Parish Notices Sunday 3rd August 2014

Pastoral Emergency Cover during Rector’s Holidays:

  • Sunday 3rd till Monday 18th August :  contact Archdeacon Adrian Wilkinson 021-4891539
  • Tuesday 19th till Friday 29th August :  contact the Revd

Isobel Jackson -021-4831236

Services during Rector’s Holidays:

  • Sunday 3rd : Ted Rae will lead Morning Prayer
  • Sunday 10th : Bishop Richard Henderson will celebrate Holy Communion.
  • Sunday 17th : Helen Burke will lead Morning Prayer
  • Sunday 24th : Bishop Richard Henderson will celebrate Holy Communion.
  • The Revd Tony Murphy will celebrate the 10.30am

Eucharist Services in St Mary’s Church on Wednesdays.

  • Richard Dring will lead the ‘Sausage’ Service in St Mary’s at 7pm on Saturday 9th and also the Service of Compline at 7pm in St John’s Church on Sunday 10th .


TEA & COFFEE in the Parish Hall after 11am Service

TODDLERS PLUS ONE Group will continue during the summer but it still remains a group for toddlers only.   Unfortunately school going children can’t come along as there as too many little ones in the group.

MONDAY CLUB still continues during the summer. All are welcome to drop into the Parish Hall from 3pm to 5pm on Mondays. Jonathan Fleury will be the ‘key holder’ when the rector is away in August.

The Parish Office will be closed for the week beginning 4 August.

We are holding a Scrap Metal Collection over the next two weeks to raise funds for the Parish. So have a clear out of your shed, garage and attic! If you require your scrap metal to be collected then we can arrange to collect if from your home/business. Call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000 for information on where to drop it off or if you need it collected. A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website

CHRISTIAN AID SHEEP’S HEAD HIKE will take place on  Saturday 6th September, beginning at 11:00am at the Kilcrohane Community Centre.

There are two scenic walk routes this year – a 11km walk and a 5.6km walk. Where: Sheep’s Head Way, West Cork. Starts: 11.00am, Kilcrohane   Community Hall, Kilcrohane Village. At the end of walk refreshments will be provided in Kilcrohane Community Hall free of charge.See posters for  further details or Christian Aid Cork office on 023 88 41468 or email You can also register online at



August 4th  No Toddlers plus One or Monday Club.

August 11th   Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.

August 31st United Eucharist Service 11am St John’s

Service of Wholeness and Healing  7pm St Mary’s

Sept 3rd Lectio Divinia 8pm Parish Hall

Sept 5th  Parish BBQ 8pm (Adults) in Rectory Garden

Sept 29th Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

Oct 11th Harvest Parish Supper 7.30pm in Canon McCrea Hall

Oct 12th Harvest Thanksgiving Services 11am St Mary’s and 7pm St John’s.

Oct 18th/19th  Visit of a group from FEED THE MINDS charity to our parish. More details later.

Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night 6 to 8pm Parish Hall

Nov 1st Reflective Service of Remembering 7pm St Mary’s

Nov 7th EcoCongregation Seminar in Parish Hall.

Nov 16th Quiet Day in Parish Hall, more details later.


Random Notes No. CVII


Above is a dramatic panoramic pencil drawing of “Cork Harbour from Old Monkstown Road” dated 1849. It appears to have been drawn from somewhere around where Fairy Hill meets Scotsman’s Road. The fact that it refers to the Old Monkstown Road would suggest that the new road between Glenbrook and Monkstown along the river, had already been constructed.  The buildings in the foreground would be De Vesci Terrace where the sailing club is now based. The steeple of St John’s and the Castle would be slightly around to the right.

Although there is a lot of artistic licence in the height and contours of some places, we can still clearly identify Black Point in the almost centre of the drawing. Also, the Martello Tower on Haulbowline is clearly visible as well as Rocky Island. Spike island is a lot higher than in reality, but the shape of the fort is quite correct. Fort’s Camden and Carlisle can clearly be seen protecting the harbour. And plenty of sailing ships at anchor in Monkstown Bay as well as in the outer  harbour. I wonder would the artist recognise the place today? It is unclear who the artist is, but the style and pencil drawing suggest it could be R.L Stopford who lived at De Vesci Terrace.




Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on August 11, 2014

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Sunday Morning: 11:00 am

Church Road
(021) 437 4045