rectory.
Dec 8th Saturday Evening Service 7pm in St Mary’s followed with refreshments.
Dec 23rd Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols in St John’s Church, Monkstown. 4pm.