Parish Notices Sunday 22nd May 2016
The Rector writes ‘Today is Trinity Sunday, the Sunday after Pentecost, when we remind ourselves that it is through relationship, Father, Son & Holy Spirit, that we can begin to understand our own relationship with God and with one another and so it is appropriate that today we also think about the work of Christian Aid. Thank you to Dr John Sweeney, who is our Parish representative for Christian Aid, for speaking to us this morning. Christian Aid envelopes are available in church and you can put them in offering baskets at any time over the next few weeks. Thank you.’
Parish Fête. This year’s Parish Fête will take place next Saturday 28th May in the Canon McCrea Hall and the grounds of the School. Please contact Eddie Pierce (087-2557505) if you would like to be involved in helping out at a stall or if you have any items for any of the stalls. This is a very important fund-raiser in the parish so please do dig around in the cupboards, attics and garages for good quality items! We can arrange to collect ..just shout! Items can also be left in the Parish Office during opening hours.
Cakes for Cambodia. Tracey Pierce is hosting a fundraising cake sale in the Rectory alongside our Parish Picnic which follows the United Service next Sunday 29th May. During the summer she is going on a Mission Trip to Cambodia with Tear Fund and CDYC (Cork Diocese Youth Council) who run summer camps for kids touched by trauma. It’s good for us all to support one of our Parishioners when they take on a project like this (and no doubt the cakes will quite delicious !
Scrap Metal Collection is back on track….. We can raise money for the Parish and also be
environmentally friendly at the same time! for more information call Henry Forbes on 087-2035000.
23rdMay Toddlers Plus One 10 to 12pm Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm to 5pm Parish Hall
29th May 11am United Service in St Mary’s Church Sunday School Prize-giving and Parish Picnic in the Rectory Grounds. (including ‘Cakes for Cambodia’ sale in the Rectory ) following the service. All welcome.
7pm Service of Wholeness & Healing in St John’s
10th June Ceili for Cambodia. 8pm. Canon McCrea Hall.
SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB ‘COPS & ROBBERS’ This year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 18th to 22nd July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the Rector.
St Fin Barre’s Cathedral Choir, Cork will be singing a concert of sacred music in the Cathedral of St Fachtna, Rosscarbery on Saturday 4th June at 7pm. The choir will perform highlights from their wide and varied repertoire including music by Tallis, Handel, Mendelssohn and Tavener. Tickets are €10 and will be available on the door.
Random Notes CXCIV
A most interesting 1872 schedule of terms of employment of a sexton (a Sextoness as it so happens to be in this instance), of Carrigaline Church has recently come to light, which (perhaps not unsurprisingly so, given the rather onerous terms!), appears never to have been completed, being neither signed, nor fully dated.
A full transcription of the schedule follows:
‘Carrigaline Church Sextoness,
You will be required as Sextoness of Carrigaline Church to attend to the following directions,
You must take care of the Church and all its furniture, Books, Coals, Brushes, Ladders, Linen, which is to be kept clean, washing it as often as directed by the clergyman, crowbar and all things belonging to the Church, warming it with fires at suitable times as directed, ventilating it according to rule, & ringing the Bell for Divine Service & certain funerals. You must take care of the Church yard, including trees, graves, tombs, stables, fences, keeping it duly scuffled and cleaned, & removing nettles & weeds. You must take care of the Sexton’s house in which you are to live, & you or some responsible member of your family must be always on the spot to answer all enquiries & to keep out intruders. You will be expected to make yourself generally useful, & do anything that maybe required for the Service of the church. You will be required to resign your situation as Sextoness at any time on being given three months notice, from the Select Vestry. You shall get £6 a year paid quarterly and the use of the house & ground.
I agree to the forgoing terms. Dated this day of 1872’