Parish Notices Sunday 30th June 2013

The Revd Tony writes; In our Prayer Book there are 32 Days set aside during the year as Festival days. These mainly focus on the inspirational  lives of Saints who lived during the foundational years of the Church.

Last week marked two such Feast days with the Birth of Saint John the Baptist (June 24) and St Peters Day (June 29), while on Wednesday (July 3) we mark the Feast of Saint Thomas.

As these days fall on a Sunday only once every seven years there is a possibility that they may not receive the focus they had in the past. This would be unfortunate, particularly in light of today’s Gospel Reading, which contains a stirring call to Discipleship.

John prepared the people for the coming of our Saviour with a call to repentance. Peter, in response to the threefold question of Jesus ‘Do you love me’, received the instruction to ‘feed my sheep’. Thomas, originally full of doubt, ultimately recognised Jesus both as ‘my Lord and My God.’

So as we listen to the verse in The Gospel Reading this Sunday that ‘no one who puts a hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God’ , let us take inspiration from the discipleship of these Saints.


RECTOR’S HOLIDAYS Elaine is away until Wednesday 3rd July. During this time, in the event of a Pastoral emergency, please contact the Revd Isobel Jackson at 021-4831236.

If you make regular contributions either by envelopes or standing orders, or one-off gifts please collect a charity tax reclaim letter from the back of the church this morning.

New rotas available at the back of the church or in your email inbox!

TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP meet tomorrow as normal from 10am-midday . There will be no Monday Club until September.

Junior Heroes Holiday Club-  Forms are available in the parish office for this year’s Summer Holiday Club run jointly by Templebreedy and Carrigaline Parishes. July 22-26 from 10am-1pm in the Canon McCrea School Hall. Pre-booking is required.

Welcome Area- You may have noticed that the left hand side at the back of St Mary’s Church has become a welcoming area in the last few weeks. We will be constructing some bookshelves there to neatly hold the Prayer books, Hymnals and Bibles. Moving the books to the back of the church (in a similar fashion to St John’s) has freed up pews from these bulky items and now hopefully visitors to St Mary’s will not have the embarrassment of knocking over books as they make their way into the pews.

Simon Woodworth will be giving a talk about his Malawi adventures in Blackrock Castle Observatory on Friday July 5th. The talk will have lots of photos of Malawi, a demo of some of the medical technology he plans to use there and an exhibit of AMELIA, his prototype Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. The talk is aimed at families and all ages. See for more information.

MEN’s Shed- All men are welcome to go along and find out more about the companionship and skills training available in the Men’s Shed Kilnagleary on the Minane Bridge Road.  See leaflets at back for further details.

Carrigaline Family Support Initiative  are running a 12 week Rainbows Workshop for children who have experienced loss through Divorce or  Separation. This is for children aged 9 to 12 years. Thursdays 3pm-4pm beginning on Sept 19th. Venue Carrigaline Family Support Centre, Wylie House. They are Also running a Parent Plus Workshop for Adolescents . This is an 8 week course and will run from 21st Oct to 16th Dec 7.30-9.30pm. Venue Carrigaline community School Fee €30inc Manual. Contact Rosie or Wendy @ 4919299.



July 1st         Toddlers plus One group 10am-midday

July 17th          Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

July 22nd –26th Children’s Summer Holiday Club Week.

Sept 15th       Parish Confirmation Service St John’s 11am

Sept 29th         United Service :  Blessing of Animals St Mary’s 11am

United Healing Service St John’s 7pm

Oct 12th Parish Supper in Canon McCrea Hall.

Oct 13th  St Mary’s Harvest Thanksgiving Eucharist 11am

The Revd Trevor Lester preaching.

St John’s Harvest Thanksgiving Evensong 7pm

The Revd John Ardis preaching


Random Notes are taking a summer holiday for a week or so!

A Holiday Prayer 

Dear Lord, how we’ve waited for this holiday, and now it’s finally here.  Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to take a break from our daily routines and to replenish our minds, bodies and souls so they we may better serve You.  Sometimes our expectations for holidays are unrealistic,, and we find ourselves disappointed when things don’t go our way.  Help us not to worry about having the ‘perfect’ holiday but to relax and enjoy every moment, whatever it may bring.  We are grateful for the joys that await us-whether they be the beauty of your creation, recreation with family or friends, or peace and solitude.  Watch over us and protect us as we travel, and brings us safely home again-refreshed and renewed.  Amen.


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on July 1, 2013

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