Parish Notices Sunday 2nd June 2019

The Rector writes  ’Last Thursday was the Feast of the Ascension , celebrated on the 40th day of Easter, which is always a Thursday so that means we always need to speak about the Ascension on the Sunday following as people are rarely able to attend church on a weekday.

Although this year, you may have been in church on Thursday night for Hilary’s wonderful commissioning as Mothers’ Union Diocesan President! 

In Christian art, the ascending Jesus is often shown blessing an earthly group below him, signifying the entire Church. I like that as it reminds me that we are enabled to do his will in our own community with his blessing. 

Thy Kingdom Come’ Prayer Initiative invites us to commit to public and communal prayer during the 10 days between Ascension Thursday  and the day of Pentecost.   This year our parish will be involved. St Mary’s Church will be open at 12 noon each day for prayer during those 10 days from 30th May until 9th June. Please do come & join in. There will be a short time of Prayer and then you can take away a candle to pass along to someone you know.  Join the Global Wave of Prayer and help light up the world!

Mother’s Union Outing on Wednesday 26th June.

The day out includes a visit to Beechwood Garden in Glanmire and an early evening meal in the Elm Tree restaurant in Glounthaune.

Total cost €40 per head including coach. Please let Hilary Warren Perry know on 086-2637137 before Wednesday 19th June if you can join us.   Further pick up details to follow.

ANNUAL PLANT & PRODUCE SALE  in aid of Ethiopian Self Help Projects at Neptune Lodge Glenbrook, 100 metres from the Cross River Ferry. Saturday 8th June 11am-130pm. Admission €4. Children Free.

MONKSTOWN STREETFEAST is going ahead in Monkstown again this year on June 9th. Further information from Paula Flannery at 087- 2417032.

ANAM CARA CORK, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Remembrance Evening on Wednesday 5th June at 7:20pm at the Lough, Cork, followed by Tea and Coffee in the Hawthorn. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. Please RSVP to or 085 2888888 to help us organise.  Please note there are no Events in July or August.

30th May till 9th June.  Thy Kingdom Come 

                        Prayer each day at 12 noon in St Mary’s Church.

5th June    Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

6th June    Select Vestry 8pm Rectory

8th June    Diocesan Synod Cork International Hotel

9th June    Pentecost  Sunday Club Prizegiving at 11am Service

10th June  Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall

13th June   Friendship Club 11am Rectory

22nd – 26th July     THE ADVENTURE CRUISE

Holiday Club 10-1pm St Mary’s School-Forms now available from Parish Office-

Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on June 5, 2019

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