Parish Notices Sunday 24th June 2018

The Rector writes “It seems like there are so many issues around at the minute which call for our attention… the plight of the young illegal immigrants, especially on the Mexican/US border area, the Palestinians dying in their ‘Great Return’ march in Gaza, the Rohinga people piled up in overcrowded Refugee camps in already poverty stricken Bangladesh and here in Ireland, our own Direct Provision scandal, the Homeless in our Cities, many people unable to access proper Healthcare…. There are so many pressing issues that the temptation is to hide our head in the sand. But we must speak out where we find injustice, in whatever way we can, Martin Luther King said “Cowardice asks the question is it safe? Expediency asks is it politic? Vanity asks is it popular? But conscience asks is it right? And there comes a time when we must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but because it is right.” The only wrong thing to do is to do nothing. With God’s grace, do what you can, when you can”

WANTED: Old camcorders for parish media streaming project.Must switch on and show picture but neither tape nor battery needs to be working. If you are willing to donate one please contact                  Simon at (086) 083-0639 or Thank you!

CFSC Care & Repair Service is a Free DIY Service for older people. Our volunteers carry out small/minor DIY jobs for older people who find it difficult to do themselves.  Please note we do not cut grass as this is an ongoing job. For more information please contact  Carrigaline Family Support Centre on 021-4919299.

Grow It Yourself The Passage, Glenbrook & Monkstown GIY Group look forward to a talk by Caroline Tyrrel about a Veg Growing Village in Vietnam on Thursday 28 June at Passage Care of Elderly at 7:00pm.  All welcome.  For more info call 086 2405573 or

Mental Health and Addiction workshop with Dr. Gabor Maté called: Health and Healing with Mind-Body Unity, Saturday, June 30th to Sunday, July 1st, 2018, UCC, Cork. Dr. Maté is a World Leading Expert on Mental Health, Addiction, Health, Parenting ADHD, Trauma & Childhood Development. More info: or 0861719311

SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB-We will join again with Crosshaven for our Summer Holiday Club . This year’s Club is called ‘The Big Top’ and will be in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s School Carrigaline from  Monday 16th July to Friday 20th July. Application Forms are now available in the Parish Office or from the Rector


25th June  Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon  Parish Hall                                                                         Last Monday Club before Summer Break 3-5pm

26th June   6th Class Graduation Service 12 noon St Mary’s

16-20 July  Summer Holiday Club 10am-1pm Canon McCrea Hall

23rd July    Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

29th July    United Service 11:15 St Mary’s Church

Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St John’s


Random Notes  No. CCLXXIV



Reproduced above is a most interesting photograph from the collection of Thomas George Francis Stoney (1919-2006), of Currabinny, presented recently to the compiler of this note by his eldest daughter, Pamela Loch.

The date of the photograph, decorated for a harvest festival service, and with the numbers of harvest hymns displayed on the hymn board, is, alas, unknown, but it is thought that it was most likely taken sometime in or around the early 1960’s.

Amongst a number of alterations that have occurred within the Church in the intervening years, two of the most noteworthy perhaps are the replacement of the Holy Table by the present table, (the old table being now in the porch), and the removal of the late nineteenth century, and contemporary oak paneling behind it.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on June 25, 2018

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