Parish Notices Sunday 29th December 2013

The Rector writes ‘You are all very welcome to our special United Service which is normal for the ‘5th Sunday of the month’   As well as being a Eucharist, we will also be giving out ‘Christingles’ made by the children yesterday.  The Orange represents the world,  the Red Ribbon signifies the Passion of Jesus,  the Cocktail Sticks are the compass points of North, South, East and West while the Raisins are the fruits of the world,  in other words all of God’s creation! Finally the Candle is of course Jesus, who is the Light of the world.  This is a lovely tradition that has come down through the centuries to us.  Bring one home and use it as both a centrepiece and a conversation piece over dinner!  Another difference today is that instead of a Sermon,  there will be a presentation of photographs of all the events we have experienced as a parish during the last year.   Sometimes it is good to look back and remember all that has happened.  We tend to underestimate what we have accomplished and so the photos will hopefully jog your memory a little.  Happy New Year to you all!’

TEA and COFFEE will be available after the 11am Service in the Parish Hall.

CONFIRMATIONS 2014 If you would like to be confirmed in 2014, could you please let the Rector know as the classes will begin on Saturday 25th January. All those who have already put their name down will be contacted before then.

8th ANNUAL YOUTH LEADERS TRAINING WEEKEND 24th—26th January The Quality Hotel, Clonakilty. Cost: €120 (waged) or €60 (unwaged). This great deal includes: dinner x 2, accommodation x 2 nights, breakfast x 2, lunch x 1 and access to pool and leisure centre! Booking form available from the Diocesan Youth Council of the Church of Ireland in Cork

RAINBOW PROGRAMME FOR 2014-a 12 week Rainbows Programme will be running for children in Spring 2014.  It is a peer-support programme to assist children and young people who have  experienced loss in their lives through divorce or separation in their family.  It is for children aged 9-12 years old and the programme runs for one hour every week in the Carrigaline Family Support Centre.  No cost.  They will also be running 2 Parenting Plus courses for parents in March 2014.  They will run the adolescent’s (11-16 years) and children’s (0-6 years) programmes. These are 8 week courses and will take place in the Carrigaline Community School. To find out more information or to reserve a place on either of these programmes please call  4919299.



Jan 3rd       CAMEO in Monkstown Sailing Club 10.30am

Jan 6th      Epiphany Service in St Mary’s N.S. 10.30am

(Please note that Service is not in Church)

Jan 7th The Rector and Fr Pat Fogarty PP begin their sponsored diet in support of Carrigaline Lion’s Club Youth Initiative, Weigh-in at 8pm in Carrigaline Court Hotel. All Welcome!

Jan 13th Toddlers plus one Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall

Jan 11th Saturday Service 7pm St Mary’s Church

Jan 25th  Confirmation Classes begin Sat 6 – 8pm in Rectory

Jan 29th Theological Book Circle. 8pm Rectory.

Feb 8th   Sunday School Training Day in St Luke’s

Feb 9th   Songs of Praise Evensong 7pm St John’s

Mar 1st  Preparation for Confirmation Morning with Bishop in Douglas

Mar 16th  St Patrick’s Eve Service as Gaelige 7pm St Mary’s

Mar 5th Ash Wednesday, Lent begins, Evening Prayer & Bible Study 7.30pm each Wednesday evening

April 13th – 10th Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter Sunday

May 14th   Christian Aid Coffee Morning in Rectory 11am

May 31st Parish Fête

Jun 15th Parish Picnic

Jun 21st St Nicholas’ Brass Band celebrating 150 years, will be performing at the Mid Summer Garden Party in St Mary’s Churchyard…. plus the Rector’s sponsored diet ends today (hooray!).


Random Notes LXXIX          

William Henry hill letter

Illustrated here is a rather interesting letter relating to ‘Carrigaline Church’, addressed to the Revd. Edward Gibbings (1859 -1924 ), Rector of Carrigaline from 1890 to 1895, and father of the well known wood engraver, illustrator, sculptor and author, Robert Gibbings (1889-1958).

The letter addressed from ‘Offices, 15 Marlboro St.’ and dated 30th October 1890, is from the noted Cork architect, William Henry Hill (1837-1911), and relates to some as yet unknown work carried out to the Church.  A transcript of the letter is given beneath.

‘Dear Sir, At your request I inspected the work as done by Mr. Barry. It is well done and you may pay him the five pounds arranged.

My fee as also arranged for Report, two visits, specification, arranging work with a contractor, & two cars is three guineas, Yours faithfully., W. H. Hill’

It is clear from the above that Mr. Hill was a lover of the word ‘arrange’!

































Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on January 6, 2014

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