Parish Notices Sunday 26th June 2016
The Rector writes ’So exciting this morning as we gather here in St Mary’s Church to have a run through our Service and then at around 12 to go out live on the Radio. Thank you for being here for this extended time. We probably all know someone for whom this broadcast service is their only connection with church so it is an honour for our parish to be involved in this Radio Ministry this morning. Here’s hoping it all goes well and that people here in church and those listening at home get a real flavour of our community in the Carrigaline Union and St Mary’s School.’
Scrap Metal Collection is back on track….. We can raise money for the Parish and also be environmentally friendly at the same time! For more information call Henry Forbes on 087-2035000.
SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB ‘COPS & ROBBERS’ This year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 18th to 22nd July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the Rector.
Mothers’ Union and friends are invited to join the Methodist Ladies for an afternoon at Blarney House on Wednesday, 13th July. Meet at BLARNEY CASTLE car park at 1.30pm. Entry cost €11 at most. Tearooms on site for refreshments not included in the price. All welcome. Contact Val Andrew 087-1270457 or Jocelyn 0872237321 if you need a lift.
On Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd July Innishannon will host 9 open gardens and 6 art galleries. Village Windows will go back in time. Floral arrangements in the churches. Gramophone music. Organ recital. Vintage cars along the streets.
A pass costing €10 with an accompanying map directing you to all venues will be available at the Parish Hall. Open from 11am-5pm each day.
27th June Toddlers Plus One 10 to 12pm Parish Hall
9th July ’Culture for Cambodia’ Art Exhibition 10 –4 Parish Hall
10th July ’Culture for Cambodia’ Art Exhibition 12 –4 Parish Hall
13th July Mother’s Union Outing. 130pm Blarney Castle.
16th July ’Culture for Cambodia’ Art Exhibition 10 –4 Parish Hall
17th July ’Culture for Cambodia’ Art Exhibition 12 –4 Parish Hall
18th to 20th July Holiday Club in St Mary’s School
23rd July Open Garden at Ricky & Sarah Footts in MonkstowN- fundraiser for C.U.H. Chapel.
31st July United Service 11.15am St John’s Church
Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St Mary’s Church
1st—23rd August Rector on Annual Leave
2nd September Parish Barbecue 7.30pm Rectory Garden
25th September Blessing of the Animals Service 11am St Mary’s
8th October Harvest Supper & Dance 7.30pm Canon McCrea Hall
9th October Harvest Thanksgiving Services:
11am St Mary’s Church, Preacher: The Revd John Tanner
7pm St John’s Church, Preacher: The Revd David Bowles
Random Notes CXCVIII
Cutting the grass is a seasonal ritual that can start as early as February and run as late as November. Everyone likes a nice neat green lawn. However, an unfortunate combination of hand injury, unreliable weather and a broken drive belt delayed the start of lawn cutting this year. As a result the grass is a little longer than intended!
Leaving parts of the lawn uncut brings its own rewards. Last year the Guardian ran an article titled, “Let dandelions grow. Bees, beetles and birds need them.” The article goes on to state that dandelions provide and extremely rich source of pollen and nectar for bees and other insects. Buttercups and daisies are also plentiful in the long grass, along with a scattering of purple pansies. There are a few nettles and other weeds but not very many.
In amongst the grass and wildflowers a blackbird goes about his business, looking for insects and worms to feed his family who are nesting under a broken tile in the roof. A thrush flies overhead, also looking for food. Out of sight, probably, voles and mice rummage through the undergrowth, safely out of reach of predators. A rabbit looks on from the ditch, wisely not venturing into the garden as the dog would make short work of her.
“Wilding” is the process of letting part of your garden revert to nature. It’s practical in larger and rural gardens. Letting a bit of the garden grow reinforces ecosystems that support bees and birds and ultimately plant life. It also reduces the amount of work required to maintain a garden. The Irish National Forestry Foundation in Manch – just beyond Enniskean – has an experimental semi-wild garden which is worth visiting. The INFF centre is open to visitors at weekends.