Parish Notices Sunday 24th March 2019

The Rector writes ‘As most of you know I am a member of the Three Faiths Forum here in Cork (the three being the  ‘Abrahamic’ faiths of Judaism , Christianity & Islam) and in this group we strive to encourage good relations and contact between people of different faiths and understanding. What happened last week in New Zealand was unbelievably horrific and was particularly felt by our group’s Muslim members. Last week in Church I couldn’t help but look around at people gathered for worship and imagine how it must have been for those gathered in the Mosques that day. At the Bishop’s request myself and Revd Tony Murphy represent the diocese on the Church of Ireland’s Interfaith Working Group and on their behalf I will be in the UK next week (31st March till 5th April) to look at what the Church of England are already doing in the area of Interfaith Relations and how the Church can operate in a multi-faith society. They have a program called ‘Presence and Engagement’ and the Revd Suzanne Cousins (Bishop’s Curate in Derry & Raphoe diocese) and  I  will be at their annual Conference in London as well as visiting the cities of Birmingham , Leicester and Manchester to see initiatives on the ground. I hope & pray that what we learn will in some small way help to continue improving the understanding between peoples of different faiths and none in our country. To find out more about P&E check out’

Parish Lenten Course 8pm Parish Hall

Wednesday 27th March-Ministry and Spiritual Formation

None on 3rd April Wednesday 10th April -Clustering –Parish organisation.

CAMEO- Friday 29th March at 10:30am in Monkstown Bay Sailing Club. All welcome for chat and a cuppa.

Mothers’ Union Candlelit Evening. Friday 29th March at 8pm in the Parish Hall.

Saplings Home Group will meet at the home of Cecil & Clare Poole, on Wednesday 3rd of April @ 8pm. We are presently studying the book of Esther. All are welcome. Please text 087 2649523 if you are able to come. looking forward to seeing you.

The Owenabue Garden and Flower club, Carrigaline will host their annual Spring show on Monday 25th March at 8pm. Demonstrator will be Ann Hestor, AOIFA. The venue is the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s school. New members and visitors welcome. Enquiries to 086 3222615.

MUSIC FOR LENT WORKSHOP will be hosted by Peter Stobart at St Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Saturday 6th April  between 2pm and 5pm.The afternoon will feature seasonal repertoire, explaining its place in the liturgy as well as putting singers through their paces. Ash Wednesday, the Sundays of Lent and the Easter Triduum will all be covered. This event is aimed at singers and non-singers alike. Tea and coffee will be available. There is a small charge of €5 to cover costs. Please notify Peter on if you would like to attend.

25th Mar        Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.                        

27th March    10:30am  Holy Communion St Mary’s Church

                          7:30pm   Evening Prayer St Mary’s Church

                        8pm Lenten Study Parish Hall

28th March   Confirmation Class 5-6:30pm Rectory                      

29th March    CAMEO 10:30am Monkstown Bay Sailing Club

                          Mothers’ Union Candlelit Evening 8pm Parish Hall

31st March      United Service 11:15am St Mary’s Church-Mothering Sunday

3rd April         Saplings Home Group. 8pm. Poole’s home.

14th April       Famine Lunch Parish Hall after 11am Service

                          Youth Club 7pm Parish Hall

Holy Week    14th to 21st April  Separate Sheet available

9th  May Easter Vestry 7:30pm Parish Hall

25th May Parish Féte in St Mary’s School & Grounds

22nd –26th July   Holiday Club in St Mary’s School

Random Notes  No. CCXCV

Further to my recent Random Notes about the polio epidemic in Cork during the early 1950’s, I read the book “The Broken Boy” by Patrick Cockburn.

Patrick was born in 1950 to prominent radical parents, Claud & Patricia. Having returned to live at “Brook Lodge” near Youghal, Patrick contracted the disease in 1956.

He was treated at St Finbarre’s Fever Hospital until his father, believing that his son was dying due to poor conditions, brought him home.

At first, Patrick could only crawl, but gradually he began to walk again. Rather than being a tragic tale, this autobiography is a hilarious story about growing-up in East Cork with eccentric, broke, privileged yet radical Anglo Irish parents.

Claud Cockburn was a journalist and wrote for “Private Eye” as well as other publications, and although from a wealthy background, clearly anti-establishment. Patricia (nee Arbuthnot) was a debutante in 1931 and grew up at “Myrtle Grove”, just below St Mary’s Collegiate Church in Youghal. She was equally eccentric and Patrick’s tales of his mad Anglo Irish relatives in 1950’s Ireland made me laugh out loud frequently! Clearly, a book of boyhood humour in an adverse and unique world.


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on March 25, 2019

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