Parish Notices Sunday 7th September 2014

The Rector writes  ‘Next month we will have a visit from a group of people from the charity ‘Feed the Minds’  This is a charity which  helps marginalised people transform their lives through education, mainly  through community-led projects in the Global South.  As they say themselves on their website, , their projects are local but their impact is global.  They believe , as do I, that by

helping one person directly, hundreds more are helped indirectly in the community.  In order to best hear what they have to say to us, I am planning to have a little ‘Soiree’  (the posh word for a get-together!) for anyone from the Parish to meet with them. This will be on Saturday evening October 18th in the Rectory. (the week after our Harvest

Services)  The following day at the normal Sunday services, they will speak in both St John’s and St Mary’s Church so that everyone will have the opportunity to hear them and to think about how we as a parish can best help them in their work.  They will also be visiting Bandon College while they are in Cork.  I think that perhaps this will particularly appeal to those of you directly involved in Education but as we have all had the benefit of education ourselves so we can all relate to its importance in our own lives. ’.

We are holding a Scrap Metal Collection  to raise funds for the Parish. So have a clear out of your shed, garage and attic! If you require your scrap metal to be collected then we can arrange to collect if from your home/business. Call Adrian Bateman on 0868300379 or Henry Forbes on 0872035000  for information on where to drop it off or if you need it collected.

A full listing of acceptable items and materials is on the website


Mothers’ Union – We look forward to meeting up again this month, on Wednesday, 17th September, when we will have our opening service of Holy Communion followed by our AGM and tea. We will also have cards, diaries, and calendars etc. for sale that evening. All this will be at St. Mary’s Church in Carrigaline, at 8 pm.

Families First is a faith & family life magazine which encourages, supports and inspires families of all shapes and sizes around the world. It is the magazine of Mothers’ Union, which is dedicated to supporting families worldwide. Stay up to date with issues that families face today. If you would be interested in receiving a copy please talk to Hilary Dring 086-3680513. You can also access it online at

Sunday School in St Mary’s resumes on September 14th. All children of age four or older are welcome. If a child is aged 3, they may come for an individual session but must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

St Mary’s Indoor Bowls club re-opens on Tuesday 2nd September at 745pm in St Mary’s School Hall. New members welcome. For enquiries contact Denis McLoughlin at 087-6100717 or Henry Forbes 087-2035000.

St Luke’s Home Education Centre Evening Courses-The Education Centre is offering a morning introduction to Mindfulness on Saturday 20th  September 10:30am – 12pm.  This is a taster for our seven week course that will commence on Thursday 25th September and run on Thursday evenings concluding with a full practice day. We also offer a six evening course of Addressing Loss which commences on 23rd October and runs for six Thursday evenings. Further details on or Claire at 021-4536551



Church of Ireland Children’s Ministry Course to be held at Education Centre, Northridge House, St Luke’s Home, Cork.

Saturday October 11th  : 10.30 – 12noon- Children & Community, 12-00 – 12.30 Lunch, 12.30 – 2pm Leadership Skills.

Saturday November 8th  :10.30 – 12noon- Child Development, 12-00 – 12.30 Lunch, 12.30 – 2pm- Pastoral Awareness.

Saturday November 22nd- Building Blocks Conference, Dublin.
Saturday January 17th 2015 10.30 – 12noon- Programme Planning, 12-00 – 12.30 Lunch, 12.30 – 2pm- Spirituality and the Bible.

Hilary Dring, Tracey Pierce and Helen Bannon successfully completed this course in 2013 so speak with them if you want to find out whether this is something for you or not.



Sept 8th        Toddlers plus One Group 10am Parish Hall

Monday Club 3pm Parish Hall.

Sept 11th      Junior Choir 6.30pm St Mary’s Church

Sept 14th      Sunday School resumes

Sept 17th Mother’s Union opening service & AGM. 8pm St Mary’s Church

Sept 29th Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory

Oct 11th Harvest Parish Supper 7.30pm in Canon McCrea Hall

Oct 12th Harvest Thanksgiving Services

11am St Mary’s and  7pm St John’s.

Oct 18th Visit of a group from Feed the Minds charity to  our parish.  Evening Gathering in the Rectory.

All welcome.

Oct 19th Feed the Minds speaker in both churches.

Oct 30th Children’s Movie Night 6 to 8pm Parish Hall

Nov 1st Reflective Service of Remembering 7pm St Mary’s

Nov 7th EcoCongregation Seminar 7.30pm in Parish Hall.

Nov 15th  Quiet Day in Parish Hall, more details later.


Random Notes No. CXII

W S  Green


Illustrated above dated 2nd October, 1880, is the ‘Certified Act of Institution of the Revd. William Spotswood Green (1847-1919) to the ‘Cure of Souls in the Parish of Carrigaline’, presently preserved at Mount Rivers, Carrigaline.

The Rev. J. H. Cole in his ‘Church and Parish Records of the United Diocese of Cork, Cloyne, and Ross’, Cork, 1903, records the following relative to the Rev.  William Spotswood Green:

‘W. S. Green, only son of Charles Green, J.P., of Youghal, who was the only son of William Spotswood Green, of that place, by Rebecca, daughter of Roger Green, of same. T.C.D., B.A., and Div. Test., 1871; M.A. 1874. He was ordained Deacon, 1872, and Priest, 1873, both at Cork. He was Curate of Kenmare, Co. Kerry, 1874-77; Curate of Carrigaline, Cork, 1877-80; Rector of the same, 1880.

He married, on 22nd June, 1875, his cousin, Belinda Beatty, second daughter of James Butler, J.P., of Waterville, Co. Kerry, by Anne Margaret, daughter of Roger Green Davis, J.P., of Dromdiah, Co. Cork, and has issue a son, Charles, Sch. T.C.D., b. 23rd. September, 1876; and five daughters.   Rev. W. S. Green resigned Carrigaline in 1889 on being appointed a Government Commissioner of Irish Fisheries. He is now Chief Commissioner.’




Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 8, 2014

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