Parish Notices Sunday 5th February 2017

The Rector writes ‘The Church of Ireland’s child protection policy, ‘Safeguarding Trust’ has been in place since 1997 and was included in the Constitution of the Church of Ireland in 2006.  It is the policy of the Church of Ireland to set standards for the welfare of all children sharing in its ministry with a view to protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm. I’m sure you have all seen the posters in our churches and halls with the photos of our Parish panel; myself, John Sweeney and Rosemary Powell.  Adherence to this code by our parish means that the children using our premises for worship and other activities such as Sunday Club or Youth Club have their general safety and welfare promoted while being protected from all kinds of abuse. As well as regular meetings of the Panel, we also meet annually with the Select Vestry and this meeting took place just last Thursday evening.   You can find out more about Safeguarding Trust at’


SUNDAY CLUB – next Sunday 12th 11am Parish Hall. All school going children welcome.


Monkstown Home Group next meeting takes place on Tuesday 7th February  at 8pm at the home of Liz and Jack Hanna, Victoria Cottage, Monkstown. All welcome.

Flower and Bell Ringing Rotas in St Mary’s. There are currently spaces on our rotas. Any new volunteers would be paired with an  experienced person so don’t feel shy in putting your name forward. Anybody even thinking of bell ringing can learn by watching one of the existing bell ringers. It is very easy and not hard to pull when shown the correct  method. Contact Joy Keefe @ 087 2559844 or Parish Office.

THEOLOGICAL BOOK CIRCLE are currently reading ‘The Shack’ by William P. Young and will meet in the Rectory on April 3rd to discuss. All welcome!



6th Feb        Toddlers plus One 10am

Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall

8th Feb         Holy Communion 10.30am St Mary’s

9th Feb         Friendship Club 11am Rectory

11th Feb         Confirmation Class 5 – 6.30 Rectory

12th Feb        Sunday Club 11am Parish Hall

Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s

15th Feb       Mothers’ Union 8pm Parish Hall

17th Feb        Youth Club 7pm till 9pm Parish Hall

24th Feb      CAMEO Monkstown Sailing Club 10.30am

27th Feb      Revision of list of Vestry Members 7 to 8 pm in the Parish Hall

(If you would like to  register as a Vestry Member and have a vote at the Easter Vestry, please get a form from one of  the Church Wardens)


Random Notes CCXXI

At a meeting held in Mr Garde’s house on Monday night 17th Sept at 8.30pm, 1945.

The following were invited to attend and were present:- Misses Olive Denroche, Diana McCall, Rosemary Ranelow, Patricia Walls, Zena Woodley and Mrs Garde. Messrs C. Garde, Alan Walls and Dickie Woodley and are the foundation members. The following rules were proposed and passed   unanimously:-

  1. The club shall be known as “St Johns Youth Club, Monkstown”.
  2. The objects of the Club:-
  3. In accordance with the youth conference, promote a revival of Christian faith and fellowship amongst the younger members of the Church of Ireland in general.
  4. To provide such forms of recreation as will appeal to the younger members of the parish.

iii. The club shall consist of a Patron, a committee of three, and ordinary members.

  1. The Patron shall be the Rector of St John’s, Monkstown.
  2. The committee shall consist of one lady and two men.
  3. Membership shall be confined to Protestants.

vii. New members shall be proposed and seconded by members of the club. (one black bean in five to exclude)

viii. Whilst membership of the club is primarily intended for the younger members of the parish, any person who has the interest of youth at heart may be admitted to the club but will not have a vote at a general meeting.

The following officers for the season commencing 1945-1946 were unanimously elected:

Patron: Canon W la R Bourchier

Hon Sec: Alan Walls

Hon Treas: Cecil Garde

Committee: Miss Diana McCall, messrs Garde & Walls.

It was decided to start badminton on Tuesday 16th Oct 1945 between 8pm and 10.30″


Further episodes to follow…..                                                                                                                 



Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on February 6, 2017

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