Parish Notices Sunday 27th March 2016
EASTER EGG COLLECTION BOX at the back of St Mary’s Church. This is again for the Cuanlee Women’s Refuge in Cork. The eggs will be delivered to the children after the service today. Last year the children in the Refuge were absolutely delighted with their special Egg delivery.
TABLE QUIZ for Parish Funds. Friday 22 April at 8pm in Canon McCrea Hall. €10pp or €40 per table of 4. Children €5.
MOTHERS’ UNION Events for all!
- Special Lady Day Service, Wednesday, 6th April as part of the midweek Eucharist 10.30 am at St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline. Lady Day is a important day for Mothers’ Union; this year we celebrate 140 years of Christian Care for Families and would love you to join us if you can. There will be tea and coffee afterwards.
- Saturday, 16th April, Mothers’ Union Annual Festival Service takes place at 11am in St. Luke’s Church in Douglas. This will be followed by lunch and our Diocesan Council, when lots of information about what is going on will be shared. It is also a great opportunity to meet up with others from around the dioceses. It is very nearby so hopefully many of us will make it. All are welcome, members and non-members.
- ‘On being a Chaplain’. All are invited to join us as we very much look forward to welcoming the Revd Canon Dr Daniel Nuzum to speak to us on Monday, 18th April at 8pm in the Parish Hall in Carrigaline (next to the church).
Carrigaline Family Support Centre need Volunteer Drivers for their Community Bus. If you have a D or D1 licence and some free time please ring 4919299 or email
Grief and Loss Support Programme. Starting Monday 4th April and running until Monday 23rd May from 8-10pm. Meeting in Our Lady and St John Parish Centre Carrigaline. Further information and registration contact Ber on 4371109.
6th Apr Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
7th Apr Sunday School Training 7.30pm St Luke’s Mahon
8th-10th Holiday Club Youth Leaders Weekend Carhue
14th Apr Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall
18th Apr Mother’s Union. 8pm St Mary’s Church Hall
19th Apr Youth Club 7pm – 9pm Parish Hall
22nd Apr Table Quiz. 8pm Canon McCrea Hall
1st May Confirmation Service 11am St Mary’s Church
15th May Dawn Chorus 5am Currabinny Woods Carpark
20th May Family Beetle Drive 7.30pm Canon McCrea Hall
28th May Parish Féte 10am till 2pm St Mary’s School
29th May United Service St Mary’s 11am Sunday School
Prize-giving and Parish Picnic in the Rectory Grounds
Theological Random Notes I (….for High Holy Days!)
Contrary to what many people think, Easter is not a single day. It is actually a season that begins on Easter Sunday and continues for seven full weeks. This seven-week cycle is known historically as the ‘Great Fifty Days’ or the ‘Week of Weeks’. During this time, we, the church, celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection, his appearances to the disciples after Easter, his post-resurrection teachings, his Ascension into heaven, and the disciples’ eager anticipation of the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Ascension Day, the 40th day, always falls on a Thursday, with Pentecost being on Sunday, the 50th day.
So the feast of Easter is a season of fifty days, from Easter Eve through to the Day of Pentecost. From early times the Greek word Pentecost (fiftieth day) was used also for the whole Paschal season. During this season you’ll be glad to hear that there is no fasting. The word “alleluia” (praise the Lord) is said or sung repeatedly, in sharp contrast with the season of Lent when we completely omitted the alleluia and the Gloria.
The colour of liturgical vestments and hangings is white or gold.
It is customary for the Paschal Candle to burn at all services of the Easter season reminding us of the real presence of Christ among us.
After Pentecost, the Candle is moved to the Font and lit only for Baptisms and Funerals. In our Parish the previous year’s Pascal Candle is given to the family it was last lit for, in St John’s , this was the Statham family (Sebastian’s Baptism) and in St. Mary’s, this was the Carroll family (Lucy Clem’s Baptism.)