Parish Notices Sunday 6th January 2019

The Rector writes ‘Tomorrow night, at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall, there will be a Whist Class for those of us who wish to know how to play Whist but currently can’t! It is a well known fact that being able to play Whist is a most valuable social skill (!) but this will prove to be even more important before our Fundraising night on 19th when we will be playing Whist in order to raise funds for Famine Relief in Yemen (via the Bishops’ Appeal) so do come along tomorrow night and have a bit of fun and learn a new skill. Of course if you already know how to play, then come along and help others to learn! All welcome but Keith and helpers will be aiming at the lower rungs of the Whist Ladder, e.g. me! If you have any unwanted Pressies that might do as a Spot or Raffle Prize for 19th, just let Henry or Barney know. Thank you to everyone involved in this venture, it’s for a really good cause’

CONFIRMATION 2019 If you would like to be confirmed next year, please let the Rector know. The classes will be beginning 7th February (in the Rectory on Thursdays 5-6:30pm).

DIOCESAN MAGAZINE subscriptions due. €25 for 2019. Please give your subscription to the Church Wardens or leave in the Parish Office.


Mother’s Union “All about Knitting” . Wednesday 16th January at 1.30pm in the Parish Hall. Bring and Share Lunch, soup provided.A reminder that subs are due. Hilary Dring has forms if you need one.

HEALTH & SAFETY ISSUE The local community have generously provided defibrillators all over Carrigaline; we see them in the old telephone boxes. To allow speedy and easy access to this life saving equipment we ask all parishioners and visitors to our church not to park on the new pavement outside the box.   In addition, parking on the pavement outside the church makes it very difficult for those among us with reduced mobility to walk on the pavement. It should be noted that there is an ongoing appeal generally for people not to park on pavements as people with poor sight do not expect to come across parked vehicles while walking. There is more than adequate parking available in the area around the church which means those of us with greater mobility can park further away. We can then enjoy the short walk knowing we have not obstructed others who may not find it so easy to make their way in to the church

(Richard Dring, Parish Health & Safety Officer ).

FUNDRAISING EVENT SCOIL BARRA NAOFA MONKSTOWN “Entertaining at Home” A Cookery Demonstration, with award winning chef Mark Doe will take place in Monkstown Golf Club at 7.30 p.m. on Friday 25th of January 2019. Tickets cost €20 including tasting plate. Available to purchase from School Office, Passage West Pharmacy, Paula O Brien 087 2417032, Beckie Cooke 087 2452940. All proceeds raised will be going towards the Classroom Renovation Fund.

CONCERT St Mary’s and All Saints’ Church, Glanmire- There will be a concert in on Friday, January 18 at 8 p.m. Taking part are two choirs: Carrigtwohill Gospel Choir, St Joseph’s Church Choir from Rivertown, Glanmire and students of the Cork ETB School of Music based in Glanmire and Ballincollig. Donations accepted towards the upkeep of the church and towards the Simon Community.


7th Jan           Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall.

                        Monday Club 3-5 Parish Hall.

                        Whist Class for Beginners 7:30pm Parish Hall

9th Jan          Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

10th Jan        Friendship Club 11am Joyce Loney’s Home

16th Jan        Mother’s Union  ‘All about Knitting’  1:30pm Parish Hall

19th Jan        Special Whist Night for Famine Relief in Yemen

8:30pm in the Canon McCrea Hall

21st Jan         Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

7th Feb         Confirmation Classes begin 5-6:30pm Rectory

9th Feb         Children’s Ministry Workshop in Northridge House

          Mental Health Training for working with children

22nd  & 23rd Feb   Carrigaline ‘OSKARS’ Night , Carrigaline Court Hotel

25th Feb        Annual Registration for Vestry,  7:30pm Parish Hall

9th Mar         Parish Retreat Day  ‘Wellsprings’  in the Parish Hall

Random Notes  No. CCLXXXVI

Contained within the pages of the ‘United Diocese of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross Diocesan Magazine’, first published in the latter years of the nineteenth century, is a substantial quantity of genealogical information, contained for the greater part, but not solely, within the baptismal, marriage, and burials lists, published each month, as well as, within the parish contributions, etc., a huge corpus of extremely interesting entries recording the various and varied comings and goings in the diocese over the past in excess of one hundred and twenty years.

The following extracts relating to the parish of St. Mary, Carrigaline, are transcribed from a two year period of the magazine, from October, 1961 to October, 1963.

1961, October,   ‘The Bishop has kindly promised to dedicate the new organ, and other memorial gifts – carved oak Prayer Desk, large Prayer Book for Desk, reading lamp, and new musical Hymn Books for Choir- at 8pm on Thursday, 19th October, during the Harvest Thanksgiving Service.’

1961, December, ‘We thank the Rector of Midleton for his excellent sermon at Carrigaline Harvest Thanksgiving Service. At the beginning of the Service Mr. J. White (People’s Warden ) requested the Lord Bishop to dedicate the following gifts: The Compton electronic organ, in memory of Clayton Austin Love; The organ reading lamp, in memory of Mrs. Dadie Peskett; The new Hymn Books, in memory of Mrs. Avesia Hosford; The oak Prayer-Desk, in memory of Samuel John Geary, and  the Book of Common Prayer for the Prayer-Desk, in memory of Mrs. Kathleen Berry Mitchell.We thank the donors, and the Bishop for dedicating these memorials.

We also thank most sincerely Mr. and Mrs. Williams for their gift of tintawn carpeting for the aisles of Carrigaline Church, and their labours in cleaning and oiling the woodwork of the Sanctuary, to which they gave many hours of hard work.

Thanks are also due to Mr. Harry Geary for supplying a lovely notice board outside the Church, and we are most grateful to Mr. Basil Bird for painting the main entrance gates, also the doors of the Church, and for doing many other jobs.’

1962, February, ‘A Service of Lessons and Carols was held in Carrigaline Church  on 22nd December. After the opening address the Archdeacon of Cork gave an excellent address on the need to “Put Christ into Christmas.” The lessons were read by Dan Cross, Peggy Mc Adoo, Mr. J. Roberts, Jean Geary, Elaine Gordon, Edward Whitley, and the Lord Bishop, who also gave the blessing. We wish to thank the Lord Bishop most sincerely for making the time to be present with us at that service. The Rector was unable to be there owing to influenza.’

1963, July,  ‘At the recent confirmation in St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral, candidates from this union included, Tommy Chambers, Henry Geary, Avril Hitchmough, Clare Chambers, Rena White, Peggy Mc Adoo, and Anne Geary. We pray God’s blessing on them, that they may be ever faithful to the promises made.’

1963, October,  ‘At a recent service in St. Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Mr. T.G.F. Stoney, and Mr. J.H.S. Witherington were commissioned as Diocesan Lay Readers. We congratulate both, and wish them every success and blessing in their very important work.’


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