Parish Notices Sunday 8th March 2020
The Rector writes ‘ Last week the Church of Ireland issued a set of advisory guidelines in relation to Novel Coronavirus (Covid–19) :
We should all follow public health guidance provided by the state authorities, in our case that would be .
Physical interaction during Services, including the Sign of Peace , should be suspended. No shaking hands on greeting and departure (which is why I had the basket of covered sweets at the door last week!) and generally we should observe good hand hygiene (I have put hand sanitizers at the back of both churches should you need it whilst you are at church) For many years now I have used hand sanitiser before beginning the Consecration in order not to pass on any infection – it made sense after I had shaken the hands of so many people. Another guideline we must follow is that only I , as celebrant , should drink from the chalice. Holy Communion is normally received in both kinds separately – bread and wine – but may be received in either kind. People are asked to stay at home if they feel ill and I am not allowed to visit such persons (telephone or facetime/Skype is suggested in the guidelines) so as not to pass on infection to other vulnerable members of our community. While this all makes perfect sense, it isn’t who we are, and it will be difficult to adapt. If you want to talk to me about any aspect of these issued guidelines, just let me know.’
Parish Lenten Study 2020. ‘Caring for Creation’ continues each Wednesday of Lent 8pm in the Parish Hall (preceded by 7:30pm Service of Compline in St Mary’s Church )

Diocesan Pin The ‘new’ Diocesan logo, as a Diocesan pin, is now available at the back of both churches. Beautifully designed & presented each pin costs just €4 All proceeds to the Bishop of Cork’s Pastoral Care Fund.
Fundraiser for Monkstown Chamber Choir. The choristers and friends of Monkstown Chamber Choir will hold a Silent Auction of their talents at Dorothy Roberts’ studio at Mount Rivers, Carrigaline on Saturday 28th March from 2-4pm. We need to get new jabots for the ladies and surplices for the men. Details of the talents will be displayed on the day so why not come and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and cake while you browse the many talents of this eclectic group of singers!!

Come and Sing St Fin Barre’s Cathedral will be hosting a Come and Sing Stainer’s Crucifixion on Saturday 28th March. Singers from across the diocese are encouraged to support this event and all abilities are most welcome! There will be a rehearsal at 2pm and the performance itself is at 6pm. There will be a charge of €10 to cover costs. Please let Peter Stobart know if you are planning on attending :
Cork Autism Conference 2020 – Autism: Beyond Behaviours. Sunday October 11th, Clayton Silversprings Hotel, Cork. This conference offers interventions, skills and strategies to support autistic people with behaviours of concern. Suitable for Parents, Families, Caregivers, Autistics, Employers, Educators, Professionals, Agencies, Advocates and anyone with an interest in autism. Visit: or call 089 239 8900.

Music Notes 08-03-2020
Cyril Taylor (1907-1991) was an accomplished hymnodist who wrote the famous melody Abbot’s Leigh, to which we sing the hymn ‘God is Love’. The tune is named after Abbot’s Leigh in Bristol where Taylor worked at the BBC Religious Broadcasting Department during World War II. He was responsible for the BBC’s ‘The Daily Service’ which is still broadcast on weekdays. He finished his career as Precentor at Salisbury Cathedral retiring in 1975.

9th March Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall
11th March Holy Communion 10:30am
Evening Prayer 7:30pm St Mary’s
8pm Lenten Bible Study in the Parish Hall
12th March Friendship Club 11am Rectory
17th March St Patrick’s Day Civic Service in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral 9:15am
St Patrick’s Day Parade in Carrigaline 2pm
29th March No morning services in Monkstown/Carrigaline, 11:30am Installation of the Rector as Canon in St Factna’s Cathedral in Rosscarbery.
7pm Service of Wholeness & Healing St John’s
21st April Easter Vestry (annual general meeting of Parish) 7:30pm Parish Hall
23rd May Parish Fete 10am-3pm St Mary’s School
Random Notes no. CCCXXXIV
‘1880, November 8th.
A meeting of the Select Vestry was held this day.
Present- Standish D.O’Grady, John Smyth, Richard Hayes, John
Bradfield, D. Young, Captn. Holroyd, R.H. Hayes. W.S. Green, in the chair.
1 Resolved that the following rate of charges for Marriages, & Burials in Carrigaline be adopted, and duly advertised.
Marriage by Licence £1.0.0.
Marriage by Banns 7.6
New Grave 4.6
Opening Vault & ringing bell 10.0
Head Stone 10.0
Flat Stone (6:2 by 3ft,) 2.0.0
Do. For every additional sq. foot 6
Monument where there is no vault 3.0.0
Monument in Church 10.0.0
Change from Flat Stone to monument 2.0.0
Ground for making a new Vault (per sq.foot) 0.4.0
2 Resolved that Mr. Fitzgibbon & sub:constable Keefe be charged each £2.0.0 for the ground they have taken for burial purposes.
3 Resolved that Mrs. Douglas be applied to for 4/6 for a new grave opened for her husband.
4 Resolved that application be made to the National Board for a grant in aid of the Parochial School.’