Parish Notices Sunday 3rd February 2013
The Rector writes ‘Yesterday, 2nd February, it was exactly 40 days since we celebrated the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ and so today in our Eucharistic Liturgy, we recall his Presentation at the Temple (also called Candlemas, from the ancient tradition of lighting candles to be ‘a light to lighten the Gentiles’) This is the final commemoration of the infancy of Jesus. The Liturgy for Candlemas is most magnetic and atmospheric. It helps us to appreciate what is a hinge moment in our liturgical year. It is the moment when we look back one last time at the infant lying in the manger before we turn our face towards the cross. We hear Simeon’s prophetic words telling us that this Christ child will bring about the rising and fall of many and that a sword will pierce his mother’s heart. We gather at the font, extinguish our candles and begin to prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually for the journey of Lent.’
SUNDAY SCHOOL We welcome children from age 4 in Sunday School, and we now also encourage children from age 3 to join with the older children as long as one of the parents can accompany them. In this way, they will get used to Sunday School in an informal way and be completely ready to go ‘solo’ from age 4. Thank you to the dedicated Sunday School teachers for all the effort they put into helping our children learn about God. It is very much appreciated by us all.
TODDLERS PLUS ONE GROUP and MONDAY CLUB meet tomorrow Monday 4th February in the parish hall. Toddlers group from 10am-midday and Monday club from 3-5pm.
MIDWEEK COMMUNION SERVICE 10.30am every Wednesday in St Mary’s Church. The first Wednesday of each month will have special prayers for the work of the Mothers’ Union followed by refreshments after the Service. All Welcome.
JUNIOR CHOIR meets in St Mary’s Church from 6.30 to 7.15pm each Thursday night. All school going children welcome. Contact the rector or Hilary Dring for more details.
World Day of Prayer-Friday 1st March. We would love to have more people involved in preparing this Service. Please talk to Hilary Dring 4378439 or the Rector.
EASTER VESTRY This annual meeting, which is open to all parishioners, will take place in St Mary’s Church Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday 11th April. If you would like to have a vote at this meeting, you will need to register as a vestry person. Remember that while all are welcome to attend the Easter Vestry meeting only registered vestry persons may vote or be voted into office. The meeting to review the list of Vestry Members will take place on Ash Wednesday 13th February at 7 pm in St Mary’s Church Hall. Please see the Rector or the Church Wardens for the relevant forms should you wish to be registered as a vestry person.
Diocesan Magazine Subscriptions for 2013 are now due. Please give payment of €20 to Wardens or Rowland Newenham.
Theological Book Circle met in the Rectory on Thursday night to discuss the Giles Fraser book ‘Christianity with Attitude’ over a cup of coffee/tea. The general consensus was that it was an enjoyable read and had certainly stretched the mind and provided a fresh and sometimes uncomfortable perspective. The downside was that, as a series of articles, it was a hard book to just sit down and read for any length of time. Definitely one to go back and dip into again. We will meet again in the Rectory at 8pm on Thursday 25th April when we will discuss Fr. Peter McVerry’s book ‘Jesus – Social Revolutionary?’ published by Veritas (2008) ISBN 978-1-84730-110-9. All are welcome.
Men’s Shed All men are welcome to go along and find out more about the companionship and skills training available in the Mens’ Shed Kilnagleary on the Minane Bridge Road. See leaflets at the back of the churches for more details.
Mad About Science Workshops. Kids will get the once in a life time opportunity to play with their food while carrying out exciting experiments. Carrigaline @ St. Mary’s Church Hall: Sat 9th February, 10am-1pm. Douglas @ Canon Packham Hall, Church Rd: Sat, 16th February, 10am-1pm. €20 per child. Contact Michelle Woodworth 086 0830898
The Social & Health Education Project is running five short courses around Cork City starting late January : Women’s Health & Wellbeing, Coping With Stress, Effective Communication, Intro to Personal Development and Family Communication. For further information phone Geraldine or Liam on 4666180.
CONCERT-You are invited to an evening with gifted Christian Scottish singer and songwriter Ian White. “Ian’s music and his stories just engage you, he has a way of making you feel as if we are all family sitting in his living room!”As an ambassador for the work of Compassion an will share his heart for the ministry at his concerts. Saturday 9th February at 8pm in at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Little William Street, Cork. Suggested Donation: €7 per person or €20 for a family ticket.Tickets will be available at the door. Compassion is an international Christian child development and child advocacy ministry.
LENTEN STUDY-Each Wednesday at 7.30pm during Lent, we will have a short Service in St Mary’s Church, Carrigaline followed by a Bible Study. This year we will be using a Study Course which was developed by the Church of Ireland, on the theme of Economic Justice. All are welcome to attend. The dates are as follows:
Wed 13th February (Ash Wednesday) 7.30 Eucharist, followed by Bible Study in the Church.
Wed 20th February 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by a talk in the Hall given by Dr Alicia St Leger, courtesy of the Mothers’ Union.
Wed 27th February 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.
Wed 6th March 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.
Wed 13th March 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.
Wed 20th March 7.30, Evening Prayer followed by Bible Study.
CONFIRMATION NOTICE-If you are planning on being confirmed this coming autumn, please put Saturday 9th March in your diary for the ‘Confirmation Morning with the Bishop.’ This is an event which everyone wishing to be confirmed in 2013 must attend. Please let the Rector know if you wish to be confirmed this year as she is putting the class plan together. She will let everyone know the actual date for this year’s Confirmations as soon as the Bishop decides on one.
Feb 4th Toddlers Plus One 10am in St Mary’s Church hall Monday Club 3pm in Church Hall.
Feb 7th Junior Choir at 6.30pm in St Mary’s Church.
Feb 9th Saturday Service 7pm in St Mary’s.
Feb 10th Songs of Praise Evensong. 7pm St John’s.
Feb 13 th Review of Vestry Members 7pm St Mary’s Church Hall
Feb 13th Ash Wednesday 10.30am and 7.30pm Services.
Feb 17th Kate Cargin, EAPPI recently returned from the Holy Land
speaking in both churches.
Mar 1st World Day of Prayer. Claire Jackson speaking 8pm St Mary’s.
Mar 16th Eucharist Service “as Gaeilge”
Mar 29th Children’s Easter Club
Mar 31st Easter Sunday Dawn Service, Monkstown.
Apr 11th Annual Vestry Meeting 7pm St Mary’s Church Hall.
Apr 25th Theological Book Circle 8pm The Rectory.
Apr 27th MU Brunch in Rectory.
May 17th Flower Festival Opening Service, 7pm St Mary’s Church.
May 19th Closing Service, 7pm Bishop Michael Burrows preaching.
June 1st Parish Fête in St Mary’s School, Carrigaline.
July 22nd –26th Children’s Summer Holiday Club Week.
Random Notes No. XXXXV
The name “Rochelle” will conjure up all sorts of memories for generations of Cork people. This school for girls, and latterly boarding house for all was established in 1829. The lovely Georgian house is now sadly demolished and a victim of the Celtic Tiger, replaced by a gated development of private cardboard houses and apartments.
In 1979, on the 150th anniversary of the school, Dorothy Rudd published a fascinating history of “Rochelle”. One particular memory is detailed by Marjory Sweetman who remembers the place as she first saw it in 1934.
“….a stately home, wearing an overall of Virginia creeper…In the picture that comes to mind there is only sunshine, the sound of the lawn-mower, the still quiet of an out-of-door class..It must have rained sometimes, for I associate the playing of hockey only with mud! We won the Munster Schools Cup in 1940. I remember the long dreary walks. If Mrs Greenwood was on weekend duty, we were sure of a romp in the country…Sundays! How good we were at attending the early Communion Service, partly due to piety, partly because we were allowed to go to the dining-room and gobble up what delicacies were left from the staff’s Saturday night supper! How we were glad to sit at Miss Kent’s table, for she always gave us her slice of toast and pat of butter! In Form VI we had “our own tea” in the senior sitting-room on Sunday afternoons. I can recollect no variation from baked beans on toast…I remember Winnie Deacon, a popular and most intelligent girl, a strict disciplinarian, who set a high standard for herself, and, by example, for us all. In Middle IV she died of tuberculosis…I wonder if the Domestic Science room has changed much. Have those enormous scrubbed tables been scrubbed away? Is there homework buttonholes, week after week?…That was the first year there was a practical exam for Science in the Inter…memories of apple-pie beds, exams in the gym, Mr Sheehy, the long dorm, Rogue the beautiful black spaniel (belonging to Miss Sloan), the squash in the downstairs bathroom in Navaree…semolina pudding, the big bell in the hall…
Miss Sloan taught music and singing from 1931 to 1938, and suffered from the prevailing fashion of insisting that your daughters learned music regardless of talent (or lack of it). It must have been torture to try to force a tone-deaf pupil to become a talented piano-player. From the staff point of view, it was a happy school, with a good relationship between pupils and teachers.”