Parish Notices Sunday 9 April 2017
Christian Aid Fundraising Raffle
The Rector and Church Wardens have Raffle tickets for sale for a wonderful colourful crochet throw, made by Gerlene Kennedy during Advent. The lucky winner will be drawn at the United Christian Aid Service in St John’s Church on April 30th.
Easter flowers- we plan to decorate St Mary’s Church on Easter Saturday morning at 10.30. The existing window displays based on the Lenten Sunday Gospels will remain there for Easter tide but can be refreshed with new flowers and foliage.
EASTER EGG DONATIONS –A box will be at the back of St Mary’s Church to receive any donations of Easter Eggs for the children in Cuan Lee Women’s refuge Centre. These will be delivered to them on Easter Sunday immediately after our 11am Service.
Retiring Collections in both Churches from now until Easter Day are for the Bishops’ Appeal East Africa Crisis Fund. Thank you for your generosity and please keep all those who are suffering from hunger in your daily prayers.
Whist Drive in aid of Irish Guide Dogs. Saturday 29th April at 830pm in Canon McCrea Hall, St Mary’s School Hall, Carrigaline.
Holy Week Services… click on this link
22nd April Three Faiths Forum Earth Day Celebration 1pm Bishop Lucey Park, Grand Parade, Cork
23rd April Commissioning of Lay Ministers of the Eucharist at both Sunday Services.
24th April Toddlers plus One 10am Parish Hall
Monday Club 3-5pm Parish Hall
Annual Easter Vestry 7pm Parish Hall
28th April CAMEO 10:30 Sailing Club Monkstown
30th April Christian Aid United Service 11:15 St John’s
Service of Wholeness & Healing 7pm St Mary’s
7th May Confirmation Service 11:15 St John’s
14th May Dawn Chorus 5am Currabinny Woods