Parish Notices Sunday 24th February 2019
The Rector writes ‘’Tomorrow begins the annual ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’ when thousands of individuals, companies and groups come together to celebrate the people who grow our food, people who live in some of the poorest countries in the world and who are often exploited and badly paid. This year in Ireland we are focusing on the future, where are the future customers coming from? And what will they want to buy?
‘Create Fairtrade’ is a campaign being rolled out to both primary and secondary schools during Fairtrade Fortnight 2019 so young people can have some say now in what kind of future they will create for themselves and the planet. Did you know that, only 9% of Bananas sold in Ireland are Fairtrade, …. what can you do to create a bigger market for farmers and workers? Visit to find out more.

St John’s Church is in need of repair to its roof. 100 slates will need to be purchased at a cost of €4 each. If anyone would like to purchase one -or more!- please contact Henry Forbes on 087-2035000.
Check out the progress on the Fundraising Thermometer on the Parish Hall Noticeboard.
Saplings Home Group will meet at the home of Jocelyn & Eddie Pierce, The Pines, Bridge Mount, P43 VX37. Wed. 27thFebruary @ 8pm. Please text Eddie on 087 255 7505, if you are able to come. All welcome, looking forward to seeing you there to study the book of Esther.
St Patrick’s Eve service as Gaeilge will this year be celebrated in Dunmanway Church of Ireland at 8pm on Saturday 16th March. Monkstown Chamber choir will lead the music and will be accompanied by some members of St Luke’s Church Choir, Douglas. All parishioners are welcome to come along and join in the evening in this historic Church.
Owenabue Garden and Flower club Carrigaline will hold their next meeting on Monday 25 February at 8 pm in St Mary’s school hall. Liam Grainger will give a talk on “The Joys of Spring”. New members and visitors welcome. Enquiries to 0863222615.
Music on the Hill Concert-Friday, March 1 at 8 p.m. In aid of St Vincent de Paul and St Mary and All Saints’ Church, Glanmire. Taking part are the Hifilutin’ Flute Quartet, the Dundanion Singers and students of the Cork ETB School of Music.
Anam Cara Cork, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening on Wednesday 6th March at 7:20pm in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not.
Tonight Wholeness & Healing Service 7pm St John’s Church
25th Feb Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.
Annual Registration for Vestry 7:30pm Parish Hall
27th Feb Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
Saplings Home Group 8pm Pierce’s home.
28th Feb Confirmation Class 5-6:30pm Rectory
1st March World Day of Prayer Service 8pm St Mary’s Church
6th March Ash Wednesday
10:30am Holy Communion St Mary’s Church
7:30pm Holy Communion St Mary’s Church
7th March Select Vestry Meeting 8pm Rectory
9th March Parish Retreat Day ‘Wellsprings’ 10-15:30 Parish Hall
10th March Sunday Club 11am Parish Hall
Youth Club 7pm Parish Hall
13th March Lenten Study 8pm Parish Hall
(following 7:30 Evening Prayer in St Mary’s Church)
14th March Friendship Club 11am Rectory
16th March Whist Night 8:30pm Canon McCrea Hall
Random Notes No. CCXC1I
Port of Cork Cruise Liner Guide April & May 2019
Date | Ship | Arr time | Dept time | No of Pax | Location |
1/4 | ASTORIA | 0730 | 2000 | 580 | Cobh |
9/4 | MAGELLAN | 1030 | 2000 | 1794 | Cobh |
14/4 | MARINA | 0830 | 1900 | 1258 | Cobh |
20/4 | SAGA SAPPHIRE | 0630 | 1200 | 752 | Cobh |
20/4 | MARCO POLO | 0800 | 2000 | 922 | Ringaskiddy |
25/ 4 | L’AUSTRAL | 0630 | 1800 | 264 | Cobh |
2/5 | HANSEATIC NATURE | 0600 | 1800 | 230 | Cork |
2/5 | MARCO POLO | 0830 | 1700 | 922 | Cobh |
3/5 | L’AUSTRAL | 0730 | 1800 | 264 | Cork |
3/5 | CROWN PRINCESS | 0800 | 1800 | 3599 | Cobh |
4/5 | CELEBRITY REFLECTION | 0900 | 2000 | 3046 | Cobh |
5/5 | NORWEGIAN PEARL | 07090 | 1700 | 3130 | Cobh |
6/5 | AMSTERDAM | 0630 | 1700 | 1738 | Ringaskiddy |
6/5 | SERENADE OF THE SEAS | 0700 | 1900 | 2500 | Cobh |
7/5 | SEABOURNE QUEST | 0700 | 2000 | 478 | Cobh |
9/5 | L’AUSTRAL | 0800 | 1800 | 264 | Cork |
9/5 | CELEBRITY SILHOUETTE | 0900 | 1900 | 2886 | Cobh |
12/5 | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | 0800 | 1800 | 154 | Cobh |
13/5 | AMADEA | 0900 | 1800 | 604 | Cobh |
14/5 | COSTA MEDITERANA | 0700 | 1800 | 2680 | Ringaskiddy |
14/5 | CELEBRITY REFLECTION | 0900 | 1900 | 3046 | Cobh |
15/5 | AIDAVITA | 0700 | 1800 | 1582 | Cobh |
15/5 | CROWN PRINCESS | 0800 | 1900 | 3599 | Cobh |
16/5 | BRILLIANCE OF THE SEAS | 0600 | 2000 | 2500 | Cobh |
17/5 | MSC ORCHESTRA | 0800 | 1630 | 3605 | Cobh |
21/5 | SCENIC ECLIPSE | 1200 | 2100 | 240 | Cobh |
25/5 | CELEBRITY REFLECTION | 0900 | 1700 | 3046 | Cobh |
27/5 | CROWN PRINCESS | 0800 | 1800 | 3599 | Cobh |
30/5 | INDEPENDENCE OF THE SEAS | 0600 | 2300 | 4375 | Cobh |
30/5 | MARCO POLO | 0700 | 1700 | 922 | Ringaskiddy |