Parish Notices Sunday 24th August 2014
Pastoral Emergency Cover during Rector’s Holidays:
- Tuesday 19th till Friday 29th August : contact the Revd
Isobel Jackson ?021-4831236
Services during Rector’s Holidays:
- Sunday 24th : Bishop Richard Henderson will celebrate Holy Communion.
- The Revd Tony Murphy will celebrate the 10.30am
Eucharist Services in St Mary’s Church on Wednesdays.
TEA & COFFEE in the Parish Hall after 11am Service
TODDLERS PLUS ONE Group will continue during the summer but it still remains a group for toddlers only. Unfortunately school going children can’t come along as there as too many little ones in the group.
MONDAY CLUB still continues during the summer. All are welcome to drop into the Parish Hall from 3pm to 5pm on Mondays. Jonathan Fleury will be the ‘key holder’ when the rector is away in August.
PARISH BBQ– Rev Elaine and the members of the Select Vestry are hosting a Barbecue in the Rectory Garden at 8pm on Friday 5th September. During the year in the Parish, we tend to organise lots of things whichinclude our young people so this time we felt that perhaps we should have an adults only event. A donation of 5 euro from each adult to cover the costs of buying the meat and the wine would be much appreciated. It would also be great if everyone could bring either a salad or a dessert.
Please RSVP to the Parish Office by Tuesday 2nd September so we have an idea of how much meat to purchase. And do indicate whether you will be bringing a salad or dessert.
St Mary’s Indoor Bowls club re-opens on Tuesday 2nd September at 745pm in St Mary’s School Hall. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin at 087-6100717 or Henry Forbes 087-2035000.
CHRISTIAN AID SHEEP’S HEAD HIKE will take place on Saturday 6th September, beginning at 11:00am at the Kilcrohane Community Centre.
There are two scenic walk routes this year – a 11km walk and a 5.6km walk. Where: Sheep’s Head Way, West Cork. Starts: 11.00am, Kilcrohane Community Hall, Kilcrohane Village. At the end of walk refreshments will be provided in Kilcrohane Community Hall free of charge.See posters for further details or Christian Aid Cork office on 023 88 41468 or email You can also register online at
St Luke’s Home Education Centre Evening Courses-The Education Centre is offering a morning introduction to Mindfulness on Saturday 20th September 10:30am – 12pm. This is a taster for our seven week course that will commence on Thursday 25th September and run on Thursday evenings concluding with a full practice day. We also offer a six evening course of Addressing Loss which commences on 23rd October and runs for six Thursday evenings. Further details on or Claire at 021-4536551
August 25th Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.
August 31st United Eucharist Service 11am St John’s
Service of Wholeness and Healing 7pm St Mary’s
Sept 3rd Lectio Divinia 8pm Parish Hall
Sept 5th Parish BBQ 8pm (Adults) in Rectory Garden
Sept 29th Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
Oct 11th Harvest Parish Supper 7.30pm in Canon McCrea Hall
Oct 12th Harvest Thanksgiving Services 11am St Mary’s and 7pm St John’s.
Oct 18th/19th Visit of a group from FEED THE MINDS charity to our parish. More details later.
Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night 6 to 8pm Parish Hall
Nov 1st Reflective Service of Remembering 7pm St Mary’s
Nov 7th EcoCongregation Seminar in Parish Hall.
Nov 154 th Quiet Day in Parish Hall, more details later.
Random Notes No. CX
Beneath are transcribed the content of three further meetings of the Select Vestry at which decisions were taken relating to the ‘improvements’ then being undertaken in the Church at Carrigaline.
‘An Extra-ordinary Meeting of the Select Vestry was held immediately after Morning Service on 9th April 1893 in the Vestry, Carrigaline Church.
Present. Rev. E. Gibbings, Captn. Conner, R. H. Hayes, D. H. Young, A. S. Wilson, Thos. Bolster, John Crowley, Rd. Buckley, M. H. J. Roberts & William Smyth.
The reply from Messrs Deaves Bros. regarding the matters suggested by the Vestry at their meeting on 3rd April 1893, was read & the following Resolution was unanimously passed – Proposed by Mr. R. H. Hayes, and seconded by Captn. Conner.
“That the Estimate of Deaves Bros, for carrying out all the improvements as specified, for the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds and the old seats be accepted.”
Two months later was held a further meeting- ‘ An extra-ordinary Meeting of the Select Vestry was held Immediately after Morning Service on Sunday 18th June 1893 in Carrigaline Church. There were present, Rev. E. Gibbings, Captn Conner, R. H. Hayes, Wm. Smyth, M. H. J. Roberts, Henry Smyth and David H. Young.
It was proposed by Captain Conner, seconded by Mr. R. H. Hayes, & passed.
“That the new window be in every respect similar to the adjoining one, & that the work be proceeded with as soon as possible.”
Four months elapsed before the next meeting, at which meeting some particularly interesting details of the work being undertaken were passed:
‘A Special Meeting of the Select Vestry was held in Carrigaline Church on Monday, 16th October 1893. Present. Rev. E. Gibbings (presiding), R. H. Hayes, Captn. Conner, M. H. J. Roberts, Hy. Smyth; D. H. Young.
It was proposed by Captn. Conner & seconded by Mr. R. H. Hayes, and passed unanimously , that;
“ (a) The painting of the Dado, etc. for the sum of four pounds stg. be carried out.
(b) That the text “O, Worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness” be painted in artistic lettering around the Chancel window, for the sum of two pounds, stg.
(c) That the interior of all windows be painted one coat of white, and the inside of the three doors varnished. That the walls of the Vestry be washed in the same colour as the inside of the Church, and the ceiling whitened, for the sum of four pounds stg.
(d) That book rests of pitch-pine be placed on all the seats’