Parish Notices Sunday 3rd November 2013

The Rector writes .’During the Service today (and for the next two Sundays) we will be filling in Census cards which we will send back to the Representative Church Body  (RCB)  in Dublin  along with information about the number of baptisms, weddings and funerals we have had in the last three years, our Christmas and Easter attendances and the number of parishioners on our list.  Information will also be sent about children’s ministry in the parish and numbers Confirmed.   The information will be used to generate a more accurate picture of the entire Church of  Ireland community.  We are gathering these country-wide statistics together in order to formulate plans for the future based on a realistic age and gender profile of our church populations.

Thank you for your help with this. The individual census is completely anonymous so there is no need to put your name on the cards,  only your  age and  gender is required.  Please put them in the Collection baskets or give them to the Church Wardens as you leave. ‘

TEA and COFFEE will be available after the St Mary’s Service in the Parish Centre.

‘Harvest Herald’. This publication which contains contact names and numbers and a description of all the activities, structures, services etc available in our parish. is online at

Monkstown home group  next meeting will take place on Wednesday 6th November at 8.00 pm at the home of Mrs Sarah Foott, 1 Gordon Villas, Monkstown.

MOTHERS’ UNION our Annual Women’s Conference takes place this year from 22nd-24th November in Garryvoe Hotel Further information and booking forms are available from Hilary. If you need any further information please contact either the parish office or talk to Hilary Dring at 4378439 or 086-3680513.

THE CHURCH of IRELAND CENSUS will take place next Sundays 3rd and on the following two Sundays (17th  & 24th) to establish the age and gender profile of those attending church each week.  Each person at church will receive a card on which they will record only their age and gender and it will be completely anonymous. This information will allow the Church to make decisions for the future based on up-to-date analysis of the Church of Ireland’s population.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE are currently reading Jostein Gaarder’s ‘The Christmas Mystery’ and will meet to discuss in the Rectory at 8pm on 29th January 2014 .  Please ring the Rector at 087-2363100 for further details on the circle.

CHRISTY KENNEALLY the renowned author and broadcaster will give a free public talk, “Say ‘Yes’ to Life: An evening on the human resources we can call on in times of crisis”, on the evening of Wednesday, 13th November at Cork Institute of Technology. The talk, which will be followed a Question and Answer session, is open the public and all are welcome to what is certain to be a thought provoking event. He is also a well-known lecturer on Coping with Change. He has published 15 books, among them “Life After Loss’; and the recently published “Say Yes to Life” It takes place in the Dining Hall, Depart of Tourism and Hospitality, CIT Bishopstown Campus.

SATURDAY NIGHT SERVICE 7pm next Saturday 9th November in St Mary’s Church.



Nov 4th         Toddlers plus one Group 10am Parish Centre

Monday Club 3pm Parish Centre

Nov 6th          Monkstown Home Group 8pm.

Nov 9th         Saturday night Service, 7pm St Mary’s

Nov 10th       Remembrance Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s

Nov 16th Parish Quiet Day in Parish Centre at St Mary’s Church

Fr. James McSweeney will lead, meeting at 9.30 for coffee then 10am until 2pm.

Nov 24th Annual Gift Day in the Rectory.

Dec 7th         Intercessions Workshop, St Mary’s Church 10-12

Dec 20th Carrigaline Community Carols 7.30pm St Mary’s Church

Dec 22nd Nine Lessons & Carols 4pm St John’s Church

Dec 24th Carols around the Crib 4pm St Mary’s Church

‘QUIET DAY’ in the Parish Centre is in two weeks, on Saturday 16th November.

It is free and begins with tea/coffee at 9.30am and will end by 2pm.  It is open to anyone in the parish who wishes to have some time apart to quietly think about their relationship with God within the structure of a guided retreat.  ‘Be still and know that I am God’  Psalm 46:10   We will be led by Fr. James McSweeney who has some expertise in this area and who comes highly recommended by a parishioner who previously attended a Quiet Day led by him.  If you are coming along, please bring a plate of sandwiches for a ‘Bring and Share’ lunch together. ‘

YOUTH CLUB !  The annual CDYC 5 a side mixed soccer tournament will be held on Saturday 9th Nov at the maritime college Ringaskiddy 1pm to 6pm. It’s always a great day and a lot of fun with lots more to do than just the soccer. Also a great chance to meet up with other young people from the Diocese. Get your friends together and let’s try to win the trophy for Carrigaline!! (contact Peter or Conor )

RAINBOWS PROGRAMME FOR CHILDREN is a peer-support programme to assist children and young people experiencing a significant loss in their lives through a separation or divorce in their family.  It is for children aged 9-12 years old and the programme starts on 7th November from 3pm-4pm at the Carrigaline Family Support Centre.  No cost.

Random Notes LXXI            

Illustrated is a rather poor photograph, for the quality of which the compiler of this note tenders his apologies, taken c.1976 of a most interesting little cast bronze or brass plate, bearing the inscription ‘Jas. & G.R.Pain, Architects, 1823’, set onto the wall of the wall above the entrance to the Church at Carrigaline.

A discreet and unusual device (a small number of other similar inscriptions are known to exist) it records the names of the architects of the Church as the well known James Pain (c.1779-1877),  and his younger brother, George Richard Pain (c1793-1838),  together with the date of the completion of the building.

The Pain brothers, both pupils of the noted  London architect, John Nash, came to Ireland c.1814, to oversee the building of Lough Cutra Castle, nr. Gort, co. Galway, then being built to designs of  Nash for Charles Vereker, 2nd Viscount Gort. Both later settled, and made their careers in Ireland, James in Limerick, George Richard initially there, but later in Cork, and subsequently the brothers were jointly responsible for the erection of a  large number of handsome buildings erected in both places, and further afield.

Amongst the many buildings designed by the Pains, either together or individually, that readers of these notes may well  be familiar with, are the following:

St. Michael’s Church, Blackrock, Cork; St. Patrick’s Church, Lower Glanmire Road, Cork; Castletownroche Church, co. Cork; the spires of both Lismore Cathedral, co. Waterford, and Midleton Church, co. Cork; the Father Mathew tower at Mount Patrick, nr. Glanmire, co. Cork;; Mitchelstown Castle, co. Cork, Dromoland Castle, co. Clare; Blackrock Castle, Cork; Fort William, co. Waterford; the Spa House at Mallow, co. Cork, and the since mostly demolished county gaol at Cork.










































Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on November 4, 2013

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