Parish Notices Sunday 22nd March 2015

The Rector writes   ‘ I would like to remind you that our quarterly Service of Wholeness & Healing is on this evening at 7pm in St Mary’s Church. We are lucky to have in our parish a small dedicated team of people who, as well as writing Intercessionary Prayers on a regular basis, are also trained as Healer/Prayer Ministers. If you would like to pray for healing for yourself or for someone close to you, this service will provide a lovely, reflective space in which you can speak privately to God, with the quiet support of others upholding you in prayer.  The following is from the Church of Ireland’s Ministry of Healing website and may help throw light on what I am trying to say  ‘Perhaps this is what the practice of solitude does to us as well, it centres us, even if it may be a bit challenging to go through the process at times; solitude helps to bring us into the inner silence, where there are no apparent bumps, just us in God’s presence. It is a place where healing happens. There God is free to do His work within us’  Please do speak to me if there is any aspect of this type of healing ministry you would like to know more about.’


EARTH HOUR as part of the worldwide ‘Earth Hour’ , we will be turning off the lights in St Mary’s Church for one hour from 8.30pm on Saturday 28th .The rector will light some candles and in silence pray  for the earth and all of our ecological problems and climate change issues. Anyone who is free is welcome to drop in.

EASTER EGG COLLECTION boxes are at the back of the churches for the Women’s Refuge in Cork. The eggs will be delivered to the children in Cuan Lee on Easter Sunday after church. Last year the children in the Refuge were absolutely delighted with the special Egg delivery.

FOSTERING  Five Rivers Ireland is an independent fostering agency with foster families all over Ireland, working closely with Tusla to provide family based care for children and young people who cannot live at home. Their ethos is to operate a holistic service which recognises people’s strengths and works with them to flourish and thrive. They are looking to grow our team of foster families especially in Cork and the greater Muster area.  The types of fostering include:  emergency foster care (at very short notice), respite/very short time limited care, short term, open ended and long term. They are looking for families to care for children and young people of all ages from 5-17years, also families who can care for sibling groups or who may be interested in providing a placement to a young parent and their baby.  They would also like to recruit some families who could care for a child with a disability. Five Rivers Ireland Cork are holding an information evening on March 26th in the Carrigaline Court Hotel. This evening will include a short presentation about Five Rivers Ireland by Michelle Kennedy Fostering           Manager Cork and current foster carers . Contact

Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline, will hold their Spring Show on Monday 23 March at 8.30 pm in Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s School Demonstrator will be Margaret Ahern, AOIFA. The topic will be “Celebrate Spring”. Visitors welcome. Enquiries to 0863222615.

Scrap Metal Collection-For information call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000  A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website


                   NEXT   WEEK

March 23rd Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3 – 5pm Parish Hall

March 25th Midweek Eucharist incorporating MU Lady Day prayers 10.30am  St Mary’s Church

followed by coffee  in the Rectory.

March 25th Evening Prayer 7.30pm St Mary’s Church.Lenten Study 8pm Parish Hall

March 28th Earth Hour, 8.30pm to 9.30pm in St Mary’s



April 12th Kilternan Church Choir singing at United Service

11am St Mary’s Church, Preacher : The Revd David Moynan

April 16th Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall

April 19th  Confirmation Service 11am  St John’s Church

May 2nd Kilkenny Youth Orchestra Concert, St Mary’s Church , details later.

May 17th Dawn Chorus, 4.30am Currabinny Woods

May 30th   Summer Fete

June 8th Charting the Future Parish Meeting 7.30pm Parish Hall.


Random Notes CXXXIV



Further to Simon’s excellent recent random notes about George Boole, I took a few moments reading his letters on the UCC website.

He appears to have spent some time   living in Monkstown, and certainly enjoyed the wonders of Cork       Harbour. He mentions staying at a hotel in Monkstown, which I believe was situated somewhere near the present Bosun and sailing club.

On 29th October 1849, he took a trip to Queenstown, which reminded him of Lake Geneva and the Scotch (sic.) Lakes. If the weather was anything like the wonderful days we have had recently, I can understand why. On 18th Nov 1850, he remarks on how pleasant life can be in Cork and describes a trip he took to Passage, Monkstown and Ringaskiddy. At Ringaskiddy, a hospitable local woman cooked him potatoes for their dinner and he again extolled the beauty of that area. Later in December 1850, he remarked in a letter “…the weather is so fine that I am walking a lot and recently walked 19 miles along the Carrigaline River…”. I presume he meant the Owenabue River and estuary.”



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