Parish Notices Sunday 4th March 2018

The Rector writes   ’I hope that all reading this have survived our recent extreme weather with no major problems? It seems that we are going to have to get used to living with these kind of weather events in our challenging climate changed environment. A very sobering thought but on a happier note, the Bishop has given us a date for the Confirmation – 15th April , in St Mary’s Church –  do please keep the young people who are attending Confirmation Classes in your prayers. This year, Charlie, David, Eoin, Harry, Luke, Ralph, Rebecca and Shane are on that journey.  As is the case every year, the Bishop likes to see a full church so please do come to this Service as it is intended that the entire community are gathered to affirm the young people’s decision. Another date to stick in your diary now is the Annual General Vestry meeting (the ‘Easter Vestry’) on Thursday 12th April.   It is at this meeting that the new Select Vestry members are voted in for the next year. Again I would encourage you to come along to this meeting. I give a report on the year just passed and you get to vote in the people you would like to see represent you on the Parish Select Vestry. Even if you are not ‘registered’ on the General Vestry List and have no vote, you are still very welcome to come along. Don’t be afraid of being forced into a job as that never happens!’

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED.  Joy Keefe is looking for new  volunteers for bell ringing and flower rotas in St Mary’s.  Any new people would be put with an experienced person so there’s no need to be shy about expressing an interest!  Contact the Parish office or Joy Keefe 087-2559844.

ANAM CARA , the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 7th of March from 19:30 to 21:00 in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.

POLIO SURVIVORS IRELAND, which is the new name for the Post Polio Support Group, would like to let you know about our plan for our new National Polio Register.  People who had in  polio are asked to sign up to the new National Polio Register.  While it is estimated that as many as 7,000 people who had polio live in Ireland, many are not in touch with the charity Polio Survivors Ireland, making it difficult to lobby for improved services and support for those living with the impact of polio. The Register is being launched in Cork this March, we are asking parishioners to help promote and support the Polio Register and also relay this information to polio survivors and their families. Please contact me if you need more information or materials, Contact Niamh 01 889 8920 or Our website is

The Coeliac Society of Ireland, Cork Support Group,

Date :   Wednesday 7th March 2018,   Wednesday 2nd May 2018

Place:   SMA CENTER Wilton, Cork    Time:    8pm

Topics  7th march 2018  will be of upcoming event, future events, feed back session. talk on  Osteoporosis plus  Dietician in attendance. Topics 2nd May TBC.  All Welcome. (€5 entrance fee)




5th Mar       Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon  Parish Hall                                                                                             Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall

7th March    Holy Communion 10:30am in St Mary’s Church

Lenten Bible Study 8pm  Parish Hall after 7:30 Evening Prayer

8th Mar        Friendship Club 11am Rectory

16th Mar      St Patrick’s Eve Eucharist as Gaelige 7:30pm St Mary’s Church

22nd Mar    Carrigaline Singers Charity Concert 7:30pm St Mary’s Church

23rd Mar     Mothers’ Union Candlelit Supper, 8pm Parish Hall, Carrigaline

24th Mar     CDYC Annual Quiz, Parish Hall, Carrigaline

12th April     EASTER VESTRY  7:30pm Parish Hall

15th April    Confirmation Service , United Service 11am, St Mary’s Church

16th April    Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

Random Notes No. CCLXIII

“At a Select Vestry meeting held in the Parochial Hall, Monkstown on 2nd November 1905. It was proposed by Mr R Newman and seconded by Mr Goold  “that the allowance to Sexton for cleaning the Parochial Hall after an entertainment be 3/6 instead of 2/6 as arranged at vestry meeting held on 23rd May 1905”- carried.

It was proposed by Major Newman and seconded by

Mr Weekes “that Alex Ward be appointed Sexton from 4th Nov 1905 at a salary of £2 per calendar month”- carried.

Charles Salmon the late Sexton having resigned after a service of twenty three years, a collection of £12-7-6 was made in the parish to present him with a testimonial. Mr Salmon being called in before the Vestry. Revd Kennedy made a few appreciative remarks and presented him with a watch and a cheque for the balance, but he said he “would rather not accept it at present under the circumstances in which he was then placed”

   Ooohhh…….what intrigue in Monkstown over 110 years ago??!!”





Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on March 5, 2018

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