Parish Notices Sunday 26th May 2019

The Rector writes Today is ‘Rogation Sunday’ and it’s observance is of an ancient if somewhat confusing origin, perhaps in one form or another going back to the fourth of fifth centuries! It is of course Spring, and our crops are being sown, everything is bursting out in new leaf, new growth, new life.
So it makes sense that at Rogation tide, we ask for God’s blessing for the new crops and for a fruitful season in growth. Rogation and Harvest are like Bookends because at Rogation we ask for good crops, and then at Harvest we give thanks for good crops.

The seeds I am giving out to all the children (big & small) reflects this understanding of asking God to bless the dual work of planting and harvesting. Good luck with growing the tallest Sunflower!

Mothers’ Union Commissioning Service.
7:30pm on Thursday 30th May in St Mary’s Church. Hilary Dring will be commissioned as Mothers’ Union Diocesan President. The Rt Revd Dr Paul Colton, Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross will be preaching. We will also be celebrating that Carrigaline and Monkstown Mothers’ Union is 90 years old. There will be a supper in St. Mary’s School afterwards and all contributions (sandwiches etc.) welcome! Please come along and support Hilary and celebrate Mother’s Union in our Parish.

‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Prayer Initiative invites us to commit to public and communal prayer during the 10 days between Ascension Thursday and the day of Pentecost. This year our parish will be involved. St Mary’s Church will be open at 12 noon each day for prayer during those 10 days from 30th May until 9th June.
Please do come & join in. There will be a short time of Prayer and then you can take away a candle and a printed prayer to pass along to someone you know. Join the Global Wave of Prayer and help light up the world!
ANAM CARA CORK, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Remembrance Evening on Wednesday 5th June at 7:20pm at the Lough, Cork, followed by Tea and Coffee in the Hawthorn. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. Please RSVP to or 085 2888888 to help us organise. Please note there are no Events in July or August.
MONKSTOWN STREETFEAST is going ahead in Monkstown again this year on June 9th. Further information from Paula Flannery at 087- 2417032.
Carrigaline Library Gramophone Recital Thurs 30 May at 11am. All welcome.
ANNUAL PLANT & PRODUCE SALE in aid of Ethiopian Self Help Projects at Neptune Lodge Glenbrook, 100 metres from the Cross River Ferry. Saturday 8th June 11am-130pm. Admission €4. Children Free.

27th May Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
29th May Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
30th May till 9th June. Thy Kingdom Come
Prayer each day at 12 noon in St Mary’s Church.
30th May Commissioning of Hilary Dring as MU Diocesan
President 7:30pm St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline.
Holiday Club 10-1pm St Mary’s School
Forms now available from Parish Office
Random Notes CCLXX
On June 20th 1631, Algerian pirates raided Baltimore, Co. Cork carrying off most of the villagers to a life of slavery in North Africa. Here is a list of those captured:
Head of Household. Number of Captives:
William Mould 2. Himself and a boy.
Ould Osborne 2. Himself and a maid.
Alexander Pumery 1. His wife.
John Ryder 4. Himself, wife, 2 children.
Robert Hunt 1. His wife.
Abram Roberts 5. Himself, wife, 3 children.
Covent Croffine 6. Himself, wife, daughter, 3 men.
John Harris. 6. Wife, mother, 3 children, maid.
Dermot Meregey. 3. 2 children and maid.
Richard Meade. 5. Himself, wife, 3 children.
Richard Lorye. 7. Himself, wife, sister, 4 children.
Stephen Broddebrooke. 3. His wife (great with child), 2 children.
Ould Hauntein. 3. Himself, wife and daughter.
Evans and The Cook. 5. Evans, his boy, Cook, his wife, maid.
Bessie Flodd. 2. Herself and son.
William Arnold. 5. Himself, wife, 3 children.
Michaell Amble. 3. Himself, wife and son.
Stephen Pierse. 6. Himself, wife, mother, 3 children.
William Symons 4. Himself, wife, 2 children.
Christopher Norwey. 3. Himself, wife and child.
Sampson Rogers 2. Himself and son.
Beese Peeter. 1. Her daughter.
Thomas Payne. 4. Himself, wife, 2 children.
Richard Watts. 4. Himself, wife, 2 children.
William Gunter. 9. His wife, maid, 7 children.
John Amble. 1. Himself.
Edward Cherrye 1. Himself.
Robert Chimor 5. His wife, 4 children.
Timothy Corlew 1. His wife.
John Slyman 4. Himself, wife, 2 children.
Morriss Power 1. His wife.