Parish Notices Sunday 30th April 2017
The Rector writes ’ Welcome to our special United Service where we celebrate the work of Christian Aid. I am delighted that Dr John Sweeney , our parish representative with Christian Aid, is going to talk to us today. It’s always good for us to sit back and listen to other voices! Christian Aid has been in existence since 1945, born out of the needs of the refugee crisis after World War II and this year the theme for their Christian Aid Week (14th—20th May) is again ‘Refugees’, isn’t that so sad? It is again the biggest problem in our world. And of course people flee.. As Christian Aid points out on their website ‘It’s better to die in a refugee camp than to die in war. To risk your children’s lives in a plastic dinghy. And to leave everything you know behind. When the alternative is terror, bombs and bullets, almost anything is better. This is the terrible choice facing tens of millions of people worldwide – fleeing conflict and disaster, making dangerous journeys in search of safety’ Behind the Christian Aid theme of ’Refugees’ is the declaration that
‘Everyone should have a safe place to call home’
Perhaps we could all to keep this in mind when after this Service we head back to our own safe homes.’
CONFIRMATION SERVICE is next Sunday 7th May. Please pray for Katie and Sonia as they continue their journey in faith. We look forward to having a full church next Sunday for the service.
YOUTH NEWS The Diocesan Youth Officer Kristin Hollowell is running an “Event Combating Homelessness in Cork City” on Sunday, May 14th in Cork City which was such a great success last year. The purpose of it is to help young people find ways to help the homeless in their community. Starting with a Service in St. Anne’s at 10:15am, throughout the afternoon we will visit and help at Penny Dinners, make care packages to give to Simon Community and discuss what we can do in our own communities to help those in the need. There will also be the opportunity to ring the famous Shandon Bells! Ask Peter or Tracey about consent forms.
Summer Holiday Club 17th –21st July. Application forms now available in the Parish Office.
Anam Cara, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 3rd of May from 730-9pm in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.
GARDEN FÊTE Cobh & Glanmire Parish-at St Mary’s Church, Church Hill, Glanmire on Saturday 6th May at 2.30 p.m. All welcome.
Monkstown Area SvP are organising a Clothes Appeal for Saturday 13th May from 10am until 4pm in Monkstown Pier Car Park.
7th May Confirmation Service 11:15 St John’s
8th May Toddlers plus One 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
11th May Friendship Club 11am Rectory
13th May Darkness into Light Walk 4:15am Carrigaline
14th May Ecumenical Dawn Chorus 5am Currabinny Woods
Youth Day Trip to Cork ‘Combating Homelessness’
20th May Mothers’ Union Diocesan Service 2pm St Mary’s
26th May CAMEO 10:30am Sailing Club Monkstown
27th May Parish Fête 10am – 2pm St Mary’s School
17th –21st July Holiday Club ‘Champions!’ Canon McCrea Hall
Random Notes No. CCXXIX
Illustrated above are four photographs from of a number taken in or around 1988, of some details, including alpha and omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, (‘I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, saith the Lord’, Rev. I: 8), from the coloured glass window in the chancel at the east end of St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaline.
The window was erected in the latter part of April, 1872, on the instructions of St. Lawrence Robert Morgan Tighe (1838- 1895), of Mitcheslstown, nr. Castletown-Geoghan, co. Westmeath, and The Grove, nr. Passage-West, co. Cork, in memory of both his father, Robert Morgan Tighe (1790-1853), of Mitchelsown, and The Grove, and his mother, Frances Elizabeth Irvine Tighe (c.1796-1871), youngest daughter of The Right Revd. the Hon. Thomas St. Lawrence (1755-1831), Bishop of Cork and Ross, 1807-1831. It is of interest to record that Frances Elizabeth.Irvine Tighe is buried in the Churchyard of Carigaline, but just a few feet away from the window in which she is commemorated.
The inscription at the base of the central light of the window reads as follows:
In memory of Robert Morgan Tighe / of Mitcheslstown Co; Westmeath who died / 9th. Jan 1853 Aged 63 years. Also of his wife / Frances Elizabeth Dau: of the Hon. & Right / Rev: Thomas St. Lawrence Lord Bishop of / Cork & Ross She died 30th. Sep: 1871 aged 75 / This window is erected by their/ only surviving son St. Lawrence M. Tighe’
An entry in the book of minutes of meetings of the select vestry records the gift by the following short note:
‘Resolved that the use of the church be granted to R.St.Tighe Esq. from 22nd April for erection of East Window’.