Parish Notices Sunday 28th May 2017

The Rector writes The Select Vestry voted at its last meeting to register our Parish Union as an Open and Welcoming Congregation with Changing Attitudes Ireland. This states that we are a congregation where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Christians can be guaranteed a welcome.

This may seem obvious to you but church communities exist within the Church of Ireland where your sexuality may exclude you from worship so it is worthwhile to state publicly what we are—a non-judgmental community where you are welcome, whoever you are and wherever you are on your own particular faith journey. The more eagle-eyed may have noticed I was missing last week as I was preaching at the annual IDAHOT Service in St Anne’s Shandon (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia). The theme this year was ’Love makes a family’ and I know that it is the love we have for each other here in our family of churches that makes Carrigaline  Union such a welcoming community.


KEY HOLDERS We are currently updating our list of Key Holders for St Mary’s Church and Parish Hall. If you have a key for either of these Premises, please let Christine in the office know.

Carrigaline Citizen Information Centre, Carrigaline Lions Youth Centre, Church Rd.  We are a Free, Confidential, Advice and Advocacy Service on all Rights/Entitlements and Benefits.   Open: Tues., Wed., Thurs 10:00am – 1:30pm. Telephone Number 0761 07 6940  No Appointment necessary.


Mother’s Union outing TO Kilkenny.Thursday 1st June leaving at 9:30am. Please let Hilary or  Jocelyn know by Monday evening if you would like to come. All  welcome to join us.



Anam Cara, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is hosting a Remembrance Evening on Wednesday 7th June at the Clayton Hotel, Tivoli, Cork from 19:30 to 21:00. This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not. To help us plan this event please let us know if you will be attending and you are welcome to bring a photograph of your child. We will need you to RSVP to or 085 2888 888 before Friday 2nd June.

Summer Holiday Club 17th –21st July. Application forms now available in the Parish Office.




29th May     Toddlers plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

31st May      Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s

1st June         Mother’s Union Outing to Kilkenny

8th June       Time for Tilara Coffee Morning 10:30—12:30 Rectory

17th –21st July  Holiday Club ‘Champions!’ Canon McCrea Hall


Random Notes No. CCXXXIII


Illustrated in this week’s Random Notes are details obtained from a  collection of photographs taken within St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline. A similar number of details taken from photographs of St. John’s, Monkstown, will follow in about four weeks’ time.  The purpose of these illustrations is one of observation; a skill which many parishioners, no doubt, will have refined over the years whilst spending many fruitful minutes, sometimes purposively, sometimes perhaps rather less so, and sometimes even rather aimlessly, looking around the Church during the deliverance of a succession of sermons.

The first person who can correctly identify the location of these eight details in each of the Churches will be the proud winner of a lavish prize, in this case, a bar of chocolate, which, in the spirit of the Biblical story of the feeding of the five thousand, he or she will be expected to divide, and to share out in equal portions amongst the assembled parishioners!

Identifications for this exciting competition not later than Friday next, June 2nd, 2017, please, to be sent by text to 087 61 17 746, or by telephone at 085 243 3920. The first (of the doubtless many) fully correct answers.

The first fully correct answer received will be the winner.’







Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on May 29, 2017

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