Parish notices Sunday 29th June 2014

The Rector writes:  ‘Today, the 29th June, is the day the Church sets aside to remember St Peter.  Together with 24th June, which is the Birth of John the Baptist, traditionally this date is often chosen to hold the ordination services of priests & deacons.  I myself was made a deacon on 24th June 2005 and was ordained priest on this day , 29th June 2006.   St Peter was , and is, a great human role model for anyone, not just for those of us who are ordained priest.  He was a flawed human being yet through him God’s work was done.  He denied Jesus three times and was still chosen by him to be as leader. …. very comforting indeed! Jesus told Peter three times to ‘feed my sheep’ –  plain & simple instructions and Peter, to his credit, rose to the task assigned to him. So today, as the 29th June falls on a Sunday, we will hear about Peter as we use these appointed Collect and Readings rather than the ones appointed for 2nd Sunday after Trinity.’

Please note the Parish Office is closed until Monday 7th July at 915am.

SUMMER HOLIDAY CLUB ‘STARSHIP DISCOVERY’ This year our Parish will join again with Templebreedy Parish to run a children’s Bible-based Holiday Club from 21st—25th July in the Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School. 10am till 1pm. €30 per child or €70 per family, which includes snack. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office or the Rector.


Are you in receipt of Social Welfare? Are you interested in gardening or growing your own vegetables and would like to be part of a small group of like-minded people? If so this project could be just for you. For more information please call 021/4919299.

CAMEO has finished up for the summer and will meet up again on Friday 26th September.

TODDLERS PLUS ONE Group will continue during the summer but it still remains a group for toddlers only.   Unfortunately school going children can’t come along as there as too many little ones in the group.

M ONDAY CLUB still continues during the summer. All are welcome to drop into the Parish Hall from 3pm to 5pm on Mondays.

 FUNDRAISER for our Neighbours in Templebreedy

Please join us for wine and cheese  July 20 from 6 – 9 PM and share the bounty  from your garden, your home oven, your larder (jellies, jams and cordials), your wine cellar for our honesty marquee  You are most welcome Joyce and George Gleasure  Pine View House, Knockleigh Belgooly  Directions 087 231 3351



If you would like to be a Junior Leader in this year’s Holiday Club, please come along to the Parish Hall at 10am on Thursday 3rd July where we will be  having the first of the training sessions (Drama, Art, Action Songs). Revd Elaine and Revd Isobel will be running the  training sessions from 10am till noon on each of the Thursdays in July (3rd, 10th, 17th) and the actual Holiday Club is on Monday 21st till Friday 25th July. To be a Junior Leader, you must be either in Secondary School already or about to begin in Secondary School this September.


Random Notes No. CII

Transcribed verbatim beneath is a rather interesting list of the Church Wardens for the Parish of Carrigaline for a period of some twenty years from 1837.

The list is written in a clear legible hand on a single sheet of paper loosely inserted under the front cover of the old book of minutes of meetings of the Select Vestry of Carrigaline, and reads as follows:


‘Church Wardens for the Parish of Carrigaline from  the yr. 1837 to 1857

Thos N Blair & Wm W. Busteed Esqrs

Thos N Blair & Wm Heazle Esqrs

Thos N Blair & Thos Busteed Esqrs

Thos N Blair & Wm W Busteed Esqrs

Thos N Blair & Chas Busteed Esqrs

T N Blair & Michael Roberts Esqrs

T N Blair & Robert Atkins Esqrs

T N.Blair & Wm T Daunt Esqrs

T N Blair & Johnson Savage Esqrs

T N Blair & Thos S Busteed Esqrs

T N Blair & Shaw Busteed Esqrs

T N Blair & Robt Warren Esqrs

T N Blair & Wm Busteed Esqrs

T N Blair & John Martin Esqrs

T N Blair & Richd Martin Esqrs

T N Blair & Ralph Westropp Esqrs

T N Blair & John Martin Esqrs

T N Blair & J: T: Hodder Esqrs

Wm P Roberts & Thos Warren Esqrs

Mw B Warren & Richd Martin Esqrs

Wm B Warren & G. E. Savage Esqrs’



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