Parish Notices Sunday 8th September 2019

The Rector writes  Most of you have already heard the news that the Bishop has appointed me to the vacant Prebendaries of Deasertmore and Killanully in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Cork, and also to the Prebendary of Timoleague in St Fachtna’s Cathedral, Rosscarbery.

I was, of course, absolutely delighted to accept and I will let you know when the actual Services of Installation will take place after which of course I’ll have to change this  Linksheet to say  ‘The Canon writes…’ !!!

Sunflower reminder time!  I hope that some of the seeds we gave out at Rogation back in May have grown to be tall Sunflowers! Email me a photo of the Sunflower along with the height and we will see who will win this year! If you want to see last year’s winners,  the poster is still up on the noticeboard in the Parish Hall. Winner announced at Harvest.’

Sunday Club has returned…. 11am today in the Parish Hall.

Choral Evensong has returned … 7pm this evening in St John’s Church

Mother’s Union-Opening Communion Service in St. Mary’s at 8pm on Wed. 18th September followed by an informal A.G.M. and refreshments in the Parish Hall afterwards. All welcome and contributions for the supper also very welcome.

St. Mary’s Indoor Bowls Club meets at 7.45pm on Tuesdays in St Mary’s School Hall.  New members welcome.  For enquiries contact Irene McLoughlin 021 4377298 or Henry Forbes 087 2035000.

Monkstown Chamber Choir have returned to practice on Thursdays in St John’s Church, Monkstown at 8pm. Our first Choral Evensong of the autumn will be on Sunday 8th September at 7pm, and the second Sunday of the month thereafter. This talented, eclectic, fully robed choir are now heading in to our 12th year of singing and this year we will continue to extend our musical portfolio. New members are  always welcome – contact Organist & Choirmaster, Roger Ellis on 087 053 9416.

Christian Aid   2020 Calendars now available from John Sweeney in Monkstown. 10 euro each. A great way to support this worthy organisation!

Cork Autism Conference 2019 –  Autism: No Limits, Just Possibilities, Sunday September 22nd, Clayton Silversprings Hotel, Cork. The conference provides a unique forum for Parents, Families, Caregivers, Autistic Adults, Employers, Educators, Professionals, Agencies, Advocates and anyone with an interest in autism. More info here: or call 089 239 8900.

Tonight           Choral Evensong 7pm St John’s Church

9th Sept              Littlies + One 10-12 Parish Hall

11th Sept         Holy Communion 10:30am St Mary’s Church

12th Sept       Friendship Club 11am Joyce Loney’s home

15th Sept       No morning services in St John’s & St Mary’s as we will be attending the 11:15 Service in St Fin Barre’s Cathedral.Please keep an ear out for anyone needing a lift.

18th Sept Mothers’ Union Opening Service 8pm St Mary’s-Followed by AGM in the Parish Hall.

22nd Sept Animal Blessing Service 11am St Mary’s Church

29th Sept United Harvest Thanksgiving Service 11:30am in St Mary’s Church, Preacher : Very Revd Pat Fogarty PP St Mary & St John’s Parish, Carrigaline

5th Oct Harvest Supper 7:30pm Canon McCrea Hall

6th Oct United Harvest Thanksgiving Service 11:30am in St John’s  Church, Preacher : The Revd Elizabeth Hanna

13th Nov Faith in Action  Information Evening 7:30pm Parish Hall

Random Notes CCCXV

This is an extract from “The Mum’s Book”, by Alison Maloney, this chapter is titled, “Things My Mother Taught Me.”

My mother taught me about patience.

“Just wait until your father gets home!”

My mother taught me about receiving.

“you’re really going to get it when we get home!”

My mother taught me to meet a challenge.

“Answer me when I talk to you!” “Don’t talk back to me!”

My mother taught me logic.

“If you fall out of that swing and break your neck,

You’re not going to the shops with me!”

My mother taught me medical science.

“If you sit too close to the TV, your eyes will go square.”

My mother taught me ESP.

“Put your sweater on, don’t you think I know when you’re cold?”

My mother taught me about genetics.

“You’re just like your father.”

Mo mother taught me about justice.

“One day you’ll have kids , and I hope they turn out just like you, then you’ll see what it’s like!”


Categories Parish Notices | Tags: | Posted on September 9, 2019

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