Parish Notices Sunday 23rd April 2017

The Rector writes ’ The Annual Easter Vestry takes place in the Parish Hall at 7pm tomorrow night Monday 24th April. At this public meeting, which is open to everyone, the already approved parish accounts will be adopted. I will speak about parish life in the year gone by, what has been achieved during that time and thanking all those who have been instrumental in the running of our parish. The Church Wardens, Select Vestry, and as it is a Triennial year, also the Diocesan Synods persons and Parish Nominators, will be voted in by those gathered who are currently registered as Vestry Persons.  But whether you are registered as a voter in the parish or not, why not come along to the Easter Vestry anyway? This is your parish and you should inform yourself about what is being done in your name. I guarantee you that you won’t be pushed into any job that you don’t want to take on. 

If you haven’t attended an Easter Vestry so far in your life, why not try it this year – indeed you may surprise yourself by enjoying it!  I hope to see you there!”

CHRISTIAN AID FUNDRAISING RAFFLE The Rector and Church Wardens have Raffle tickets for sale for a wonderful colourful crochet throw, made by Gerlene Kennedy during Advent. The lucky winner will be drawn at the United Christian Aid Service inSt John’s Church on April 30th.

CONFIRMATION SERVICE is on Sunday 7th May.  Please pray for Katie and Sonia as they continue their journey in faith. Today they will receive a candle today from the Sunday Club teachers as a symbol of the Faith being passed on to a new generation.

YOUTH NEWS The Diocesan Youth Officer Kristin Hollowell is running an “Event Combating Homelessness in Cork City” on Sunday, May 14th in Cork City which was such a great success last year. The purpose of it is to help young people find ways to help the homeless in their community. Starting with a Service in St. Anne’s at 10:30am, throughout the afternoon we will visit and help at Penny Dinners, make care packages to give to Simon Community and discuss what we can do in our own communities to help those in the need. There will also be the opportunity to ring the famous Shandon Bells!  Ask Peter or Tracey about consent forms.

Whist Drive  in aid of Irish Guide Dogs. Saturday 29th April at 830pm in Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School Hall, Carrigaline.

Champions holiday clubSummer Holiday Club 17th –21st July-Application forms now available in the Parish Office.





The Owenabue garden and flower club,  will hold their next meeting tomorrow Monday 24 April at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall. Jimi Blake, of Hunting Brook Gardens, Blessington will speak on “The creation of Hunting Brook and a  journey through the seasons”. Visitors always welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.



24th April      Toddlers plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

                         Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall  

28th April     CAMEO 10:30 Sailing Club Monkstown

30th April     Christian Aid United Service 11:15 St John’s

Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St Mary’s

7th May         Confirmation Service 11:15 St John’s

11th May       Friendship Club 11am Rectory

14th May       Dawn Chorus  5am Currabinny Woods

Youth Day Trip to Cork ‘Combating Homelessness’

20th May      Mothers’ Union Diocesan Service 2pm St Mary’s

26th May      CAMEO 10:30am Sailing Club Monkstown

27th May       Parish Fête  10am – 2pm St Mary’s School

17th –21st July  Holiday Club ‘Champions!’ Canon McCrea Hall



After the Sermon

Presentation of the Candidates:

Priest: Dear Friends in Christ, N, N and N are to be entrusted with administering Holy Communion at the Eucharist.

N …, in this ministry, you must be examples of Christian living in faith and conduct; you must strive to grow in holiness through this sacrament of unity and love. Remember that, though many, we are one body because we share the one bread and the one cup.

As ministers of Holy Communion, be therefore especially observant of the Lord’s command to love your neighbour. For when he gave his body as food to his disciples, he said to them, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.”


Priest: Are you resolved to undertake faithfully the office of administration of Holy Communion to your brothers and sisters, and to serve to build up the Church?

Assistant being commissioned: I am.

Priest: Are you resolved to administer the Holy Communion with the utmost care and reverence?

Assistant being commissioned: I am.

Priest: Dear friends in Christ, let us pray with confidence to the Father; let us ask him to bestow his blessing on N, N, and N, chosen to be Lay Assistants at Holy Communion.

Prayer of Blessing:

Gracious Lord, you nourish us with the Body and Blood of your Son, that we might have eternal life. Bless our brothers/sisters who have been chosen to give the bread of heaven and the cup of salvation to your faithful people. May the holy mysteries they distribute Lead them and us to the joys of eternal life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. The Bishop’s Permission to serve in this ministry is distributed to each newly commissioned lay assistant.

The Bishop’s letter of Authority will be posted after the Service in the Vestry Room of each Church.    The Intercessions follow. 


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on April 24, 2017

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