Parish Notices Sunday 8th April 2018
The Rector writes ‘ The Annual Easter Vestry takes place in the Parish Hall at 7:30pm this coming Thursday night 12th April. At this public meeting, which is open to everyone, the already approved 2017 parish accounts will be adopted. I will speak about our parish life in the year gone by, what has been achieved during that time and thanking all those who have been instrumental in the running of our parish. The Church Wardens and Select Vestry will be voted in by those gathered who are currently registered as Vestry Persons. But whether you are registered as a voter in the parish or not, why not come along to the Easter Vestry anyway? This is your parish and you should inform yourself about what is being done in your name. I guarantee you that you won’t be pushed into any job that you don’t want to take on. If you haven’t attended an Easter Vestry so far in your life, why not try it this year – indeed you may surprise yourself by enjoying it! I really hope to see you there!’
Thank you from the Rector….Thank you to the many people who yet again have made this last Holy Week and Easter so special;
Adrian for bringing Billy the Donkey on Palm Sunday, those who came to each morning Eucharist, those who came each evening to listen to Bishop Chillingworth in our neighbouring parish of Douglas, Millie & Hilary who cooked for the Seder Passover Meal, those who allowed me to symbolically wash their feet, Peter who made the touching Easter Garden, the 8 Confirmation candidates who read at the Easter Vigil, Eric & Ev who organised the fire outside the church, the many people who decorated the churches so beautifully with flowers and butterflies, those who turned up at Dawn to carry the Pascal Candle, Henry who brought along the baby chicks, those who shook their Alleluia Eggs vigorously, those who donated Easter Eggs for the children in the Woman’s Refuge and Joy for organising it, the Organists for providing wonderful music and to the brilliant Church wardens for keeping us all in order.. to each and every one of you I am so grateful for again helping us all to truly and poignantly celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord.’ He is Risen indeed ….Alleluia !
CHEESE & WINE FILM NIGHT For those of you who missed last year’s Gosforth’s Fete (and for those of you who would like to see it again!) we will screen the play on Friday April 20th at 7:30pm in the parish hall. This will be a cheese and wine social fund-raiser for the parish. More details later, but put it in your diary now!
Women’s World Day of Prayer Service is at 10am on Saturday 14th April in the Parish Centre at Our Lady & St John’s Church, Carrigaline. All welcome.
Mother’s union Wednesday, 18th April at 8pm in the Parish Hall ‘Making your own cosmetics’ with Roisin Clough.
Time to think about what is lying around in the Attic or the Garage! It won’t be long now until 26th May and our Parish Féte in St Mary’s School.
TWINNING NEWS We have a group of 26 coming to Ireland on 28th April. We are desperately short of 3 families to host If you are in a position to help out and want more information can you please get in contact with Olna Trotter at 0879525969 or 4372069.
9th April Toddlers Plus One 10am until 12 noon Parish Hall Monday Club 3pm until 5pm Parish Hall
11th April Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church
12th April Friendship Club 11am in the Rectory
12th April EASTER VESTRY 7:30pm Parish Hall
14th April Women’s World day of Prayer Service.
10am Parish Centre, Our Lady & St John’s Church Carrigaline.
14th April Godly Play Workshop 10am-1pm Northridge House, St Luke’s Mahon
15th April Confirmation Service , United Service 11am, St Mary’s Church.
16th April Theological Book Circle 8pm Rectory
18th April Mother’s Union. 8pm. Parish Hall
20th April Cheese and Wine Film Night 7.30pm Parish Hall
Random Notes No. CCLXV
Here are some public notices and newspaper reports that didn’t quite work out.
From a circular to school parents:
Ladies who have kindly volunteered to act as crossing wardens are reminded again that if they try to carry out their duties without their clothing on motorists are unlikely to take notice of them.
Sign in a hospital:
VISITORS Husbands only. One per patient.
From a Norfolk football club bulletin:
I know boys will be boys, and I am not opposed to some high spirits after a successful match, but when it comes to scattering tictacs on the floor, as your trainer I must really put my foot down.
From the Crawley and District Observer:
Eleven tents were pitched and nearly 20 youngsters converge on the camping site. Wood was chopped and a general purpose fire was lit under Mr Tom Watson, and the drizzly atmosphere was soon flavoured with the scent of wholesome sizzling.
From the Folkstone Herald:
Councillor AJ Robson told Monday’s meeting pf the Rural Council “Today was the first day for nine days that some residents have been able to use their toilets. Something must be done to relieve this situation. ”
From the Sunday Mirror:
After eight years searching the Parish Register for a name to match the initials H.W.P. on a stone slab in his church, the Rev. Philip Randall, of Eye, near Peterborough, has solved the mystery. The initials stand for Hot Water Pipe.
From the Evening Standard:
The Vicar of H______ thinks it impossible for his parishioners, most are boarding housekeepers, to keep the Ten Commandments, so he has reduced them to nine for his services.