Parish Notices Sunday 21st September 2014

The Rector writes  ‘As you know , as a parish,  we are in the process of trying to become an ‘Eco Congregation’ and at the time of writing this,  the Independent Assessors were to visit on Friday 19th so hopefully all went well and we will meet the criteria necessary to achieve the award. We have made many adjustments to the way we live as a parish over the last 18 months, small changes but it all adds up to living more lightly on this planet.  Today 21st September, ordinary people throughout the world are holding events and protests to say that we must do something to halt Climate change.

They are demanding Action, not Words: sending a strong message to the heads of state who are in New York City for a historic summit on climate change,  imploring them to take the action necessary to create a world with an economy that works for people and the planet – now.  In short, a world safe from the ravages of climate change.    In the Cork area, the event is a Gathering in Fitzgeralds Park at 7pm tonight. Unfortunately I will be preaching at the Harvest Service in Passage West at that exact time but if you are free, go along and be part of this historical moment across the world. ‘

Carrigaline union Harvest Supper-Saturday 11th October at 7.30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. All Welcome. Ticket 15 euro includes supper and dancing. Contact Henry Forbes 0872035000 or Adrian Bateman 0868300379 for tickets or the Parish Office.

Families First is a faith & family life magazine which encourages, supports and inspires families of all shapes and sizes around the world. It is the magazine of Mothers’ Union,which is dedicated to supporting families worldwide. Stay up to date with issues that families face today. If you would be interested in receiving a copy please talk to Hilary Dring 086-3680513. You can also access it online at

Photographs and/or service details of relatives of  parishioners who served in World War I are being sought. These will be used for a silent visual  presentation as part of Remembrance Sunday Choral Evensong in Monkstown on  November 9th. Copies will also be passed to St Fin Barre’s to form part of the Cathedral’s World War I Remembrance. If you have any photographs (in uniform or otherwise), memories or details of those who served in the Great War, please contact Simon Woodworth at (086) 083 0639 or All material will handled with the utmost care. Once it is scanned and copied the originals will be returned promptly. Thank you!

HOME GROUP-Wednesday 24th September in Cecil & Claire Poole’s home at 8pm. Tel 4372575. Speaker is the Revd Elaine Murray. All welcome.

Teen BBQ will be held in the home of Michelle and Simon Woodworth on Saturday September 27th, starting at 6pm. We will be having an autumn bonfire as well so bring a musical instrument if you have one. Cost €3 per person to cover food and soft drinks. For more info or to book please contact Simon Woodworth at (086) 083 0639 or before Wednesday 24th so we can confirm numbers for catering and email you directions!

Helen Bannon will be participating in the Cork Women’s Mini Marathon on 28th September in aid of the Nathan Kirwan Trust. Any sponsorship donations, however small, would be greatly appreciated. A Sponsorship card and envelope is in St Mary’s Church porch or you can contact her on 085-7840844.

GLOBAL PROVERTY & OUR RESPONSE , a diocesan training event to be held in Bandon Grammar School on Tuesday 23rd September from 2pm till 5pm.  All welcome. (see poster at back of the Church for more details.)

The Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will resume on Monday 22 September at 8 pm with a meeting in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s School hall.  The speaker will be Carl Wright on the story of his Caher Bridge Garden, Clare, on the edge of the Burren. Visitors Welcome. Any enquiries to 086 3222615.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY COURSE-Church of Ireland Children’s Ministry Course to be held at Education Centre, Northridge House, St Luke’s Home, Cork;

Saturday October 11th  : 10.30 – 12noon- Children & Community,

12-00 – 12.30 Lunch, 12.30 – 2pm Leadership Skills
Saturday November 8th  :10.30 – 12noon- Child Development,

12-00 – 12.30 Lunch, 12.30 – 2pm- Pastoral Awareness
Saturday November 22nd- Building Blocks Conference, Dublin
Saturday January 17th 2015 10.30 – 12noon- Programme Planning,

12-00 – 12.30 Lunch, 12.30 – 2pm- Spirituality and the Bible

Hilary Dring, Tracey Pierce and Helen Bannon successfully completed this course in 2013 so speak with them if you want to find out whether this is something for you or not. Please let the Rector know if you would like to participate in this course as soon as possible..



Sept 22nd      Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.

Sept 24th      Home Group 8pm. Poole’s home.

Sept 25th      Junior Choir 6.30pm St Mary’s Church

Sept 27th      Teen BBQ. 6pm. Woodworth’s home

Sept 29th Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

Oct 11th Harvest Parish Supper 7.30pm in Canon McCrea Hall

Oct 12th Harvest Thanksgiving Services

11am St Mary’s and  7pm St John’s.

Oct 18th Visit of a group from Feed the Minds charity to parish.  Evening Gathering in the Rectory 7pm. All welcome.

Oct 19th Feed the Minds speaker in both churches.

Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night 6 to 8pm Parish Hall

Nov 1st Reflective Service of Remembering 7pm St Mary’s

Nov 7th EcoCongregation Seminar 7.30pm in Parish Hall.

Nov 15th  Quiet Day in Parish Hall, more details later.


Random Notes CXIII     


Gibbings, Revd. Edward


Illustrated aboveis the second of a rather small number of ‘Certified Act of Institution’ that have survived the ravages of time, and are now preserved , being considered as not uninteresting relics of the history of the  parish of Carrigaline. The present certificate is that issued in 1890 at the institution of the Rev. Edward Gibbings (1859-1924), Rector of Carrigaline from 1890 to 1895, and about whom is recorded the following in ‘Church and Parish Records of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross’ by the Revd. J. H. Cole, Cork, 1903:

‘Edward Gibbings, b. 1859, son of John George Gibbings, of Montenotte, Cork. T.C.D., B.A., 1883; Div. Test. 1884; M.A.1886. Ordained Deacon 1883, and Priest 1884, both at Cork. Curate St. Luke’s, Cork, 1883-90; Rector Carrigaline, 1890-95.

He married in 1886, Caroline Rouviere, daughter of Robert Day, J.P., F.S.A., of Myrtle Hill House, Cork, and has issue two sons and two daughters.’

He was appointed Rector of Kinsale in 1895, and of Carrigrohane ‘on the 9th July, 1902; instituted by the Lord Bishop, in Carrigrohane Church, on the 18th.’. In this incumbency he continued until his death twenty-two years later.



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