Parish Notices Sunday 4th February 2018

The Rector writes Tonight(4th February) at 8pm , in St Mary’s Church, the Carrigaline Choral Group, Dan Twomey Tenor Soloist and the Men’s Shed Choir Carrigaline, will be performing their best for a wonderful cause. ‘Give us a Song’ Cancer Research Recital was held in our church last year too and a lot of people in the parish said they would have come along had they known about it.. so here is your chance! Come along this evening and support this fundraising Recital. There is no entry charge but there will be a retiring collection after the Recital’

CONFIRMATION 2018   If you would like to be confirmed this year, please let the Rector know before Wednesday as the weekly Confirmation Classes (Thursdays 5-6:30pm) begin on Thursday 8th February.

Diocesan Magazine Subscriptions (€25) are now due. Please pay Rowland Newenham or the Wardens.

Monkstown home group next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 6 February at 8pm Hilary Warren-Perry has kindly agreed to lead and it will take place at the home of Edward Ellis. All welcome and enquiries to John Sweeney. 087-0656290.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Joy Keefe is looking for new volunteers for bell ringing and flower rotas in St Mary’s.  Any new people would be put with an experienced person so there’s no need to be shy about expressing an interest! Contact the Parish office or Joy Keefe 087-2559844.

Anam Cara the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on Wednesday 7th February at 7:30pm in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. This is a free event and open to all bereaved parents. As Anam Cara will need to confirm numbers for teas, coffees, etc, please RSVP to before Tuesday 6th February or call the                                 Information Line on 085 2888 888.



4th Feb      Give us a Song! Recital 8pm St Mary’s Church

5th Feb      Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon  Parish Hall                                                                                               Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall

6th Feb      Monkstown Home Group. 8pm. Edward Ellis’s home.

7th Feb       Holy Communion 10:30am in St Mary’s Church

8th Feb        Friendship Club 11am Rectory

8th Feb       Confirmation Classes begin. 5-6:30pm Rectory

11th Feb       Sunday Club 11am Parish Hall

14th Feb      Ash Wednesday 10:30 & 7:30 Holy Communion in St Mary’s

16th Feb      Youth Club 7:30-9:30 Parish Hall

21st  Feb      Lenten Bible Study 8pm  Parish Hall after 7:30 Evening Prayer

23rd Feb       CAMEO Monkstown Bay Sailing Club 1030am

25th Feb      Fair Trade All Age Service 11am in St Mary’s followed by  Mothers’  Union ‘Famine Lunch’ for MU Overseas Fund in the Parish Hall.

26th Feb      Annual update of the Register of Vestry People 7:30pm  Parish Hall.



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 5, 2018

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