Parish Notices Sunday 27th July 2014
The Rector writes: ‘The Children’s Holiday Club was on last week and one of the best Action Songs we had was ‘Faith as small as Mustard Seeds moves Mountains’ and as luck (or the Holy Spirit) would have it, the parable of the Mustard Seed is our Gospel today!…. Thank you to all the teen leaders who helped out at the Club during the week, helping to sow little mustard seeds in the younger children’s hearts. They were all brilliant. Thanks also to the Adult helpers (after all 42 children and 13 teens need some minding!) and to those who baked goodies for the voracious gang. It was really good for the Templebreedy and Carrigaline Parishes to run this club as a joint effort. Isabel and I are getting into quite a comfortable groove now! I am on holidays for the next four Sundays (although I will be back for the Wedding on 15th.) The list of who is looking after the Pastoral needs of the parish will be in the Linksheet next week along with the list of who will be taking the services in my absence. Please come and listen to these new voices in the pulpit as it is always good to have fresh thoughts! I will see you all at the United Service at 11am in St John’s on 31st ‘
TEA & COFFEE in the Parish Hall after 11am Service
TODDLERS PLUS ONE Group will continue during the summer but it still remains a group for toddlers only. Unfortunately school going children can’t come along as there as too many little ones in the group.
MONDAY CLUB still continues during the summer. All are welcome to drop into the Parish Hall from 3pm to 5pm on Mondays. Jonathan Fleury will be the ‘key holder’ when the rector is away in August.
MOTHERS’ UNION OUTING-Wednesday 30th July. Leaving St. Mary’s, Carrigaline at 1.30pm. Visit to The Old Deanery Gardens in Cloyne with afternoon tea, visit to Shanagarry followed by an evening meal at the Garryvoe Hotel. Price €45 all in. Please contact Hilary on 0863680513 or 021 4378439 if you wish to come along. All welcome.
The PARISH OFFICE will be closed for the week beginning 4 August.
We are holding a SCRAP METAL COLLECTION over the next two weeks to raise funds for the Parish. So have a clear out of your shed, garage and attic! If you require your scrap metal to be collected then we can arrange to collect if from your home/business.
Call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000 for information on where to drop it off or if you need it collected. A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the EVENTS section of the website.
July 28th Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.
July 30th Mothers’ Union Outing
August 31st United Eucharist Service 11am St John’s
Service of Wholeness and Healing 7pm St Mary’s
Sept 3rd Lectio Divinia 8pm Parish Hall
Sept 5th Parish BBQ
Sept 29th Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
Random Notes No. CVI
During the five year incumbency, from 1890 to 1895, of the Revd. Edward Gibbings (1859-1924) a substantial re-ordering, then referred to as ‘improvements’ of the interior of St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline was undertaken. Entries in the Vestry minute book of the time record both the development of the idea and execution of the work, and the first of some of the relevant entries are herewith transcribed in full:
8th August, 1892, ‘A Meeting of the Select Vestry was held on this date in Carrigaline Church at 11.30 o’c. Rev E.Gibbings, Chairman, opened the Meeting with prayer. Present. Mr R.H.Hayes, Mr Wm Smith, Mr John Sweetman, and Mr D.H.Young, Hon. Sec.
The Minutes of last Meeting having been read & signed, The Chairman brought before the Vestry, the subject of the improvement of the interior of the Church. After some discussion, the following proposition was proposed by Mr R.H. Hayes, and seconded by Mr Wm. Smith & passed unanimously –
That Mr W.H.Hill be employed to give estimate and plan for the re-seating of Parish Church, removing of Pulpit & desks, opening of a window at south side of Church and improving chancel rails”
Proposed by Mr Smith & seconded by Mr Sweetman that the Sexton’s house be insured for £100, and the Stables adjoining for £50.- passed.
Meeting then concluded with Benediction’
26th September, 1892, ‘A Meeting of the Select Vestry was held on this date in Carrigaline Church at 11 o’c. There were present Captn. Connor, Mr R.H.Hayes, Mr M.H.J.Roberts, Mr Thos J.Busteed, Mr Henry Smith & Mr D.H.Young.
The plan of interior of the Church as drawn by Mr W.H.Hill, Architect, including reconstruction of seats, opening one window at South East side of Church, and altering the position of the Pulpit, having been examined and considered, It was proposed by Mr Roberts and seconded by Mr R.H.Hayes, that the said plan be adopted, that an oak paneling be placed at the rere of the Communion Table & that the new seats be lined underneath, but that no change be made in the present Communion Rails or Vestry Door. Passed unanimously. It was proposed by Captn Connor & seconded by Mr R.H.Hayes that a sub-committee consisting of Miss O’Grady, Rev. E.Gibbings & Mr D.H.Young be appointed for the purpose of drawing up and issuing a Circular stating the proposed improvements, and asking for contributions for carrying out the same. Passed unanimously
The Meeting then concluded with Benediction’