Parish Notices Sunday 29th November 2015

The Rector writes  ‘Advent is a lovely time in our liturgical year,  a quiet time of expectation , of anticipation, as we wait for the coming of our Lord.  Our united service today is a celebration of that feeling of waiting.  The other service today is one of Wholeness and Healing and is at 7pm tonight in St John’s Church. This will be a quiet reflective service where people can bring their worries and doubts to the Lord in prayer. There will be an opportunity to share private prayer with our small team of prayer ministers who have been trained specifically in this confidential and essential ministry.  There will also be an opportunity to be anointed by me with oil that has been blessed by the Bishop at the Chrism Eucharist on Maundy Thursday in Holy Week.  If you have a weight of any kind on your shoulders at this time, perhaps this will be just the ministry that you need to help you to cope in your life.’

Wednesdays in advent  Advent Bible Study at 8pm each Wednesday in the Parish Hall. This week Dr Deirdre McCrea will talk  about  ’Heaven’ from a Biblical perspective,  followed by discussion and some light refreshments. All welcome.

Nohoval Parish Church are hosting a fundraising concert on Wednesday 9th December at 8pm in aid of  their Organ Replacement. Polyphonics Barbershop will be singing. Tickets  are €15 including interval with seasonal refreshments.

CONFIRMATION 2016 –Confirmation Classes in the Rectory will be beginning on Saturday February 6th.  Please let the Rector know if you would like to be confirmed in 2016.


30th Nov      Toddler Plus One 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

2nd Dec    Advent Bible Study ‘Heaven’   8pm Parish Hall


9th Dec     Advent Bible Study ‘Judgement’   8pm Parish Hall

8th Dec   Mother’s Union Christmas Lunch.  12.30 Crosshaven Yacht Club

10th Dec   Friendship Club 11am Rectory

16th Dec   Advent Bible Study ‘Death’   8pm Parish Hall

18th Dec   Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

20th Dec   Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church

23rd Dec    Advent Bible Study ‘Hell’   8pm Parish Hall

24th Dec   Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church


Random Notes CLXXIII

beamish & crawford

In 1791, two successful merchants, William Beamish from Cork and William Crawford, from Bangor, Co Down entered into a partnership with two local brewers  Richard Barrett & Digby O’Brien. They set up the Cork Porter  Brewery on South Main Street and the first porter was brewed there on January 17th, 1792 with the “Hibernian Chronicle” expressing the hope that “the goodness of the quality we hope will render importation (from London) almost unnecessary”.

The brewery flourished during the French wars, when Cork was a major provisioning centre for British fleets, and when O’Brien was captured on a merchant ship by the French in 1794 and Barrett withdrew from the business in 1799, Beamish & Crawford took over the brewery. The brewery was exporting porter to Liverpool and the West Indies and America and at the time, Beamish & Crawford was the biggest brewery in Ireland. It wasn’t until the mid 1830’s that Arthur Guinness overtook Beamish & Crawford in volume output.

The brewery took over one of i’s Cork rivals, Lane’s, while Murphy’s took over another Cork brewery, Arnott’s, resulting in a Cork duopoly that lasted until Beamish & Crawford was taken over by Murphy’s parent, Heineken Ireland in 2009.

Some readers may be surprised to hear that the Beamish family had a bit of a “skeleton-in-the-cupboard”. Carin Beamish, great-great-granddaughter of William Beamish, married no less a figure than leading Nazi, Hermann Goering. Carin’s mother was Swedish, and she met Goering in Sweden in 1920. They married and settled in Munich, where she joined the Nazi party and she helped Goering escape after the failed Beer Hall putsch.

She died in Sweden in 1931 from tuberculosis and Goering called his house outside Berlin, “Carinhall”, in her memory. He had her remains exhumed in Sweden and re-interred there in a lavish funeral attended by Hitler.

On a more joyful note, the Beamish & Crawford premises on South Main Street is soon to be transformed in to the Cork Events Centre.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on November 30, 2015

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