Parish Notices Sunday 4th November 2018
The Rector writes ‘Coming up at the end of the month is the annual ‘Gift Day’ in the Rectory (on Sunday 25th from 12 noon until 3pm) and as always I would encourage you to drop into the Rectory during this time for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat. A letter along with the special annual Gift Envelope should be posted out to you in the next couple of weeks but please do try & drop in one way or another. People give to their parish in many ways and all ways are appreciated and go into making the wonderful tapestry of relationships that we enjoy in the Carrigaline Union.
YOUTH GROUP Youth Group are looking for large BEAN BAGS to sit on! If you happen to have one lying around that could do with a new lease of life then let Tracey know @ 087-3481864.
THE Supper Theatre tickets are now on sale. There are only tickets left for Thursday night. Please get in touch with Olna Trotter to book 087- 9525969. Tickets can be collected and paid for in the Parish Office from Wednesday 7th November. €20 per ticket. A huge thank you to all those dedicated Thespians who are rehearsing like mad for the Plays, we are really looking forward to it……it should be a fabulous night Darling! ’
VOLUNTEERS AND SPOT PRIZES are needed for the Supper Theatre. If anyone would like to help waitress or wash-up on any of the evenings could they get in touch with Madeleine Geary on 087-4189811. Lots of fun will be had behind the scenes, it wont be a case of Cinderella! Spot prizes would also be gratefully received. Contact Olna 087-9525969 if you have any to donate.
Anam Cara Cork, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Parent Evening on Wednesday 7th of November at 7:20pm in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. For more information see or call our Information Line on 085 2888 888.
MUSIC on the HILL-There will be a series of three concerts in St Mary and All Saints’ Church, Glanmire on Fridays, November 16, January 18 and March 1 at 8 p.m. Taking part on November 16 are the Glaslinn Choir from Bandon and piano, string and wind ensembles from the Cork ETB School of Music based in Glanmire and Ballincollig. The concert will take just over one hour. Retiring collection towards the upkeep of St Mary and All Saints’ Church.
IRISH HEART FOUNDATION Mobile unit are hosting a Unit at Carrigaline Library on Thursday 15th November from 10.00am until 4.00pm, On the day we will have two nurses available on the mobile health unit to provide free Blood Pressure Checks and heart health information.
5th Nov Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.
Monday Club 3-5 Parish Hall.
7th Nov Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
11th Nov Remembrance Sunday Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church
Youth Club. 7-9pm Parish Hall.
13th Nov Mary Cowhig’s Poetry Book Launch ‘The Mongrel’s Lament’ 7pm Public Library,
15th -17th Nov Theatre Supper , Douglas, 7:30 pm
25th Nov Annual Gift Day in the Rectory 12 until 3pm
1st-2nd Dec Carrigaline Christmas Fayre (St Mary’s PA)
GAA Hall , Carrigaline
19th Dec Parish Advent Film Night – The Nativity