Parish Notices Sunday 3rd January 2016

 Happy New Year !

As we travel through this year; may we continue to thrive as a community; loving and minding each other; may we continue to grow in our own knowledge and love of God and may we show that love in our lives so that the light that has come into our world may shine brightly and scatter the darkness.


CONFIRMATION 2016 –Confirmation Classes in the Rectory will be beginning on Saturday February 6th.  Please let the Rector know if you would like to be confirmed in 2016.



6th Jan   Epiphany Assembly 9.15am St Mary’s School

Epiphany Eucharist  10.30am St Mary’s Church



11th Jan   Toddlers Plus One 10 to midday Parish Hall

Monday Club 3 to 5pm Parish Hall

14th Jan   Friendship Club 11am Rectory

15th Jan   Youth Club 7 to 9pm Parish Hall

18th Jan   Theological Book Club 8pm Rectory

20th Jan    Mothers’ Union 8pm Parish Hall

29th Jan   CAMEO 10.30am Monkstown Sailing Club

31st Jan    United Service 11.15am St John’s Church

Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St Mary’s

6th Feb     Confirmation Class 6 to 8pm Rectory








We plan to stage an Easter play this coming Spring.  The short play is called “No Name in the Street”  and has a cast of 8 to 14 characters depending on how many parts are doubled up.  The parts are mostly  female but with the possibility of male roles. This is an exciting venture for Carrigaline Union and we plan to hold auditions for the play shortly after Christmas.  So watch this space for details after Christmas!  For further information contact Mary F. Murphy on 087-2780902 who will be directing the play.

The feast of the Epiphany next Wednesday 6th January brings the Christmas season to an end.  Below is a litany called “Now the Work of Christmas Begins” composed by Howard Thurman, an African-American theologian,

educator, and civil rights leader and my thanks to Hilary Dring for bringing it to my notice (EM).


When the song of the angels is stilled,

when the star in the sky is gone,

when the kings and princes are home,

when the shepherds are back with their flocks,

the work of Christmas begins:

to find the lost,

to heal the broken,

to feed the hungry,

to release the prisoner,

to rebuild the nations,

to bring peace among the people,

to make music in the heart.


 Howard Thurman (1899—1981)


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on January 4, 2016

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