Parish Notices Sunday 26th January 2020
The Rector writes ‘Tomorrow marks the 75th anniversary of the freeing of Auschwitz Death Camp in Poland. Over 1 million people, mainly Jews, died there. The theme for the Holocaust Memorial Day this year is ’Stand Together’ and of course it is only when we stand together that we are strong. We celebrated the work of Cork woman Mary Elmes last year with the dedication of a Bridge in her name and the entering of her name into Ashton School’s Hall of Fame. She had rescued many children from a certain death in Nazi-occupied France. Another brave person just like her, who is quoted in the HMD Material this year is Sir Nicholas Winton, who rescued 669 children from Nazi-occupied Europe. He said ’Don’t be content in your life just to do no wrong, be prepared every day to try and do some good.’ Thank you to Simon Woodworth for the painfully poignant photos on the back of the Linksheet reminding us that they were all just like us.’
Climate Change-The Challenge for Carrigaline. A Public Information night hosted by Carrigaline Community Association. Monday 27th January at 7.30pm in Carrigaline Community Complex. All welcome.
Carrigaline Welcome Project Table Quiz. Friday, 21st February 2020 in Carrigaline GAA Club.
Table of 4 for €40. Doors open at 7.30pm. Start 8pm. We are working together to welcome a refugee family into the community of Carrigaline in 2020.This is a community sponsorship initiative supported by Carrigaline Ecumenical Project Team (CEPT).
Celebration of Trees-Tracton Community Centre-Sunday 2nd February from 12 noon. Tracton Biodiversity Group has had a fantastic response to their Trees for Tracton appeal which has resulted in 3700 trees being ordered by residents of the Tracton area. There will be Music, food, film, stories and a children’s art exhibition. This event will take place in the community centre with support from the community market – which takes place from 11am – 1pm on the same day. All welcome! Post code: Tracton Arts and Community Centre, Minane Bridge,P17 NP40.
CONCERT in St Mary and All Saints’ Church, Glanmire on Friday, February 28 at 8 p.m. in aid of AWARE (via donation). Taking part will be Kinsale Voices, conducted by Mary Walsh. Music students of Cork ETB School of Music will also take part. This concert will take approximately 60 minutes.
Another note from the Rector!
Last week I spoke about how we could all learn along with the Confirmation Candidates during the Services in the next few months. If you’d like to take this a step further you could go along to the ‘Women in the Bible’ Study led by Clodagh King which begins on February 13th, or you could plan to come along on Wednesdays in Lent, beginning 4th March, each week is a simple Service of Evening Prayer followed by this year’s Church of Ireland Bible Study, ‘Caring for the Garden of Year’. All year round of course there are the two Home Groups (The Saplings Group, meeting mainly in the Carrigaline area, led by Cecil Poole and The Monkstown Group meeting mainly in the Monkstown/Glenbrook area, led by John Sweeney) or finally if you are a determined ‘stay at home during winter’ person, give me a shout and I’ll recommend some nourishing reading for you! No excuse not to dust down those ’little grey cells’ as Poirot might say!’

27th Jan Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
Climate Change Information night. 7:30pm in the Carrigaline Community Complex
30th Jan Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
3rd Feb Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
13th Feb Women of the Bible Study. 7:45pm. Parish Hall
21st Feb Carrigaline Welcome Project Table Quiz. 730pmGAA Club
26th Feb Ash Wednesday 10:30am & 7:30pm HC in St Mary’s
4th March Evening Prayer 7:30pm St Mary’s 8pm Bible Study in the Parish Hall
29th March No morning services in Monkstown/Carrigaline, 11:30am Installation of the Rector as Canon in St Factna’s Cathedral in Rosscarbery.
7pm Service of Wholeness & Healing St John’s
7th June 11am United Service of Confirmation St Mary’s
Random Notes CCCXXX

Romuald Ma?ko was born 20 January 1890. Deported from Tarnów in the first transport of Poles on 14 June 1940. He perished in Auschwitz on 9 November 1941 at the age of 51.

Edmund Pi?tkowski was born in Budziszewice 20 January 1925. He was a student. Incarcerated on 20 October 1942. He perished in KL Buchenwald at the age of 17.

Danuta Figiel was born in Kamieniec Litewski 21 January 1921. She was incarcerated on 30 July 1942. Along with the rest of Auschwitz, she was liberated on 27 January 1945.From the @AuschwitzMuseum twitter feed.