Parish Notices Sunday 24th November 2013

The Revd Tony Murphy writes; “I am sitting at my desk with very mixed emotions as I contemplate leaving Carrigaline Union of  Parishes after a relatively short period of a year.   I feel very enriched in the time I spent in Carrigaline Union in many ways, not least in getting to know such a caring and committed group of Parishioners who were so welcoming from my first day in the Parishes.  I truly  enjoyed wide variety of  experiences in ministry, Liturgical,  House Groups,  Lenten studies , occasional –but far too few- assemblies and house visits.   All of these, in my first year after Priesting, were under the excellent supervision of a most sharing Rector with whom it was a privilege to work.  The role of a Non Stipendiary Minister is to help the dioceses wherever one is most needed.  At the moment there are some vacancies in the dioceses and it is in the nature of auxiliary ministry that one moves from parish to parish to answer the                greatest need at any point in time.  This is not necessarily an easy step but I know that I will be supported by the prayers of the Parishioners in the Union.  As I am not moving home,  I hope I can sign off with au Revoir rather than Adieu .”



TEA and COFFEE will be available after the 11am Service in the Rectory as part of the GIFT DAY. Everyone in the parish  is encouraged to drop in and have a  coffee/tea and chat from 12pm until 4pm.

THE CHURCH of IRELAND CENSUS will continue this Sunday to establish the age and gender profile of those attending church each week.  Each person at church will receive a card on which they will record only their age and gender and it will be completely anonymous. This will then allow the Church to make decisions for the future based on really up-to-date analysis of the Church of  Ireland’s actual population.

POSADA sheet is the porch of St Mary’s Church. If you would like to be involved in this year’s Posada, please sign up.  This is a lovely tradition in the Carrigaline Union where families ‘mind’  Mary, Joseph and the Donkey in their house for one night during the period of Advent (1st December until 24th December) as Mary & Joseph symbolically make their way to Bethlehem for the birth of someone very special. If you haven’t been involved in this tradition before and would like to try it out, , just sign up, its very simple, the person before you rings you and delivers the figures to you and then you pass it on to the next household on the list. A great way to meet new people.

CONFIRMATIONS 2014 If you would like to be confirmed in 2014, could you please let the Rector know as she is planning to begin the preparation classes sometime towards the end of January/beginning of February.

HOME GROUP will meet in Monkstown at the home of Joan Nicholson,Diamond Lodge, Monkstown on Wednesday, 27th November and at the home of Kay Treacy, Spindlewood, Rochestown, on Wednesday, 4th December at 8.00 pm – all welcome.

C.A.M.E.O. (Come And Meet Each Other) Club meets on the last Friday of each month in the Monkstown Bay Sailing Clubhouse (near the Bosun) in Monkstown. Everyone is welcome to drop in for a coffee, home baking and a chat.                   Newcomers to the area, senior citizens and those who live alone are particularly welcome. Next meeting Friday 29th November. Time: 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.  Contact Hazel Fleury 4841383 or Mobile 0868157821.

CARRIGALINE CHRISTMAS FAYRE is the main fundraising event for our parish School and this year Mothers’ Union have been asked to help with the home produce stall. We are appealing to the home-baking, jam-making brigade for help.! The Fayre is in the GAA Hall, Crosshaven Road from 11am – 5.30pm on Sat 30th Nov and Sun 1st Dec. Contributions can be dropped off from 9.30 on Sat, 30th Nov, from 10.30 on Sun, 1st Dec or at any time during either day or between 9.30 and 12.00 at the parish hall the day before. Please let Hilary Dring know if you able to help out – / 086-3680513 / 021-4378439.

THE REVD TONY As most of you already know, the Revd Tony Murphy is no longer with us as he has been ‘re-deployed’ in the Fanlobbus Union of parishes. He will be very much missed as a member of the clergy team. We will have a sending off for him as part of the 8th December Advent Evensong at 7pm in St John’s Monkstown when we will have the chance to thank him for the work done over the last year in our parish.

Dog Show. Saturday 7th December at 1pm, Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School, Carrigaline. €5 per dog for entry into one class, €3 for a second class, €2 for a third class. All welcome. Proceeds in aid of Parish Funds. Please contact Adrian Bateman for further details on 086-8300379. More information to follow in the coming weeks.

CARRIGALINE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB are holding their monthly CAR BOOT SALE at the Circus Field Carrigaline ( next to Lidl on Crosshaven Rd.) today until 2pm.  Proceeds are in aid of the Carrigaline Youth Centre Building Project.  Gate open at 8.30am for 10am start. Enquiries to Patrick Coughlan on 087 8360299.

OWENABUE GARDEN AND FLOWER CLUB next meeting in Canon McCrea Hall will be on Monday 25 November at the earlier time of 7pm.  The demonstrator is Beatrice Hartog on “The magic of Christmas.”  Visitors are welcome.  Enquiries to 0868091627.



Nov 25th       Toddlers plus one Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall

Nov 27th       Monkstown Home Group 8pm Joan Nicholson’s home.

Nov 30th & Dec 1st    School Christmas Craft Fayre GAA Club

Dec 1st Advent Sunday : Year A begins, Posada begins

Dec 4th Monkstown Home Group 8pm Kay Treacy’s home.

Dec 7th         Intercessions Workshop, St Mary’s Church 10am-midday

Dec 7th         Dog Show. 1pm in Canon McCrea Hall.

Dec 8th         Advent Evensong 7pm St John’s Church (including a send-off for the Revd Tony Murphy)

Dec 20th     Carrigaline Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

Dec 22nd     Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church

Dec 24th Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church


Random Notes LXXIV      

Monkstown Chamber Choir have been invited to sing Choral Evensong in The Church of the Ascension, Timoleague this evening at 7pm.

Within the walls of this small anglican seaside church, lies a little known piece of social history from over one hundred years ago. The church is filled with Byzantine style mosaics, depicting various religious scenes. In the 1920’s the mosaics were gifted and installed in the church by the ninth Maharaja of Gwalior, Madhav Rao Scindia as a thank you to his mentor, friend and physician Martin Alymer Crofts. This act of beauty, kindness and the acknowledgement of religious diversity happened in an Ireland which was, at the time, experiencing severe political and social conflict. Especially in West Cork.

Martin Crofts came from a local land owning family and after graduating from Queens College Cork (now UCC) in 1877, signed up to the Indian Medical Service. The Irish doctor’s military career developed. In 1886 he was appointed residency surgeon of Gwalior and tutor to the new Maharaja Madhav Rao Scindia. It was during this time that the friendship developed and the young Maharaja made Gwalior one of the most advanced states in India. He balanced the budget, encouraged local industries , built schools and hospitals and provided honest judges who sent their prisoners to model jails.

Meanwhile, Martin Crofts was elevated to the rank of surgeon lieutenant colonel in 1897; promoted to colonel in 1908, and to surgeon general three years later. He was appointed Honorary Surgeon to the King in 1913. He had risen through the ranks to become Surgeon Major Crofts.

Less than a year after he retired, Surgeon General Martin Aylmer Crofts died “suddenly of heart disease” in London on 12th March 1915. Days later a brief notice appeared in the Cork Constitution regarding his funeral at Timoleague. It added simply “A man who knew how to do a day’s work and who did it”.                                                                                RCE


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on November 27, 2013

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