Parish Notices Sunday 31 March 2019
The Rector writes ‘Our Lenten Studies are going well with lots of discussion on many issues to do with our Parish.
One item that cropped up last week was the importance of us being an Inclusive Parish and it reminded me of the lovely poem ‘Outwitted’ by Edwin Markham (1852-1940)
“He drew a circle that shut me out-
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him In!”
Long may we continue to be an open and welcoming community!’
The Rector will be in the UK from today Sunday 31st March until Saturday 6th April on behalf of the Church of Ireland Interfaith Working Group. The Revd Isobel Jackson will be on call for pastoral emergencies (021-4831236)
Parish Lenten Course- 8pm Parish Hall
None on Wednesday 3rd April
Wednesday 10th April-Clustering / Parish organisation.
Saplings Home Group will meet at the home of Cecil & Clare Poole, on Wednesday 3rd of April @ 8pm. We are presently studying the book of Esther. All are welcome. Please text 087 2649523 if you are able to come. looking forward to seeing you.
Anam Cara Cork, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening on Wednesday 3rd April at 7:20pm in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not.
St Nicholas Brass Band Gala Concert. Thursday 4th April at 8pm in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral. Tickets €10 available at the door.
MUSIC FOR LENT WORKSHOP will be hosted by Peter Stobart at St Fin Barre’s Cathedral on Saturday 6th April between 2pm and 5pm.The afternoon will feature seasonal repertoire, explaining its place in the liturgy as well as putting singers through their paces. Ash Wednesday, the Sundays of Lent and the Easter Triduum will all be covered. This event is aimed at singers and non-singers alike. Tea and coffee will be available. There is a small charge of €5 to cover costs. Please notify Peter Stobart on if you would like to attend.
1st April Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.
3rd April 10:30am Holy Communion St Mary’s Church
7:30pm Evening Prayer St Mary’s Church
8pm. Saplings Home Group. Poole’s home.
4th April Confirmation Class 5-6:30pm Rectory
7th April Carrigaline Singers at 11am Service in St Mary’s Church
11th April Friendship Club 11am Rectory
Select Vestry 8pm Rectory
14th April Palm Sunday United Service 11:15 St Mary’s Church
Famine Lunch Parish Hall after 11am Service
Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church
Youth Club 7pm Parish Hall
Holy Week 14th to 21st April Separate Sheet available
26th April CAMEO 10:30am Monkstown Bay Sailing Club
9th May Easter Vestry 7:30pm Parish Hall
25th May Parish Féte in St Mary’s School & Grounds
22nd –26th July Holiday Club in St Mary’s School
Random Notes No. CCXCVI
Transcribed beneath are a small collection of interesting extracts from the book of minutes of meetings of the Select Vestry, covering a three year period from 1881.
1881, September 19th. ‘Proposed by Mr. Robt. Hayes, seconded by Capt. Conner “That as Mrs. Green has consented to undertake the playing of the harmonium at the morning service that Miss Hogan be asked to accept a salary of six pounds per annum, and to undertake the music at the evening service, and to assist at the morning service whenever necessary. Salary to commence from this date and to become due at Easter in each year.”
1881, December 12th ‘A special meeting of select vestrymen was held this day in Carrigaline Church pursuant to notice posted in Church porch & given out in Church.
Present, messrs. S.D. O’Grady, D.H. Young, John Smith, & the Revd. J. Sullivan. Mr. O’Grady proposed and Mr. Young seconded a resolution to the following effect
“That Foley, slater be got to examine the roof and windows of the Church & report to the select vestry, giving an account of the necessary repairs, & expense of doing same”-passed.
Mr. O’Grady stated that he wished to mention to the vestry that Mr. Burke of Prospect Villa claimed a stable usually used in Carrigaline Churchyard by Mr. O’Grady, and in order to avoid any misunderstanding with reference thereto, Mr. O’Grady is desirous of building a stable for his own use at the end of Captain Conner’s stable, and Mr. O’Grady expressed his intention of applying for permission to erect same.’
1882, Easter Vestry, 10th April, ‘Mr. O’Grady wished to be informed if the Rector of the Parish could absent himself from his duties as Rector for any length of time without having permission of the select vestry’
1883, June 5th ‘Proceedings opened with Prayer, and after signing the minutes of last meeting the following resolutions were passed, first proposed by Mr. O’Grady
“That the select vestry write to Leahy, builder, Kinsale, asking him to inspect and report on the condition of the roof of the Parish Church , and other repairs that may be requisite’
and secondly, proposed by S.D. O’Grady, seconded by Robt. Hayes
“That the secretary write to the secretary of Church Rep. Body asking, first, whether the ownership of stables within Carrigaline Churchyard before passing of the Church act remains unaltered”, and secondly “Whether pews of galleries erected at the expense of private parties before passing of Church act form any exception to the law empowering the select vestry to dispose of same as they think fit.”