Parish Notices Sunday 27th August 2017
The Rector writes ‘My first Sunday back after the holidays, Thank you to Bishop Mayes, George Quinn, Revd Tony & Revd Edwin for covering Services and to the Douglas Clergy for being on-call in case of any Pastoral emergencies. I had a lovely long break and feel relaxed and ready for action again. Thank you to all who have been so kind about the death of our dog Chester. I know that many of you also have pets that you care very much about and you understand that they really are like family. We had Chester since he was a rescue puppy of 6 months and as he would have been 16 next month it really has seemed like a lifetime with us and we miss him. Next month we will all have a chance to celebrate the animals in our lives at the Blessing of Animals Service (11am in St Mary’s on 24th). This will be the 6th time we have had this Service so I hope that we will be able to keep up our 100% ‘ No Biting ’ record !’
The Select Vestry invite you allto join them in the Rectory Garden for a Barbecue at 7:30pm on Friday 8th September. As we have to have numbers ahead of time, please let Christine in the Parish Office know if you are coming and if you are able to bring a Salad or a Dessert……
Saplings Home group Wednesday 13th September at 8pm. Theme for the year is “ My favourite book in the Bible and why”. Speaker on our opening night is Revd Elaine Murray. Meeting at the Poole’s house. All welcome. Contact Clare for further information on 087 2649523.
MOTHERS’ UNION This year, instead of our annual conference, we are organising a ‘A Day Away From It All’ at Inchydoney Lodge Hotel on Saturday, 23rd September from 12 noon – 3.30pm. It will be an opportunity to relax and spend time with friends. The lunch, organised by Kate Ryan of, will be based around local food producers and their story, will include a drink and will be followed by a walk on the beach and a visit to Clonakilty Community Garden. Tickets €37.50 per person. Advance booking is essential. All welcome (not just for Mothers’ Union members) so bring your friend, partner, husband, whoever!! For more info talk to Hilary on 086-3680513.
MARKING THE REFORMATION 500th ANNIVERSARY-Captive to the Word of God: Faith and Consequences.
Wednesday 6th September at 8pm in The Church of the Resurrection, Blarney. Speaker is Dr Mary Venables who brings light to this subject for everyone – you don’t have to be a historian or a theologian! She will take us through Luther’s biography and explores some of the messy consequences of his reform of the church.
St Lappan’s Autumn Fair takes place in the Church Grounds in Little Island. Saturday 9th September at 2pm. Plant stall, cake sale, bric a brac, children’s corner, Raffle, Teas. All welcome. Proceeds in aid of the Church Restoration Fund.
4th Sept Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon Parish Hall
7th Sept Select Vestry Meeting 8pm Rectory
8th Sept Parish Barbecue 7:30pm in Rectory Garden
10th Sept Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s
11th Sept Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall
13th Sept Home Group 8pm Poole’s home
14th Sept Friendship Club 11am Rectory
15th Sept Youth Club 7:30 till 9:30pm Parish Hall
18th Sept Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
23rd Sept Mothers’ Union Day Away. Inchydoney.
24th Sept Blessing of Animals Service 11am St Mary’s
1st Oct United Harvest Celebration 11am St Mary’S Preacher : Keith Dyde
7th Oct Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall
8th Oct United Harvest Celebration 11:15am St John’s. Preacher : The Revd Tony Murphy
Random Notes No. CCXLIII
“In her book “Treasured Times”, Patricia Butler talks about her days working as a housemaid in Fota House from 1947 to 1975. She tells us about the wedding of Rosemary Bell to Captain Anthony Villiers c.1948.Anthony James VALENTINE Villiers” was born in 1949 and went on to marry a GOTTO girl from Willowhill, CarrigalinE.
“…In Mrs Bell’s mothers time, dances were frequently held in the drawing room. The ladies wore silks and satins adorned with priceless jewellery – it was a spectacular sight. The drawing room was always used for entertainment purposes. Rosemary (Rosie) and her sister Susan (Susie) both played the piano beautifully. There was also a grand piano in the Long Gallery in Fota. Rosie was gifted on the piano and could play all the popular songs of the time. Her husband, Anthony (Tony) was equally good on the drums.
There was great consternation in Fota when Rosie called off her society wedding to Captain Villiers in London. All the presents had to be returned to senders. A few months later, Rosie changed her mind again and the marriage finally took place in Rushbrooke Church of Ireland.
All the outside staff and their wives and tenants were invited to the wedding. Plenty of stout and sandwiches were served in the Servants’ Hall for them while the gentry had their reception in the Dining Room. However, Mrs Bell spoiled the party by turning them all outside with the command “Out now, all of you, to get your photographs taken”. Half pints were reluctantly left behind on the table. When the photographs were over, Mrs Bell concluded the party with a word of dismissal “It’s all over, you can go home now!” The fellows who had left their pints were most unhappy! The staff of Fota presented the happy couple with a clock. Rosie exclaimed ” Oh, every time I hear it chiming, I’ll think of you all”.