Parish Notices Sunday 6th August 2017
Rector’s Holiday Arrangements
The Douglas Clergy will cover pastoral emergencies from
1st August until 26th August. Telephone 021-4891539
Sunday Services:
6th Morning Prayer, St John’s, Holy Communion St Mary’s :
The Rt Revd Michael Mayes
13th Morning Prayer St John’s, Morning Prayer St Mary’s :
Mr George Quinn
20th Holy Communion, St John’s, Holy Communion St Mary’s :
The Rt Revd Michael Mayes
Wednesday Services:
2nd Holy Communion : The Revd Tony Murphy
9th Holy Communion : The Revd Tony Murphy
16th Holy Communion : The Revd Edwin Hunter
23rd Holy Communion : The Revd Edwin Hunter
The Select Vestry invite you all to join them in the Rectory Garden for a Barbecue at 7:30pm on Friday 8th September. Please stick the date in your diary now and more details nearer the time.
August Rector on vacation
4th Sept Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon Parish Hall
7th Sept Select Vestry Meeting 8pm Rectory
8th Sept Parish Barbecue 7:30pm in Rectory Garden
10th Sept Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s
11th Sept Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall
14th Sept Friendship Club`11am Rectory
15th Sept Youth Club 7:30 till 9:30pm Parish Hall
18th Sept Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
24th Sept Blessing of Animals Service 11am St Mary’s
1st Oct United Harvest Celebration 11 St Mary’s
Preacher : Keith Dyde
7th Oct Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall
8th Oct United Harvest Celebration 11:15 St John’s
Preacher : The Revd Tony Murphy
Random Notes No. CCXLI
The following random extracts relating to the parish of Carrigaline, are taken from a lot of miscellaneous issues of the Cork, Cloyne, and Ross Diocesan Magazine, a collection of which, mostly dating from the early 1970’s and later, were recently presented to the compiler of this note by the family of the late Thomas George Francis Stoney (1918-2006), of Currabinny, in whose possession they of course once were.
1973, December ,
‘We welcome Mr and Mrs Warren-Perry and family to the parish, and wish them every happiness in their new home.
‘On Thursday, 7th February, at 8 p.m. there will be a service in Carrigaline Church to commemorate the 150th anniversary. Preacher: The Bishop. The following week there will be a parish supper, time and place to be announced.’
1974, January,
‘St. Mary’s Carrigaline 150th Anniversary Service at 8 p.m. on Thursday, 7th February, Preacher; The Bishop. There will be a Parish Supper as part of the 150th Anniversary Commemorations in Douglas Parochial Hall. The Select Vestry is considering various plans for building parish rooms at Carrigaline Church to mark the 150th Anniversary. The collection and the proceeds of the Parish Supper will be used to help meet the cost of the New Rooms.’
1974, February,
‘Our belated congratulations to Henry Forbes on his engagement to Gladys Kingston.
1974, November,
‘Our congratulations to Mr and Mrs Howe on the birth of a son, and …our good wishes to Ann Green as she starts her course at the Tante Marie School of Cooking in Woking.’
1975, February,
‘Our thanks to Herbert Coughlan and Eddie Wolfe for removing the bees from the Killanully belfry, and to Bill Hosford of French Furze who is organizing the repairs to the bell housings.’
1975, April,
‘Our congratulations ….to Mr and Mrs Withrington on the birth of a grandson, son to Mr and Mrs John Withrington.
1975, July-August,
‘Congratulations to George White on winning the Junior Boys’ Cup at Ashton School Sports.’
1975, November,
‘We extend our deep sympathy to Miss Cissie Tate on the death of her brother George. George’s friendliness made him everyone’s friend. As Rector I much appreciated the genial and helpful manner in which he performed his duties as sexton. I am happy to say that Miss Tate has agreed to take her brother’s place as sexton.’