Parish Notices Sunday 7th July 2019
The Rector writes ‘ As part of the Lenten Study group, when we were looking at various ways of being and doing Church from a diocesan perspective, a suggestion came about that we, as a parish group, might attend St Fin Barre’s Cathedral some Sunday instead of having our own morning services in St John’s and St Mary’s. The Dean of Cork, Nigel Dunne, has kindly agreed to host us for the 11:15 Service on Sunday 15th September. Please put the date in your diary now because these next two months of summer always fly by and before you know it , it’ll be September!
Another date I’d like you to note now is 15th November when we will have an evening called ‘Faith in Action’ in the parish hall. I’m hoping to invite groups like ‘Street Pastors’ , ‘Simon Community’ , ‘Samaritans’ and other groups to come and tell us about what they do and about how we can put our faith into action in a real , practical way.’

You are Invited to a Summer Coffee and Tea Day at Trevor & Millie Kingston’s home, in Aid of the Irish Cancer Society.
Saturday 13th July 11 am to 6 pm.
Oakfield House, Ballinrea South, Carrigaline, Co. Cork. P43 D827
Trevor 086 8167325 / Millie 086 8091443 We would love your support, thank you!
Munster Bible College – Summer Bible Week
A wonderful opportunity to dive into the Bible with guest speaker Dr. Stephen Wellum from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, who will be teaching two lectures each morning in Midleton ‘My Place’ at 10am and repeated in Carrigaline Lions Youth Centre in the evenings at 7pm. He hopes to cover most of the book of Hebrews (particularly chapters 1, 2, 3-4, 5/7, and 8-10) and using his book Christ from Beginning to End to teach about the Work of Christ. 8th—12th July. All are welcome!

8th July Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
10th July Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
13th July Summer Tea/Coffee Day 11am till 6pm
Trevor & Millie Kingston’s home in aid of Irish Cancer Society.
Holiday Club 10-1pm St Mary’s School
29th July—24th August Rector on vacation,
Douglas Clergy covering pastoral emergencies
15th Sept No morning services in St John’s & St Mary’s as we will be attending the 11:15 Service in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral
15th Nov Faith in Action information evening 7:30pm Parish Hall
Random Notes CCCVIII

Here are some rather muddled quotes from people whose blunders, unfortunately for them, were recorded.
“In my grandfather’s day, there were some children walking around without proper feet.” (3rd Earl Axlee)
“Up here, winter can strike at any time of the year.” (Trailer for “Wilderness Walks”.)
“The Met Office says there will be some dark spells tonight.” (Newsreader)
“Heathrow would be a lot less congested without so many people milling around.” (Sir Michael Bishop.)
“Abattoirs don’t make a killing.” (Abattoir director Mr Duggins.)
“You’ve been playing with fire and now you’re reaping the whirlwind.” (Dr Ian Banks)
“Most cars on our roads have only one occupant, usually the driver.” (Carol Malla)
“After the ceasefire in Ireland, tourism went shooting up.” (Jim Wallace MP)
“A cabinet Minister’s son has been arrested for selling drugs. The Prime Minister is being kept up to speed with developments.” (Newscaster, Radio Ulster.)