Parish Notices Sunday 3rd December 2017
The Rector writes ‘Welcome to the season of Advent, a season of wonder and waiting. We will light the first of our Advent Candles today. There are 3 purple, 1 pink and 1 white candles in an Advent Wreath. Each Sunday in Advent has its own ‘theme’ remembering in turn sets of people who were forerunners and who prepared the way for the coming of Christ— the ‘Patriarchs’ then the ‘Prophets’ then ‘John the Baptist’ and finally the ‘Virgin Mary’. The purple candles (Sundays 1, 2 and 4) reflect the penitential liturgical colour for Advent while the pink candle is used on the 3rd Sunday, often called ‘Gaudete Sunday’, which means ‘Rejoice Sunday’ reminding us of the joy that is soon to come. Finally the white candle is lit, recognising that Jesus, the ‘Light of Light’ has come among us. I wish you all a most peaceful and reflective Advent as we prepare ourselves to remember the coming of the Light of the world. Remember that for the next three Wednesdays we will have special Advent Talks at 8pm in the Parish Hall so if you want to learn more about the Advent Season in the midst of all of the chaos of the Consumer driven ‘Christmas Season’ take an hour out and come along!’
Thanks to the anonymous donation of €1,000 we are now so much closer to being able to allocate every single euro we receive during the Live Crib to our selected charities of St. Vincent de Paul, Cork Simon, and Charlie’s Equine Rescue (the charity which helped to relocate Jill Smith’s animals to Hillside Animal Sanctuary and save them from slaughter). There is still time to donate towards the expenses of holding the live Crib event. If you can help us please contact Rowland Newenham (0872522541).
Helpers are needed for teas on 9th & 10th, 4 people for each session, 1-3pm & 3-6pm. Bakers are also wanted to make tray bakes, biscuits or small cakes for both days. Please contact Madeline Geary to confirm help or baking. 087-4189811.
Mother’s Union lunch in Carrigaline Court Hotel will take place at 1230pm on Thursday 7th December. Please let Hilary Dring know by tomorrow if you wish to attend. 086-3680513.
CORK DIOCESAN YOUTH COUNCIL 20’s & 30’s invite you to come and join us for dinner, music, reunion, treats and lot of chat. Friday 8th December at 7 pm Venue: Munster Arms hotel,Bandon, Co. Cork. Cost: 22 euros. Text 087-3642324 Viridiana Kingston-Castro.
Nohoval Church Christmas Concert – Friday 8th December at 8pm. Performers include: Tracton Harp Ensemble, Arienne Singers, Pat O’Brien, Colin Nicholls and the Polyphonics. Tickets are €15 and available on the door or from Millie Kingston. Mulled wine and refreshments will be served during the concert.
4th Dec Toddlers Plus One 10am – 12 noon Parish Hall
Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall
6th Dec Holy Communion 10:30am in St Mary’s Church
6th, 13th & 20th Dec Advent Talks Series 8pm Parish Hall
7th December MU lunch in Carrigaline Court Hotel 1230pm
Select Vestry Meeting 8pm Rectory
9th & 10th December Live Crib Carrigaline 2pm till 6pm
14th December Friendship Club 11am Rectory
15th December Community Carols 7:30pm St Mary’s with the Carrigaline Singers
17th December Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s with the
Monkstown Chamber Choir (no 9:30am Service)
18th December Toddlers + 1 10am Christmas Carols Parish Hall,
Monday Club & MU Carols 3pm Parish Hall
24th December Eucharist 9:30am St John’s Church,
Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church, (no 11am Service)
First Eucharist of the Nativity 11:30pm St Mary’s
25th December Eucharist St John’s Church 9.30am
Eucharist St Mary’s Church 11am
27th December Midweek Eucharist St Mary’s Church, 10:30am
31st December United Christingle Service St Mary’s 11am
History is tricky. This random note is based on a piece of family history and some inexpert Googling. The piece, however, is timely, as at the time of writing it falls just after the 100th anniversary of the event described below.
The S.S. Umgeni was a merchant ship built in 1898 by Laing James & Sons Ltd. and owned at the time of her loss by Bullard, King & Co. At the outbreak of the First World War the Umgeni was taken over by the Admiralty for service as a supply ship. On November 7th, 1917, she left the Clyde in convoy for Lagos. Two days later the convoy ran into foul weather and became dispersed. The Umgeni was never seen again, but bodies and wreckage from her were washed up along the west coast of Ireland.
This is where it gets confusing. The SS Umgeni is easily confused with another ship, the Umgeni, of the Natal line. That particular Umgeni survived well into the 1950’s. The picture, as far as I can establish, is of the correct SS Umgeni and comes from the following web site:
Which notes the following:
Doyle, Patrick, 39, 9th November 1917, Mercantile Marine, S.S. “Umgeni” (London), Pantryman, Son of Michael and Bridget Doyle; husband of Kate Doyle (nee MacDonald), of Great Island, Campile, Co. Wexford. Born at Tramore, Co. Waterford.
This is not, however, the family connection. According to my mother, my great grandfather, Captain Charles Edward Thompson, was lost at sea on the SS Umgeni on November 10th, 1917. There is no doubt that he was lost on this ship though I have had difficulty finding the crew records. However, the date of sinking is variously reported at the 9th and the 10th of November.
The newspaper clipping below is from The Times, published on February 18th, 1918.
Per the clipping, it is known that the SS Umgeni departed on November 7th for Lagos and was last sighted on the 9th. Therefore, a guess of the date of sinking of the 9th or the 10th is reasonable. It is interesting that it took until the following February to declare her officially overdue.