Parish Notices Sunday 26th April 2015

The Rector writes A reminder to please return the ‘Feed the Minds’ Savings Boxes to me if you had been kindly saving your pennies for this worthy charity? I will send it onto them as soon as possible.  Good luck today to all of the Walkers.  Any sponsorship money will go equally to Parish funds and to the School and then next Saturday we welcome the 65-strong Kilkenny Youth Orchestra who will play an exciting program for us in St Mary’s Church at 8pm. Admission is only 5 euro and the money raised will be divided between our parish funds and the Lion’s Club Carrigaline Youth Centre.  If you know of any young aspiring musicians, they will be inspired by this young orchestra.  When I lived in Kilkenny, I was always amazed at their professionalism.  I look forward to welcoming here to my new home. Hopefully see you there!’


Annual sponsored walk.  This morning our parish, together with the school, will have their annual sponsored walk from St. Mary’s Church to Drake’s Pool and back to St. Mary’s Church . As part of An Taisce’s Spring Clean Initiative, we will also pick up rubbish as we go.Walk starts after registration in the Church Hall at 11.45a.m.  Refreshments afterwards in the Church Hall.


SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB ‘JUNGLE JAMBOREEThis year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 20th to 24th July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack.      Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the Rector.


Recipes please !  We need your favourite recipes for inclusion in a fundraising cookbook.  Please supply your name and instructions for tastebud – tickling treats (anything under the sun, sweet or savoury, food or drinks, plain or fancy) to the collection box at the back of the churches.

Any questions?  Just ask Lesley Roberts (085 243 3920), Millie Kingston (086 809 1443) or Ingrid Glen (085 888 8044). Or email them to

7 week Grief and Loss Support Programme. Starting Monday 27th April 8-10pm, in Our Lady & St John Parish Centre, Carrigaline. For further  information and registration contact 4371109.

Scrap Metal Collection-For information call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000  A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website

Templebreedy Parish invites you to a Music Concert with some Drama – directed by Eileen Mc Collum.  Saturday 9th May, 7.30 p.m., Holy Trinity Church, Crosshaven. Entrance fee €10.  In aid of Cork Simon Community and the Holy Trinity Church Bell.

Owenabue Garden and Flower Club, Carrigaline, meeting will be held on Monday 27 April at 8 pm in the Canon McCrea Hall in St Mary’s School.. Paddy and Mary Tobin, Waterford, will give a talk on “Mount Congreve” through the seasons. Visitors are welcome. Enquiries to 0863222615.

Flower Festival in St Mary’s Church, Passage West. May 29th to 31st , The theme is ‘Journeys through life’ and we have been invited by Chris Bailey, Chairperson, to stage an exhibit as a Church Community. You may  remember that Chris kindly helped us organise our own Flower Festival in 2013. Please see Jonathan Fleury for details.


                              NEXT   WEEK


April 27th    Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3 – 5pm Parish Hall

April 29th Midweek Eucharist 10.30am St Mary’s Church

May 2nd Kilkenny Youth Orchestra Concert, 8pm St Mary’s Church


May 17th Dawn Chorus, 4.30am Currabinny Woods

May 22nd Mother’s Union dinner 8pm Carrigaline Rectory.

May 30th   Summer Fete

June 8th Charting the Future Parish Meeting 7.30pm Parish Hall.


Random Notes  CXXXVII



At Choral Evensong on Sunday 10th May, we will commemorate the 100th  anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Lusitania in Cork Harbour on 7th May 1915. This tragedy in which over 1,000 innocent civilians lost their lives was not the only disaster around these shores in May 1915. On Saturday 22nd May 1915, 216 people lost their lives in what was, and remains, Britain’s worst railway disaster.

A Liverpool-bound troop train carrying half (498 all ranks) of the 7th Battalion, The Royal Scots Regiment collided head on with a local passenger train, which had been “parked” facing north, on the south-bound main line at Quintishill, Gretna to allow a following express train to overtake it. The troop train overturned, mostly onto the neighbouring north bound mainline track and, a minute later, the Glasgow-bound express train ploughed in to the wreckage causing it to burst in to flames. The ferocity of the fire, and consequent difficulty of rescuing those trapped in the overturned and mangled carriages, was compounded by the fact that most of the carriages were very old, made of wood and lit by gas contained in a tank beneath them.

It was a devastating blow to the Battalion and to the whole population of  Leith – it was said that there was not a family in the town untouched by the tragedy, probably made worse by the fact that, out of the 216 who died in the disaster, or soon afterwards from their injuries, only 83 were identified. The remaining 133 bodies could not be identified or were, literally, cremated within the firestorm of the wreckage.

When we remember tragedies such as the sinking of RMS Lusitania, or indeed the worse British train crash ever, we must include all the side effects that war can bring. While intrigue abounds as to the reasons behind the sinking of the Lusitania, what is important is to consider the implications for ALL those involved. Civilians will always be devastated by war and not just those directly involved in the fighting.





Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on April 27, 2015

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